
Episode 15 Chapter 5

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Redakteur: EndlessFantasy Translation

The great snow sealed off the mountains. The whole world had transformed into a gloomy, dense white landscape. The rugged mountain road snaked forwards, winding in and out of view among the great precipitous mountains.

The thick curtain of snow obscured the knights' vision. The group hurrying on their way was climbing with difficulty in the wind and snow. Ear-splitting whistles rang out from the precipice beside the horse hooves, as the wind reverberated through it. Sheets of snow swirled ceaselessly, appearing as if it would never settle down. The accumulated snow was as deep as one meter and the knights' horses huffed with labored breaths.

Finally, a colossal, ash grey castle emerged amidst the range of mountains in the distance. It was like a ferocious beast that had been buried beneath the snow, silently creeping along the precipitous mountain ridge. In the pitch-black deathly white winter night, the lights of Grizzly Fortress were vaguely visible. However, it was like a lighthouse brimming with hope, warming the vessels of the hurrying knights that had long since frozen.

Grizzly Fortress had yet to sound the alarm for the Knights' surprise visit! Its steel portcullis rose slowly and the knights of the Sukhoi Family charged out of the castle gates. They waved the torches in their hands relentlessly, indicating the exact position of the knights that were trudging up the dangerous road.

Having been informed earlier on, Duke Roleighanc Van Sukhoi supported his daughter, who had difficulty getting about, and emerged at the mountain road leading up to the castle roof of the main house. Vijdeline trod carefully on the flagstone paving covered with accumulated snow, the weight of her abdomen forcing her to take one step at a time. Being a father, Duke Roleighanc was grumbling continuously, about the dreadful weather, his disobedient daughter and the prince who had returned from afar.

Perhaps it was because she heard the clamor coming from the castle gates, the excited Madam Vijdeline couldn't wait any longer. She lifted her skirts and dragging her thick, heavy cloak, shaking off her father's supporting arm. She was like a red cloud moving at high speed, charging from the mountain road all the way towards the public square behind the castle gates.

"Vijdeline! Oh, my darling! Slow down!" Duke Roleighanc gave a miserable cry, "by the God of Light, you are already nine and a half months pregnant!"

A knight was the first to rush through the castle gates! He had returned to a place where a beautiful memory was written! On the snow grounds before him, seemingly a blood-red flower had blossomed. The flames at the public square flickered. A poignant, swollen flower was trembling in the wind and snow.

Oscar leaped off his stallion that was galloping steadily, his eyes fixed on his lover standing there desolately.



After the shout of joy, the pair of lovers rushed towards each other with unimaginable speed and locked into a tight embrace.

"Thank heavens, you're back!"

"No, don't say a word!" Oscar sealed his lips over his lover, who was still as beautiful as before.

The snow fell onto the lovers and gradually melted. The young male and female who were caught up in a storm of emotions were like a bronze statue that had been molded together. They absorbed each other's warmth greedily and breathed in each other's scent.

Torry sprang down from his warhorse and headed towards his father. Duke Roleighanc embraced his son who had returned from the war zone. After that, both father and son turned towards the man and woman in the public square.

"Father, should we set up a tent for them there?"

In exchange, Torry received a heavy thump from the Duke. The poor son rubbed the top of his head that was already swollen. "Really! What did I say wrong! No one can separate them now!"


The huge dining hall of Harp Palace was lit up brightly. The neatly dressed attendants filed in through the side door, carrying massive platter after platter and arranged them onto the long dinner table accurately and swiftly. The head attendant rang a silver bell, indicating that everything was set and ready before the two attendants at the entrance immediately opened the huge doors of the dining hall.

Music and laughter flooded into the great hall. In came ladies dressed brilliantly and gentlemen clothed in formalwear of similar tone.

According to assigned sequence by status, the ladies and gentlemen assumed their seats. The great hero of the Imperial family naturally sat at the head of the dining table, with Duke Roleighanc and his eldest son seated on his right. Tory helped his sister, whose face was glowing crimson and brimming with exhilaration, up to the seat on the prince's left.

Once all the guests were seated, the attendants removed the silver covers of the huge dinner platters simultaneously. Under the light from the candles on the candleholders, the pure grape wine and fine, delicate dishes emitted a resplendent luster and brilliance.

"Uhh... Give me a piece of fresh cheese bread, egg yolk lettuce, and roasted tuna." Oscar requested while putting on his napkin. His Highness was seated far away from the main dishes and could only let the attendants behind him take the place of his cutlery.

"Bad appetite?" Vijdeline who was seated at the prince's side held onto Oscar's arm with concern. She glanced at her dinner plate that was piled with food, then peered at her lover whose face had distinct edges and clutched at her chest in pain.

"Really! I've long since heard that the Deiss were a bunch of sadists but who would've guessed they'd do such a thing to you! Just now if it weren't for your shout, I almost couldn't recognize you!"

Oscar shrugged indifferently, not wanting Vij to worry about him.

"I'm fine, it's just that the Deiss has removed a few segments of my intestines."

"Oh... God of Light!" the noblemen and women let out a startled cry.

"Do you mind to let me have some of your bacon?" Oscar gazed at Vij, grinning. It was difficult for him to accept that his lover was already a Madam.

Vij nodded lightly, lifted her dinner plate and pushed over some smoked bacon, its fragrance filling the room. The surrounding busybodies exchanged glances. Since their family's mistress could carry out such an intimate act for His Highness Prince that was only done between married couples, then there wasn't a need for further explanations regarding their relationship.

After a brief meaningless exchange of conventional greetings and flattery, Duke Roleighanc Van Sukhoi, as the host, got up to make a speech as usual. It seemed that he had prepared well for it. He started off with the glorious military success at the Saijo Mountain defending battle all the way to Marshal Alan's winter offensive and finally concluded his speech under the cheers of long live the Empire. Being the focal point and lead in this time's battle, Oscar was exceptionally busy. Not only did he have to elaborate on the process of his desperate escape to the women who adored hero legends, he also had to play the role of a commentator to the great Titan-Deiss war for the men who were fond of the army.

"If it is as His Imperial Highness Prince says, then Marshal Alan may very possibly have ended... Uhh... the sixth Deiss-Titan war in history!" Roleighanc voiced his deduction.

"Yes, that's right!" Oscar nodded, "indeed it is the sixth! It's really a wonder how the Deiss had held on up until now on the four-sided battlefront! Throughout history, they've launched attacks in every direction and suffered through challenges from all sides while seemingly never tire!"

"However, Marshal Alan has taught them a bitter lesson!" a young member of the Sukhoi Family spoke out, "the Deiss had not experienced such a great defeat as that previous Alborto military campaign for a century! Their loss definitely exceeds forty thousand men!"

Oscar shook his head, "The Northern army also suffered a disastrous loss. The First and Fourth Corps that took charge of the main assault in the Alborto military campaign almost had their organizational structure torn down."

"I always couldn't make sense of why Marshal Alan disregarded the military power of our three great houses," the eldest son of Duke Sukhoi finally expressed. This was a middle-aged man with a pale face, a deep forehead, and tall stature. "If the military force of us three families could participate in the Northern offensive, then Marshal Alan would at least be able to have two military forces that are Army Groups exceeding a hundred thousand men."

Oscar gave a faint smile. Naturally, he couldn't speak of Alan's plan to get himself free of the Big Three and use that experience on the battlefield to foster elite soldiers to do the job. And so, His Highness chose to use another angle in explaining.

"Strategically, the Northern army under Marshal Alan's leadership possessed absolute advantage because our nation has already surrounded Deiss on three borders. However, Marshal Alan evidently didn't have the intent to launch a full-blown war on Deiss, and so only mobilized the Northern army that secured victory through the hundred thousand men attack unit. This was enough. I believe that the Marshal has listed out the terms of agreement for a ceasefire, the Deiss not being in a position to make demands."

The young master of the Sukhoi Family nodded, "Apparently so. The Northern army is sufficient to accomplish the strategical goal of the winter offensive."

"So... My Vij! Where's your husband? How come I haven't seen him?" the young master suddenly swiveled towards his younger sister. His words caused the whole scene at the banquet to instantly grow cold. The people knew that this was not a topic that was easy to accept before His Imperial Highness Prince O'Neil Andrew Morisette.

As expected, Vijdeline's expression grew dark.

"My husband is away! A certain experimental base requires his attention." Vij replied while stealing a quick glance at His Highness Prince who had used the opportunity of lifting his wine glass to obscure his face.

Finally, Oscar replaced the wine glass in his hand. He was beaming, but the people could tell that his smile harbored malicious intent.

"Can you tell me which respected soul among the nobles is responsible for transporting war equipment to the Northern Region?"

"It is I!" the young master eyed him with suspicion. He didn't know why the prince suddenly brought this up. Could it be he wanted to take revenge for the embarrassment he had caused him?

"Then you must be careful!" Oscar was still smiling, but the smile had turned stiff and was exuding a threat even. "Just at the beginning of the month, Marshal Alan used the rules of the battlefield to promote an officer. This officer was Colonel Don Carlos. There's no need for any wild guesses; you all have definitely not heard of him because, before that, he was merely a leader of the commandos born a commoner. Do you want to know which position Marshal Alan, the officer, a belligerent known for his fairness placed him at?"

Duke Roleighanc glanced at the young prince uneasily. His Imperial Highness Prince O'Neil Andrew Morisette would not speak of these without a reason. The old Duke was not as stupid as his opinionated eldest son.

"Which position did Marshal Alan place him at?"

Oscar suppressed his smile, "The Chief Equipment Official of the Northern Army Group's Military Command Center."

"What? A commoner?" the Duke and the family members seated there expressed looks of disbelief.

"Yes, absolutely true!" Oscar fiddled with his wine glass, pleased, "the Marshal has elected an ordinary officer with totally no connections to the noble class into this position. So... I would like to take this opportunity to remind the Duke, and everyone seated here. This Colonel Don Carlos is a person accustomed to going into and out of the battlefield of life and death and won't care about who he offends. Everyone better be a little more cautious when having any dealings with him, by all means, don't let him catch on to anything that can be used against you."

"What do you mean by this?" the young master couldn't take it anymore. His Highness was obviously rebuking his shady business.

A crisp sound suddenly broke the silence in the dining hall. Vijdeline had dropped the cutlery in her hand. Her rosy face had suddenly turned deathly pale! Oscar gaped at his lover who was limp in the high-backed chair!

"What... What's going on?" the Prince embraced Vij fiercely. His Vij was covering her hand over her enormous belly, letting out a loud moan!

A middle-aged Madam who was familiar with such situations hurried up. Without giving a thought to the occasion, she stuck her hand underneath the family mistress' dress.

"Oh my goodness!" the Madam extracted her hand and saw that it was covered in blood.

Oscar was slightly dizzy, "She... she... she's bleeding!"

"Nonsense!" the Madam, a skilled obstetrician, rolled her eyes at the young prince who was dumbstruck, "she's expecting!"

As soon as the Madam said this, the whole dining hall instantly became a bundle of nerves. The people got up from their seats one after another and rushed towards the family mistress. Momentarily, there were shouts, cheering and those who watched were beaming from end to end!

"Hush! Quiet! Prepare the labor room! Prepare everything..." Duke Roleighanc finally put on the air of a family head, directing the rowdy crowd.

Oscar placed Vij, who was ceaselessly moaning and flailing, onto the recliner that the attendants carried over. He was somewhat flustered, and his forehead was covered with huge beads of sweat.

"Didn't the message you sent state that the expected date is at the end of the month?" Oscar tugged at Duke Sukhoi, who as urgently taking care of everything.

The old Duke had lost his patience. Although fathers-to-be were the most unreasonable in the world, he still rolled his eyes at His Highness Prince.

"Young man, this is called early labor! By the God of Light, let go of me! Vij has already been pregnant for nine months and a half. A while ago she caught a chill and upon seeing you she was as excited as a little hen! Pregnancy women can't handle such stress! It would be a wonder if nothing happened to her!"

"You're saying that all this is because of me?" Oscar was unwilling to accept it!

"Then very well, who was the one who got her pregnant?"

Oscar finally shut up. Although Vij was married, when he held her a while ago, he already knew that inside her, his blood flowed. That was the powerful pulsation of a descendant of Andrew! This was an instinct of a father-to-be, the most accurate instinct in the world!


Outside the window, snowflakes swirled. The fireplace in the room was blazing with tall flames and the temperature spiked. Against the background of lights, ice crystals with a kaleidoscope of colors had solidified against the glass windows of Harp Palace.

Church's year 798, the 16th day of the 1st month, His Imperial Highness Prince O'Neil Andrew Morisette who had hurried back from Deiss' front lines to the Sukhoi Family's territory at the North of the Empire finally faced the most difficult moment of his life. The merely twenty-three-year-old young prince had experienced being locked up in prison for a period that lasted ten years. Soon after this, he received generous assets and a prominent position. After five years of education, he already possessed the courage and boldness to gallop into war. He used tactics that were sufficient to have his name go down in history and the most tenacious fighting spirit to defeat his foes. As a result, he was captured and experienced a relatively short period of imprisonment but finally returned! However, he absolutely didn't see himself facing a situation such as this. His woman was letting out an ear-splitting wail in the labor room!

The fear and loneliness of being imprisoned when young, the marvelous and brilliant feeling of being conferred his title, the joy of reuniting with his sweetheart, the difficulty in returning home, the pain of sacrifice, the dullness in studying, the exhilaration in the hot spring, the frustration when encountering enemies, the misery when in a stalemate, the grief of falling into the enemy's hands, the scars during his flight. Oscar appeared to be dwelling on his whole life. He was aware that his life had reached a higher stage at this moment. As a man, one who was about to be a father, he felt a sense of mission and responsibility he never felt before, as if the God of Light was stirring them!

"But oh my God of Light, it's been four hours! You should give her a break, no?" Oscar paced back and forth while wiping beads of sweat that continued to roll down from his forehead.

The young Highness used his handkerchief to fan himself. He was like a lost black bear, wandering everywhere.

"Give me a break, would you!" Torry gave a mournful cry. This was great news, but the father-to-be was a mask of wretched austerity.

"Seriously, can't you stay put for a while?"

Oscar froze for a while; his leg seemed to have cramped. His Highness finally sat down, but a blood-curdling shriek rang out once again from the labor room, causing the youngster to again hop up like a spring.

"I must go in and see! Vij needs me!"

"Mmhmm!" Torry was leaning against the sofa sipping wine with ease. "Friend, I should remind you that from yesterday night up until now, you've said these words at least a hundred times! I'll say it again, my sister is a woman. Delivering a child is a woman's business, she can handle it!"

How could the Oscar of this moment listen to these things? He snatched away his friend's wine glass, tipped his head back and emptied it in one breath.

"We should at least do something!" the prince insisted. His woman was risking her life for him!

"Okay, carry the military flag, take the bugle and prepare the drums. We shall play and scream, Vij... you can do it! Vij... come on now!"

"That can work! Let's do it!"

"Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!" Torry promptly barred the way of young Oscar, whose mind was not particularly clear, "My friend, you can't have taken it seriously, right?"

Oscar scratched his head, "I have to do something; we can't just stand here idly!"

Suddenly, the screams in the labor room rose and became more urgent. Oscar grabbed onto his brother-in-law's arm, trembling violently!

At last, melodious crying came out from the labor room!

Oscar spun towards his friend doubtfully, "What... what is it?"

"Please!" Torry clapped his forehead, "It's your son! Or perhaps your daughter! You're a father!"

"Ola!" Oscar cheered. He rushed towards the labor room and was almost hit on his head by the door that opened abruptly.

"Oh my God of Light!" the father gazed unbelievingly at the... uh... tiny thing in the maid's arms!

"It's a healthy baby boy!" the maid gazed in astonishment at the man outside the door, knowing that this excited man was not the family mistress' husband.

"Oh goodness, gracious! Hand him to me! Hand him to me!" Oscar was so overjoyed he was almost in tears. However, he believed that if he could, he would definitely not be stingy with his tears at this moment! [1]

"By the God of Light, how can he be so tiny?" Oscar carried the baby clumsily. His son was sizing him up using curious or perhaps frightened eyes. His son was like him, having a mane of shaggy, curly hair. The curly hair was sparse and wet.

The prince's friends huddled up to him, feeling happy for the youngster.

"Paul! Paul!" Oscar brought his son before the King of Assassins. "Look! Look! This is my son! He looks just like me!"

"He's too small, I can't tell!"

"Get lost, you!" Oscar brushed Snowstorm aside violently. "Shaw! Shaw! Come see! Come see!"

"Erm... uhhh..." the Black Devil was speechless. Facing this vivid little life made him recall an oven and the smell of meat.

"Forget it, forget it! Both of you don't have a hint of human warmth!" Oscar exclaimed while carrying the child to face his uncle. "Torry, look, why isn't he saying anything?"

A wet nurse of tall stature and voluptuous breasts strode up, "That's because you're almost strangling him to death!"

Oscar promptly loosened his grip and the wet nurse took the newborn with care. The tiny child immediately climbed onto a white, soft breast, using his tender and tiny hands to grip fast onto it.

"This little pervert is just like his father!" Uncle Torry criticized his nephew bluntly.

Oscar wanted to block the wet nurse who was about to leave the room but was instead blocked by Duke Roleighanc Van Sukhoi. The prince gazed at the old Duke's expression and his eagerness of a new father gradually dissipated.

"Do you know why I have to chase all those loitering people out from Harp Palace?"

Oscar nodded, "You don't wish to let them see me like this."

"That's right!" Duke Sukhoi nodded. "Your identity and position have already determined that this child will never be yours!"

Oscar wanted to get angry but realized that he lacked the confidence in doing so.

The old Duke patted the young prince on the shoulder, "At this point, nothing we say matters! If you don't wish to run into any trouble, then don't acknowledge the identity of this child. If you don't acknowledge him, then no one will find out the relationship between you and Vij. This is the only way we can get out of this unscathed! Do you understand?"

"I understand!" Oscar nodded firmly. He had thought about it thoroughly. Vij was married and he could only leave it for now, to be resolved in future.

"Thank you, your jolt of reality came right on time!" Oscar gave a deep bow to Duke Roleighanc.

"Forget about it. Go and visit my daughter!" the Duke stood aside to let the youngster pass, "honestly speaking, she has suffered many hardships for you!"

Oscar entered the room and the maids and wet nurse retreated. The prince saw that his son had his mouth sealed around his mother's nipple.

The room door closed and Oscar sat at the bedside. Vij didn't utter a word and instead only hugged the infant while flashing a sweet smile to her beloved man.

Oscar combed through the woman's hair that had been drenched in perspiration, "As a man, aren't I just useless?"

Vij shook her head, "I only know that the man I chose will definitely be very successful!"

Oscar gave a faint smile. He knew that there wasn't a need for him to explain anything to Vi; she understood all his feelings!

The young prince kicked off his shoes, flipped onto the bed and settled his lover's pillow into the crook of his arm. His son seemed to still be sucking on milk, but the tiny lad had his exhausted eyes closed. Looking at the adorable baby, the parents couldn't help but smile while gazing into each other's eyes.


Feeling extremely reluctant to loosen his embrace, His Majesty Alfa III rolled over and got up in annoyance.

"What's up? Won't you sleep a little more?" the shiny white body purred.

Empress Rolyn Kate Karl Arnold drew back the curtains of the Emperor's bedroom violently. The dazzling sunlight instantly filtered into the space dripping with sexual innuendo.

Seeing the startled Emperor, the Palace Chief led the crowd of guards and chamberlains to kneel at the doorway.

"Your Majesty... I... the Empress..." Marquis Laston Cambre's voice quivered as he tried to explain the sudden incident.

"Everyone leave!" Alfa III looked at the Empress who had a dark expression. He then hurried over to the doorway and gestured at the people who had nothing to do with this.

"Honey, that includes you!" the Emperor smiled as he patted the bottom of his darling, lying on the bed.

The young girl who received the Emperor's favor picked up the clothes scattered on the ground, flustered. She didn't even dare to glance in the direction where Empress Rolyn Kate was standing.

The palace doors closed and the Emperor and Empress were left alone in the room. Alfa III apparently wasn't perturbed by having Rolyn Kate suddenly barging into the room. He took his time in putting on his soft and silky clothes. The Empress seemed to have calmed down from her initial outburst. It couldn't be denied that the girl's figure indeed deserved a good look. Rolyn Kate had long since learned to deal with this sort of matter!

The Emperor extended his hand backward clumsily, seeming to be unable to catch hold of the other hem of his shirt no matter what. The maids usually handled this kind of matter. A pair of emaciated and pale hands helped the Emperor. His Majesty III gave a start and shot a look of disbelief towards his Empress. How long had it been since Rolyn Kate had done something like this for him? Or perhaps he should say... How long had it been since his wife came and went from his bedroom?"

"Rolyn..." looking at the thin and pallid Empress, Osli Alfa Morisette extended his hand towards his wife.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands!" Rolyn Kate snapped her body around.

His Majesty III shook his head helplessly, "Fine, I know you're mad at me! How can that young girl compare to you..."

"Enough! Do you think I would get angry over a prostitute?"

"Then what do you intend to do?" the Emperor finally lost his patience, his spark of emotion he'd felt a while ago vanishing into thin air.

"What do you think?" Rolyn Kate finally helped the ruler of the Empire button finish his Imperial gown. She had once been very familiar with things such as these, but now they were very strange to her.

"I don't wish for us to start quarreling as soon as we meet! I don't know why we have become like this! Rolyn, there was a time you never left my side. You were my happy pill, the mistress of my palace!"

"Was it me that brought about all this?" the Empress shot back.

"Uhhh... not really!" Alfa III finally compromised.

"At least you still have a little conscience!" Rolyn Kate walked to one side and took a seat at a corner under the sunlight. The frail Empress assessed the Emperor's bedroom. Hehe, indeed one of a stud who is used to handling new goods! The decorations in the bedroom were totally unfamiliar to the Empress. Rolyn Kate had once knew been familiar with everything in the palace, but now? The lampstands were different, the murals had changed, and the position of the furniture and the display of the dazzling lineup of golden utensils had been altered. Only the bed was still the same, its draperies, the pillows and its color! Recalling that she too had once frolicked in this bed, Rolyn Kate turned her head away hatefully. It was too disgusting! The filthy bodily fluids of a hundred women stained this bed! No! Perhaps it was a thousand, or ten thousand! This womanizer! Why hadn't he gone to hell!

"Rolyn, just what has happened?" Alfa III used his body to obstruct his wife's view.

"What has happened? Hahaha!" the Empress laughed lightly, "My husband, also the Emperor of the Empire, is finally prepared to discard his wife!"

"Who said so?" the Emperor widened his eyes. "I'll strangle him! I'll definitely make him pay the price for slandering my family."

Rolyn Kate gazed derisively at her husband who was putting on an act and fished out a folded document from her cuff.

"It is the Empire's Military Affairs Chancellor, Marshal Alan, who said that. Go ahead and strangle him to death!"

His Majesty III wrinkled his eyebrows awkwardly. He already knew this matter couldn't be covered up any longer.

"Rolyn... there was nothing that could be done about this! If we did not carry things our according to Marshal Alan's plan, the Deiss would sooner or later invade the Empire from the North and by then, everything in the North would have gone up in smoke. I have considered this matter from the perspective of the Empire's safety. You should know that I am absolutely not wrong in doing so!"

"My Lord, that is the business of your military. I am merely concerned about my family and..."

"Rolyn!" the Emperor broke off his wife in a stern voice, "I must say that you only care about part of the authority over the military in your possession and your vested interest. However, facts prove that it is a threat to the Empire's stability and you must accept it!"

"So that's why I said that... my husband is prepared to discard his wife! Because... he knows that his wife definitely won't be able to accept that reality!" Rolyn Kate stood up from the sofa and locked eyes with the Emperor, unwilling to give in.

Perhaps it was because of the light shining on him, or perhaps it was the rage he was suppressing, His Majesty III's eyes narrowed to a squint. Alan carried it out so beautifully! His Empire had never been this powerful before and he would not compromise easily!

"So... if I were to insist on my standpoint, what do you intend to do?" the Emperor took a step forwards, casting his shadow over his frail wife.

"I will divorce you! I can't live on the days like this!"

"What did you say?" His Majesty III didn't anticipate an answer such as this and burst into uncontrolled laughter, "My... my Rolyn! Are you throwing a tantrum or joking?"

Not knowing why Rolyn Kate also broke into a laugh. She laughed until she was rocking back and forth, her previous rage seemed to have suddenly disappeared!

"My Majesty, then what will you have me do? Let us be frank with each other, why should I control the Northern army? Why should I personally manage Westberg Fort? You must have thought that it is for my own selfish power, but you're wrong! I'm also thinking of the Empire! Your sight is always focused up ahead, neglecting your back! Just look at our two sons, are they have the capability of taking over this great nation? I am their mother; I understand them. With utmost regret I tell you, they don't! If they wish to wield the Imperial power, to continue on the rule of the Morisette Dynasty, then they must possess a solid strength that is theirs. Don't tell me you expect me to trust the capital nobles that flock around you? They are a bunch of shameless societal suck-ups. Our children absolutely cannot count on their help!"

Alfa III was a little emotionally stirred, "Why... why are you suddenly saying these?"

Rolyn Kate indicated the paper in her hand, "My father wrote to me. He says that it seemed like someone is pushing forward the date for instituting the crown prince behind the scenes. This is too unusual!"

"What? What? What did you say?" the Emperor snatched the letter anxiously and quickly skimmed over it.

"The House of Lords' grand meeting has been brought forward?" the Emperor lifted his head from the letter. "How can this be? Do they want to establish the proposals for the candidates of the crown prince among the House of Lords?"

Rolyn Kate nodded, "Probably so."

His Majesty III gazed at his wife dubiously, "this isn't you and your father's..."

"You're suspecting it's something I set up?" Rolyn Kate shot a look back. "Don't be foolish, Osli! I am the children's mother. The Empire's crown prince can only be my eldest son. Do I need to go through such trouble?"

Alfa III still could not completely grasp it, but in the end, he nodded.

"So... who is the one so interested in the Imperial Household's successor?" Alfa III weighed the letter in his hand. His Secret Service did not have any news regarding this. If it wasn't Rolyn Kate's doing, then the one secretly orchestrating these were indeed well hidden.

"Who can you think of?" the Emperor again sat down.

"Old Kachev!" 

Rolyn Kate nodded, "it seems that you still keep a certain vigilance towards the Cabinet Chancellor! But I still have to remind you that, your infatuation with Marquise Erdogan is one matter and having dealings with her father is another matter!"

The Emperor pondered. He had never let down his guard against Kachev Drakas Ferdinand, but the old Duke did not make any striking moves. A few days back a heated gossip had been circulating in Dulin regarding the Duke's grandson and the young lady of Andrew. However, the Andrew Family had stepped out to clarify that the association with the Ferdinand Household was nothing more than a courtesy.

"Could it be that... you have secured some evidence? Otherwise, why would you be so sure that it is old Kachev?"

Rolyn Kate shook her head, "I don't have any evidence to prove this hunch; I am just guessing! This is because old Kachev has always been showing off his grandson to the capital nobles. This young, dashing Viscount is already the most welcomed guest in Dulin's salons.

The Emperor finally wavered, "Kachev is just selling his capital!"

"That's right!" the Empress nodded with certainty, "convening the House of Lord's grand meeting can verify two matters, first is to pressure the Imperial Household to establish their candidate for the throne, second is to force the Imperial Household to express their views on your illegitimate son's identity!"

"There are such signs?" Osli Alfa Morisette's eyes bulged. This was a problem that he had always evaded. Could it be that the House of Lords that had yielded to him still have such courage to fight back? The Emperor measured up the Empress uneasily.

"It is because there is not a single sign that it makes it frightening!" Rolyn Kate gave a faint sigh. "The atmosphere in Dulin is unusual. I've long since noticed that the discussion of the capital noble circle regarding the Imperial Household's successor has become progressively intense! However, you've had your hands tied by the military affairs launched by Marshal Alan and Marshal Valier Cypress' interrogation so I didn't even have the opportunity to warn you!"

The Emperor sat down opposite his wife. He was indeed flustered.

"Do the math, only a meager few nobles remain wholeheartedly loyal to the Morisettes in the Empire. This includes the Hagrid and Goolean Family of the South, the Steinbergers of the Great West, and at the North, there's my Karl Arnold Family, while at the Middle East, there's the Titania Family! In the capital, I fear that only Marshal Alan's Hewitt family, the Chief Palace's Cambre Family and head of the Secret Service, Count Rudolf Hoss' family can be trusted!"

Rolyn Kate had finally finished counting and lastly added, "My Lord, as for the other rich and powerful nobles, I have already commented on them. They are a group of red-eyed gamblers!"

"But... will instituting an heir to the throne and forcing the Imperial Household to acknowledge an illegitimate child bring them any real benefits?"

"Of course!" Rolyn Kate gazed at her husband with incredulity. "As long as the crown prince and the status of that illegitimate child are determined, these nobles who are good at groveling will know which direction to pour their attention towards! Otherwise, what do you think old Kachev has been busy about?"

The Emperor nodded his head heavily; he had recently been too complacent!

"Rolyn..." His Majesty III suddenly had trouble forming words. His wife indeed had been busy thinking of the Imperial Household's interest. "Regarding what Marshal Alan and I carried out in the North..."

"Say no more!" Rolyn Kate suddenly interjected, "I've already fumed over it, but I'm not targeting yours and Marshal Alan's plan! Instead, I'm blaming you for not trusting me! Don't tell me I'm not aware that the decadence of the three huge families should be righted! You and Marshal Alan should have discussed with me before taking action! No one knows the North more than me! Acting recklessly will only cause the situation in the North to deteriorate!"

"I... I apologize!" the Emperor stripped himself of his arrogance and bowed his head towards his wife, something that was not easily done by Alfa III.

"It doesn't matter!" Rolyn Kate's tone finally softened, "you know now right? That is enough!"

His Majesty III clasped his wife's hand, kissed the back of the Empress' finger and then kissed the ring that held their marriage together. In that brief instant, it seemed as if the vivacious bride once again appeared before the Emperor. Osli Alfa Morisette was suddenly stirred!

"Now... The most important thing is for us to handle the situation at hand. I believe that the House of Lords' convening a grand meeting is a foregone conclusion!"

Alfa III couldn't help but feel awe-inspired in receiving this warning from his wife.

"Heh heh! It's about time to teach them a lesson! These men are actually making plans for the Crown Prince whilst I'm still alive..." the Emperor's lips were suddenly covered by a finger.

"My beloved, don't say that!" Empress Rolyn Kate fit her frail body snugly into her husband's arms. She hadn't done this in ages. She was as nervous as a bride and as shy as during her first time.

The intertwining bodies plopped down onto the huge bed contaminated with bodily fluids of "ten thousand women". Both the Emperor and Empress did not try to suppress the surge of passion that erupted in them. The Emperor took hold of the Empress' slim waist and explored fervently underneath her skirt. It had been so long since he tasted this withered honey peach. As it turned out, the honey peach was still as juicy as before!

It wasn't as disgusting as she thought and there wasn't much disdain and irreverence. The Empress finally opened up her entire body. Her thighs were trembling like a taut bowstring. The Emperor finally slipped in! The Empress arched her back and hugged her husband's head tightly. She was laughing; a stud would forever be a stud!

The "stud" was panting and snarling softly. Slowly, gradually, he thrust against his wife until she came! However, as a stud, he would not easily be convinced by flattery from such a woman!

Was his Empress any different from all the other delicate little animals? No! She was the same as them, using their beautiful appearance and fancy barks to bewitch males! However, as a male ruler he had already seen through them! Although the male instinct told him it was the truth, his mind instead harbored doubt!

Alfa III swallowed his doubts and pressed heavily down onto his delicate wife. Rolyn Kate welcomed her husband's jerk helplessly. She thought that she had gotten away with it, but little did she know that each of her husband's thrusts and rams was a declaration to her that this man was not so gullible and not easy to go against!

Translator Note:

1. Because Oscar had his tear ducts removed by the Poison Doctor when he was young. (Mentioned in an earlier chapter)

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