
Till I Met you Again

R18( Matured content). No rape What happens when he found out that the person he thought loves him was actually playing with his feelings in order to get her revenge over what happened over a silly incident and would happen after she realized that she had feelings for him after he walks out of her life And what would happen after she met him again years later, would she go after him or regret her decision of letting him walked out her life. Follow the story of Antonio and Jessica and how he changes her personality. This story is full with conspiracies, betrayal and action. Please take it easy with me if you found any fault in my novel because this is my first time writing a novel and I hope to get your support and encouragement. I hope you enjoy my writing Thank you.

EddyKing · realistisch
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7 Chs

Sibling relationship

Putting the episode behind him, Antonio returns back home to the small two bedroom rented apartment that stays with his sister with a frown on his face , his sister pounce into his embrace the moment he steps into the house. Upon seeing the smile on his sister face, the frown on his face disappeared

"How was your day brother?" Sofia asked upon seeing her brother

"My day was fine up until....", Antonio trails off after he remembered Jessica's rude behavior. "Up until?" Sofia asked seeing him dazed off and with a frown on his face. Coming out of his reverie, Antonio said "Nothing, never mind. How was school today and have you eaten"?

"School was fine brother and yes I have eaten " Sofia responded and added "I have kept some pasta for you to eat as well". He nodded his head and smiled saying "thank you and my sister is the sweetest "

She shook her head and say "brother is the sweetest and I know how much you have to work hard everyday just to make sure that I have food to eat and.....", She stopped and hugged her brother with tears in her eyes and continue " ever since our parents died, you have been the one taking care of me by working hard and I have seen how stressed and tired you are all the time when you come back home but you don't complain and always have a smile on your face just to make sure that that I go to school and not have to worry about anything, so thank you "

Hugging his sister tightly, Antonio tried to prevent the tears that were about to fall out from his eyes and said "is okay, stop crying you look ugly when you cry" she punched his chest lightly after hearing what he said and said "Stop teasing me brother and you know I'm the prettiest and the cutest girl ever right?" "Yes, yes, my sister is the cutest and prettiest of them all" Antonio laughed and said being satisfied with his answer Sofia pecks her brother on the cheek and said

"Good night brother " before returning to her room.