
Time For Vengeance

Max a boy that lived with his parents. After resuming school one week after was his birthday on that same day he discovered that someone killed his parents and he wants revenge but when he discovered that it was his uncle that he loved dearly.Nothing could stop him from the hatred he felt for his uncle so he still wanted revenge and he got his uncle arrested but he escapes and that made Max more angry but Max later found out that it was not really his uncle that killed his parents. Something happens to Max but you have to read it if you want to know what happens next.

DARK_DEKU · Aktion
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38 Chs

Chapter 1: Max resumes school

After the holiday, Max, the son of Maximus, a Mafia boss, and his wife Sophia, will resume school today.

Early in the morning Maximus woke his son and said " Max! take your bath and get ready for school."

Recovering from sleep Max replied "Good morning dad."

Maximus repeated "Go and take your bath and get ready for school."

He replied " I totally forgot about school."

Maximus said "Well I just reminded you now go and get ready."

He replied "Okay sir."

Max is getting ready and his mother wakes up and started cooking what Max will take to school when Max rushed to hug his mother and said "Good morning Mom."

She replied "Good morning hope your ready for school."

Max replied "Yes."

Sophia said "Here is your food go and get in the car."

He replied "Okay but can you follow me please."

She replied surprisingly " Why."

He said "Nothing, you don't have to do it."

She replied "Why wouldn't I do it?"

He said "Because your busy."

She replied him "I am not busy"

He said "So please can you come."

She answered "Of course I will do it."

He replied happily "thanks."

She said smilingly "Your welcome."

Later after Max had packed his food and got ready Sophia asked Maximus if she can follow Max to school he said yes then Max entered the limo and the mother followed him inside and the driver started the car then on the way Max asked his mother "Is school going to change."

She replied "Some people might not come or they made the school better."

He said "Which one is better for them."

She replied "for who."

He said "For the school."

She answered "Actually both are better."

He replied surprisingly "How."

She replied "You know your school is a big school, right?

He said "yeah."

"Well, if some people leave the school it will be easy to teach the students more and if they make the school better you know it will be good." Sophia said

He replied her "Yeah but is it by force to go to school."

She answered angrily "Yes!, and where are you getting this question from." she added

"No it's just that I don't want to go to school because am afraid that I won't see my best friend." He replied

She said "Don't worry am sure you will see them."

He replied "Thanks Mom."

Then Max gave his mother a big hug and said "I love you Mom."

She replied "I love you too."

Few minutes later he arrived at his school.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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