Synopsis: (Redemption) (Not Virgin Mary) (Cold and Decisive) (Space) Liu Ruyan’s biggest regret in her life was betraying her loyal boyfriend who sacrificed everything for her for a short fling with her bestie. Little did she knew that her bestie was only jealous of their harmonious relationship and wanted to break them for mere fun. Alas! By the time Liu Ruyan realised what she had was too late. She vowed to spend the rest of her life in a monastery serving the poor to atone for her sins. But fate had something unique planned for her..... Sometimes the gears of destiny turns in a way no one expects. Watch as she slowly matures into a capable woman who stands tall amongst clouds. Witness Liu Ruyan as she gives her best to redeem her finest. Filled with never-seen-before challenges, this is her journey from Earth to Heaven which shall shake the cosmos.