Being pulled out of the way from truck-kun was weird. meeting a big multiversal troll named Lin Fan was weirder. The many worlds surely are screwed.
In a small town, a young man of 15 is running away. The sky is red, and everything around him has turned strange, as if reality itself is trembling and enraged that a rule of the universe has been broken and then shat upon. The streets are filled with trucks of different sizes. All trying to hit an anomaly. This Anomaly is named, Zack,
(2 minutes ago)
he was an otaku and a shut-in, while getting the mail for his new Laptop Cooling heatsink, he saw a truck smash into his window-
on the second floor of the house.
There was no truck before anywhere around him.
Standing there stunned, he said, "Oh, SHIT!"
He knew what this was, and he wanted no part of it. he suddently jumped to the side, feeling danger, and noticed that another truck was barreling through his last position, a different truck from the one lodged in his house- one he noticed had no driver, barreled passed him.
The sky turned red. and trucks started appearing throughout the entire street.
"Joestar secret skill!"
He shouted, and ran as far as his legs could take him, the glass in every window of the street shattered as a cacophony of honks, screeches, and shattering sounds appeared.
But Zack was nowhere to be seen, as a Multiversal existence had pulled him away.
A multiversal Existance known as Lin Fan, the best most godly, amazing, yet shameless- troll ever, in all realities-
Had decided to get a successor.
In a Room with Zack, a seemingly young but in reality infinitely old badass with infinite reality Creating/Destroying power, a tv, every piece of electronic entertainment you can think of and a few you can't, books everywhere, two cups of tea, and a couple of chairs, and many other things.
"Did I die?" I asked, staring intently at the table and chairs with the two cups of tea, sitting in front of a grinning Diety.
"Yo." The diety said. "I heard you liked my system alot, from your thoughts," He grins, "I Don't need it anymore with the infinite power I have, SO I HAVE DECIDED TO MAKE YOU MY SUCCESSOR!" He Grins, even wider.
"The strongest system, will be yours if you only say yes."
"YES!" I Shout. Completely shamelessly. "THANK YOU SO MUCH LIN FAN! YOU ARE MY LITERAL HERO!"
He grins, "I like your shamelessness. Here, I'll even throw in Titanium Grade Demon Body, already installed." I grin, "Can I get a better Body Cultivation technique? I know it will evolve, but..."
His grin turns sinister. "No."
He snaps his fingers, and the last thing I hear before I am falling through the air, onto a table. is "Enjoy your adventure beyond the waterfall."
[Titanium Grade Demon Body has leveled up to Grade-1]
[You have reached the Pre-Celestial lower Level.]
I groan, "Where the fuck am I?" and I pass out.
Hours later, I am in a cage, with a bunch of burly men, who all look like Japanese people.
I then notice my fat is gone. I don't even have any flabby skin. My body is fit as heck, I even have a four-pack of abs. I can't understand anything "I notice I can understand the language, sounds like an archaic form of Japanese. But I can't Read for shit. "NEXT!" I am pushed out of the cage, by a man in some kind of Samurai, or Ronen armor. "I hope you're Ready, Name?"
"My name is Zack R--"
He Punches me in the gut, "You have no family name," He looks at me in rage, "NAME?"
I spit blood in his face and grin, Time to level up Titanium Grade demon body. "My name is Zack Ka--
He punches me in the face,
[You have leveled up Titanium Grade Demon Body to the 2nd grade]
[You have Reached Pre-Celestial Middle Level.]
Grin, and test the shackles, and they start groaning. But they don't notice, "NAME, YOU LITTLE SHIT?!" His eye turn furious, and I Give him a bloody Grin, with emaculate teeth covered in blood... "My name, Is Zack, and if you hit me a few more times, despite me having a family name and not giving a shit about you, I'll break your damn neck." He punches me once, twice, and three times,
He grins, but my smile is huge and scary, because on the third bunch he grimaces, and his hand seems to break on my face. His grin then dissappears.
[You Have Leveled up Titanium Grade Demon Body, to the 3rd grade.]
[You have Leveled up to the Pre-celestial Upper Level,]
I break my Shackles.
But before I can do anything, I am Surrounded by men with sharp metal spears. I probably wont be able to defend against those. "Fine, I'll Play along."
I frown, "My name is Zack, and you should Thank your colleages."
He sneers at me, and writes my name down. I am then thrown back into a cell with other people, who seem to be going through some kind of processing. "You're going to the colleseum." The man grins, still looking at me, "Welcome to Kararagi, trash."
I know that name and I now know I'm screwed. I'm on the other side of the world, In Re:Zero. But I'll soon be able to fix that. I start doing pushups, as my sweaty dark-brown-hair drips.
Soon, I'll murder-hobo my way out of this country, because any country with this amount of bullshit, a coliseum and slavery, needs an attitude adjustment.