
This Uchiha Is Too Cautious

Uchiha Kai has been cautious since he came to this world. He vowed that he must be cautious and go to the end. But one day he received a mission - to cover the wave wind team to blow up the Kannabi Bridge, Uchiha Kai knew that he was going to be unlucky... ---------------------------------------- This is basically not my fanfic. The original author is called "Void Singer". I just translated it from a Chinese site. I also intentionally uploaded it because I think the story is good for you to enjoy and as a distraction for my own fanfic novel that updates a bit longer. Sorry if there are some wrong translations. I have tried to translate it as best as I can but there are still words that sometimes I don't know because I take them from the raw source which is still in Chinese and when translated sometimes the meaning changes. So if you know what's wrong, you can tell me and I'll fix it. Again, if you want support me, you can do it on my patreon And maybe with your support I will be more enthusiastic and upload more chapters at once or I will also upload other fanfics : ) https://www.patreon.com/LazyEmperor

LazyyEmperorr_66 · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 1 - Failed Attempts

huh, huh...

  The sound of heavy breathing was heard in the dark room, Uchiha opened his eyes and looked at the pair of scarlet three tomoe Sharingan eyes in the mirror, and couldn't help sighing.

  Failed again.

  Although Uchiha Kai, who has failed countless times, was a little disappointed in his heart, he still wrote down some of his own experiences in a notebook.

  The language he uses is not Japanese, but pure Chinese, and he is not from this world. Uchiha Kai was originally an earth person, but because of some accidents, he came to this world, this bloody world.

  After he came to this world, after he knew that he belonged to the Uchiha family, he was proud of him for a while, but what happened next really gave him some serious blows.

  Living in this world, being weak is the original sin!

  Probably because of the relationship between modern people, Uchiha Kai can't stand the cruelty of this era, and it seems that Uchiha Kai can only be regarded as ordinary in terms of talent.

  If it weren't for the fact that he was a transmigrator, his natural spiritual power seemed to be stronger than other people's, and if he reluctantly relied on the writing wheel to live in danger on the battlefield, his grave grass might have grown several feet tall now.

  Sometimes, he really admires the ninjas in this world. Often, they have the ability to kill at the age of six or seven. It is common for them to go to the battlefield at the age of ten. Even worse, like Kakashi, at the age of twelve, he has already killed countless enemies. The forbearance.

  Uchiha Kai knew his own situation, so he didn't dare to show his Sharingan easily since he was a child. Even on the battlefield, he was very careful not to expose his eyes.

  In the case of not being strong enough to protect himself, Uchiha Kai doesn't feel that he can wave, at least he has some self-protection ability with a sharingan, right?

  As for what to do after getting the Sharingan? Uchiha Kai didn't think about those things at all, and you can't even get a Sharingan. What qualifications do you have to think about other issues?

  "Is it exciting enough?" Uchiha Kai couldn't help thinking after recording his feelings this time.

  Uchiha Kai can be said to be very familiar with the Sharingan eye, and he is naturally very clear about its origin and evolutionary history.

  To put it simply, this thing is to open its eyes and continuously evolve by strong emotional stimulation. It is not unreasonable for the Uchiha family to be called neurosis by many people.

  In particular, Sharingan requires more intense emotional agitation or even abnormality, and the chakra of the brain stimulates the eyes, thereby opening the eyes.

  When the eyes are opened, the inner reflection will echo the brain, complete the reorganization and sorting of the chakras in the eyes, and obtain the corresponding abilities.

  Uchiha Kai just wanted to try to open his eyes because he knew this.

  Compared with the guys from the Hyuga clan next door, the Uchiha clan's eyes are easy to open. If they really crossed into the group of cataracts next door, maybe Uchiha Kai is really gone.

  You must know that in his past life memory, the genius of the Hyuga clan, Neji Hyuga, was also an inexplicable sad character who died in the end, let alone other Hyuga clans men.

  If you don't think about genocide...

  "What is the problem?" Uchiha Kai silently touched his chin: "The stimulation is not deep enough? Or is my illusion technique not good? Or is it that I know all this and subconsciously conclude that the illusion technique is fake?"

  Uchiha Kai was really depressed, he used a special method to cast illusions on himself, and then let himself fall into illusions 'without knowing it'.

  But Uchiha Kai has tried many times, and he has not been able to succeed from the beginning to the end - it is not ineffective, at least his three tomoe sharingan has proved that this method is feasible.

  Uchiha Kai didn't know if this method only worked for him, anyway, he had never seen other Uchiha tribes use this method.

  However, after using this method to a certain extent using Uchiha Kai, he was unable to cross the last hurdle from beginning to end.

  In addition, the war outside seems to be coming to an end now. Maybe it is the last madness. In addition to the villages that have declared their surrender and armistice, the remaining villages have also begun to launch the final madness against Konoha.

  This time can be said to be the most dangerous. Although Uchiha Kai survived the previous battle, he really can't guarantee that he can survive the next battle.

  "Has it reached a threshold?" Uchiha thought silently while packing his diary before: "Or, my mental power has already produced antibodies? No, there is no such thing as white blood cells in mental power. ."

  Uchiha Kai really can't figure out these things, the only thing that can be foreseen is that the days in the future will never be calm.

  It has been Konoha forty-seven years now, and there is still one year left before the fourth Hokage will ascend. And now it should be the most troublesome level of the war, right?

  The Battle of Jugeng Mountain has ended. Suna Village was defeated and surrendered. Now there is only one opponent left in Konoha Village - Kumo Village.

  I have to thank some Iwa Village for some magical operations. If they hadn't made a sneak attack on kumo Ninja from behind, the three generations of Raikage had to fight against tens of thousands of Iwa Ninja alone in order to let their companions escape, insisting on fighting for three days and three nights. Exhausted operation.

  I am afraid that now Konoha will face the two sides of Kumo and Iwa at the same time, but it is precisely because they are maximizing their interests, and the frontal normal Naikaze Minato alone dragged the four generations of Raikage brothers (A and B).

  Otherwise, the troubles of Konoha Village will be even greater now, because Kumo Ninja and Iwa Ninja are not easy characters to deal with.

  "In the Battle of kannabi bridge , Kakashi will also get Obito's Sharingan to become a copy ninja."

  After finishing all the logs, Uchiha made a seal to seal them all in the scroll, and then put them all away solemnly.

  There are still many similarities between Japanese and Chinese. If this thing is lost to Uchiha Kai, the trouble will be really big.

  In order to prevent his memory loss, he wrote all the Naruto plots he could think of on it.

  The advantage of this is that Kai can know roughly what happened at any time, so as to avoid disasters or gain some benefits.

  After doing all this, Uchiha Kai sighed, Sharingan are really not enough to see.

  Without a sharingan, how will we face those guys who have exceeded the limits of ordinary people in the future?

  Not to mention them, the Uchiha genocide a few years later is enough to give Uchiha a headache.

  "You have to think of a way, or the future will be killed by Uchiha Itachi."


Sorry if there are some wrong translations. I have tried to translate it as best as I can but there are still words that sometimes I don't know because I take them from the source which is still in Chinese and when translated sometimes the meaning changes. So if you know what's wrong, you can tell me and I'll fix it.

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