

From the small and narrow store, there was a girl who was holding a red file in her hands while she was checking another boxes that was kept in the store. She didn't even look into her surroundings anymore and keep doing her job. She doesn't care about her surroundings, even a tiny creature like mosquitoes cannot disturbed her. Such a great focus!

While she was checking the boxes, five men came to the store.

"Oh, hey there girl.... We come to get the ten boxes for the survivors in Section Eight. Where are those boxes?" asked one of them when they saw Chellyne was working there.

Without looking at them, Chellyne pointed her index finger toward the ten boxes which were arranged already on the other side of the room. All the men looked at the boxes and they started to pick up the boxes.

"Thanks, girl!!"

Chellyne nodded again without looking at them. She needs to finish her job as soon as possible.

When she was writing something on her file, someone was watching her carefully but didn't move a bit because he afraid that he might disturbed this busy girl. Jakzen smile when Chellyne didn't bother to look around her. "You look so busy, Chellyne. Need a help?" asked Jakzen.

Chellyne shifted her head to Jakzen. Her focus now has been disturbed and she didn't like it when other people disturbed her while she was working. "Of course I was busy. What else did I have to do if I'm not here? Anyway, I can handle this myself. Thanks for the offer!"

Jakzen smiled again. He didn't leave with the other men. Instead he was walking toward another box. "There are still many boxes here. Are you sure you don't want any help from me?"

"Yeah, I'm fine.. Thank you."

Jakzen chuckled when Chellyne said like that again. This girl sure is a stubborn one. She doesn't need help from Jakzen and keeps doing her job. This kind of hardworking girl is difficult to find in other places.

Chellyne didn't care about Jakzen's presence anymore and kept doing her job. She didn't care if that guy was still standing there and absorbed her while working but she needed to finish this job before lunch time. She didn't want to come back here to finish it again because Chellyne has another plan to do after lunch.

Chellyne grabbed a small box and she immediately checked on the list tag. But when she saw there was a lack of information, she frowned a bit. This kind of thing always happens when she checks all the boxes. There must be some of them that didn't have full of information that she required to list on the file.

Jakzen heard Chellyne frown and he walked toward her without waiting for her to ask. Just looking at the sulking face of Chellyne already made him know what was going on there. "What's wrong??"

Chellyne look at Jakzen. She made an ugly face toward Jakzen. 'I've said I didn't need your help.. Why did you come here??'

Chellyne didn't have any choice but to give Jakzen the small boxes which she was holding on.

Jakzen grabbed the boxes.

"I need to know which Section I have to put these boxes.. But these boxes don't have a registered number. I can't put this box into any Section. I am afraid that it didn't have the same quality that required," said Chellyne.

Jakzen nodded when he heard the explanation from Chellyne. He checked on the list tag and just like what Chellyne told him, this box didn't have its registered number." Just put this to Section One."

Chellyne took the box when Jakzen handed it over to her. Her face showed a little bit of surprise. "Section One? But that was where this box was taken to the Office, right??"

"Yes. Don't worry about it. They know what to do with this box," said Jakzen as he grabbed another box and looked at its list tag.

Chellyne nodded again and she put the box into Section One. She didn't know that the box who didn't have enough information on it list tag will be sent to Section One. If she knows it, she will do it to another same box and don't waste any time on it. Thanks to Jakzen, she will be able to finish this job before lunch.

Jakzen showed Chellyne the box in his hand. "The registered number... H27384B092.. Section Seven."

Chellyne nodded and immediately wrote the information on the file.

Jakzen grabbed another box and then said, "O36271L7382.... Section 9."

Chellyne immediately wrote the data.

Jakzen and Chellyne then continue their job to separate all the boxes into its Section. After one hour, finally they have done their job all thanks to Jakzen's help.

"Not bad, Jakzen... I don't think we can complete this work just before the lunch break," said Chellyne.

Jakzen smiled. "Same as you, Chellyne. You can catch up with me. Not all people could do the same pace when they work with me. You were the first person to do that."

"Wow, really. I bet I'm not the very first person to do that. I'm just a new person here and there is no way I'm the one who can do that. Besides, you have your brother who can work faster than a robot," said Chellyne. She let out a soft chuckled.

But little did she know, that soft action could make Jakzen's heartbeat stopped for a second. Didn't want to think anything weird, Jakzen pushed away all the weird thoughts in his head.

"So you assume that we are working like a robot?" said Jakzen with a joke tone.

"What? Did I say that you guys are robots? I've just said that you are working faster than a robot... Don't get it wrong, will you?" said Chellyne.

She tries to stand up but as soon as she stands up, a sudden electric wave flows through her left leg making Chellyne stop where she is. She let out a soft groan but enough for Jakzen to hear it.

Jakzen looked at Chellyne and saw that girl was already sitting down again with her hands holding her left leg. The red file she was holding before has already been put down beside her.

Jakzen quickly moved nearer to Chellyne. "Hey, what's wrong? What happened to your leg?" asked Jakzen with his concerned eyes.

"I---I'm okay. Maybe it's just a cramp. I've been sitting down for a long time," said Chellyne, still holding up the pain in her leg.

Without wasting any time, Jakzen quickly helped Chellyne with the cramp in her leg by massaging it little by little. After a few minutes, the cramp in her leg slowly vanished away.

As soon as Jakzen saw the relief on Chellyne's face, he stopped giving massages. "Is it better now??"

Chellyne nodded. "Yeah, it much better now. Thanks for helping me."

"No problem."

Jakzen stood up and reached out his hand toward Chellyne, wanting to help this girl to stand up. On the other side, Chellyne looked at Jakzen when he showed his hand to help Chellyne. Without thinking anything weird about it, Chellyne accepted the offer and held onto Jakzen's hand.

Jakzen helped Chellyne to take the red file before he gave it to Chellyne again. "You know where to put this file?" asked Jakzen.

Chellyne nodded again. "Of course I know. I will not take this job if I didn't know where I should put this file," said Chellyne with high confidence.

Jakzen smile. Why did this girl become confident so suddenly? Did she think that I look down upon her?

"Well then, I guess you wouldn't need my help for that," said Jakzen, letting out a soft laugh.

Chellyne rolled out her eyes. 'Why did this man suddenly laugh? Is there something wrong with what I've said??'

Just when Chellyne wanted to say something, another man came to the store.

"Oh, we want to take the boxes for Section Two. We ran out of stock."

"Section Two? Over here.. Follow me," said Chellyne and she immediately took them to the boxes for Section Two. She peeked a glance at Jakzen before she looked forward again.

Jakzen saw that glance and didn't know why that glance somehow made Jakzen smile and not just a simple smile but a very happy smile.

Sorry for making all of you waiting for the next chapter. This is the new chapter and in this chapter, I want to represent another moment of Jakzen and Chellyne.

Are they would be the future couple?

Let's see until the end what gonna happen.

Anyway, is there anyone voting for Chellyne? Or Jakzen?

bbeatyybrrcreators' thoughts
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