
The Zepeto Match

BTS_Jung_Maddie · Musik und Bands
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8 Chs


Y/n's p.o.v

I stare at my phone for the longest time. How is this possible!? Then I think to myself. (It could just be a stranger that is called Namjoon and they are really good at making his character.) I put my phone down and sigh. I looked at the clock next to me and it was almost 11 o'clock. Dang. I get up and change into some comfortable clothes and go to sleep.

In the morning

It was 9:30 when I decided to wake up. I kinda forgot about last night, but it still lingers in my thoughts. I get out of my bed and head to my living room. I walk in to see bae in the room, which made me jump out of my skin. "Lordy Jesus child! How did you get in?!" She pauses the tv and looks at me. "Good morning y/n! I used the key under the rug." I shrugged it off and went into the kitchen. My dog princess followed me from the living room where she was with bae. She's a Pomeranian teacup, just like V's dog from bts, but my dog is white. "So what do you want to do today? I mean, it's Saturday and all I was thinking of staying home and working." She starts to laugh and say, "oh y/n. It's Saturday! It's our day to be lazy!" I laugh and sit next to her after I got what I wanted from the kitchen. "Yeah but I want to do something today. Not just be a couch potato all day and let all of my ideas go to waste." She shrugs her shoulders and plays the tv.

After watching a little bit of the news, which by the way is too much political stuff for me, I went into my bedroom to go take a shower. I could hear princess following behind me in the hall. I walked into the bedroom and got the clothes I wanted to where for the day and put them on the bed. Princess jumped on my bed and laid there. "I'll be out in a minute. Don't get yourself in trouble." She barks happily and I couldn't help but smile. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower.

20 minutes later I got out and dried myself off and wrapped my hair in a hair towel. I walked into my bedroom to see princess asleep on my bed.

"Cute." I whisper, so I don't wake up princess. I put on my undergrademennts and wear a simple going out outfit.

I look at myself in the mirror and smile. "It looks good on me. Doesn't it princess?" She wakes up and barks as she gets off the bed and comes to me.

I finish up in the bathroom by fixing my hair into a half up half down hairstyle and put on only eyeliner and mascara.

Me and princess go back into the living room and could see bae going through my pantry. "Ok, you have your own house right?" Bae quickly turns around and tries to hide the food behind her back.

"Oh, I was uh...going to cook you something...yeah, that's what I was going to do." I go into the kitchen and grab the ramen noodle bowl in her hand and look at her. "Really? You know I don't share my ramen noodles." She nervously laughs and tries to snatch the to-go bowl of ramen noodles. "Come on!  Just one time please!" I shake my head and she pouts. "Ok fine. I'll stop asking." I smile and put it back in the cabinet. "Now, we could go out to eat, or you could cook something." She rolls her eyes at me. "I rather go somewhere that does the cooking for me. I'm putting no effort in anything today. That's why it's called Saturday."

I laugh and give her my keys, so she could start up my car. I give princess a kiss on her forehead. "Be good while I'm gone. I'll get you something if you behave." She wags her tail and I pet her one more time before locking the front door and heading to the car.

When we get to the restaurant, we saw a crowd a people outside of it. "What is going on here?" Bae says as we get out of the car. "It's Seoul, Bae. You never know what happens." We go up to the door to see one of the workers at the door. "What's going on here?" I ask the worker. "Bts is in here. They are eating lunch. Are you here to eat or to see them?" "We are here to-" I knew what Bae was fixing to say, so I interrupted. "We're here to eat." The worker smiles. "Name?" "Chin y/n." The worker smiles and lets us in.

When we walk in, we get stares from bts when we walk in. I smile at them and continue to walk with the waiter. "Dude! Did you see that? They were staring at us!" Bae said as we got out of their sight. "That's because there is only a few people coming in to eat because of army." The waiter sits us at a table that has a clear view of the boys.

Bae tries her best to stare at the boys, but I stop her. "Bae, you seriously trying to scare them off, because you're scaring me." She stops and looks at me. "Sorry, it's just that we see bts everyday. Usually it's every year we see them at a restaurant, or a mall, or anywhere." She has a point. Bts has been so busy with their new album, that we don't see them as much as we use to. After I find what I want, I tell the waiter and the waiter walks off.

I looked over at Namjoon, or should I say, Rap Monster. He was on his phone. Oh what am I doing?! He could be talking to someone or planing something. I looked away and started to fidget with my fingers. "What's wrong y/n?" I look up to see Bae concerned. "I-it's nothing. I was just thinking of my plans today." She rolls her eyes and continues to play a game on her phone.

I look at my phone and open Zepeto. I wanna text him. I wanna see if he really does have the app.

I open the app and I do a picture of me as a character.

Now all I have to do is wait...

Namjoon's p.o.v

I was on my phone reading a message pd nim sent me, when I got a message from Zepeto. I look to see if the boys are looking before I opened it.

I look and see that y/n sent me a picture. I look around to see any girl on her phone. And I look at that table that had the 2 girls that walked in and saw both of them on their phones. I sent a picture and waited for a response.

Y/n's p.o.v

As I waited for a response, I looked at my Instagram. Areum posted that she was going to the beach and chin-sun posted a picture of her and her cat, as usual. All of a sudden, I get a message from Zepeto. It was from him!!! I widen my eyes and Bae looked at me. "Is everything ok?" I nod and she tilts her head. I look at phone to see the message.

My eyes widened and I look at Namjoon...who was looking at me!!! I turn away and close my phone and put it in my bag without saying a word.

A few minutes later our food came and we started to eat. I was really hungry since I didn't eat breakfast, and so was Bae. "So," Bae started, "What have you been up to actually? I know I was with you the other day, but something is up. Is it your family?" I fiddle with my fork and look at her. "The usual Bae. My dad being a jerk to me and trying to make me do things I don't want to. My brother tried to help him, but my dad gave him a black eye. He actually hooked up with a new girlfriend and is a little too friendly with her. I just wish my family was a normal family."

Bae sighs and puts down her fork to pat my shoulder. "It'll get better, at least I hope." I sigh and nod.

"I'm sorry to bring you my drama everyday." She shook her head. "Girl, we've known each other since pre-K. I want to hear it, so I can be there for you and help you." I smile and eat a little more of my food.

We both were finished and the bill came. "Let me take that." Bae snatched the bill from my hand! "Ah, girl, you know I always pay for our meals." She shakes her head and clicks her tongue. "Not today sister." I laugh as she pays the bill and leave.

As we leave, we get stares from the boys, and I get a little awkward stare from Namjoon. 'Ok, that was the 2nd time we were stared down. Is there something on us or something?' I put it all aside and walk out.

When I start driving, Bae turns on the radio. It started to play the new hit song "Idol" by Bts. I gotta admit, it was a very good song, but not like my favorite "Fake Love". Either way, I like both of them. I turned the music up and me and bae started singing.

2 minutes of the song played before I got a call from by Bluetooth. "Man," Bae said, "I loved that song." She pouts at the caller on the screen and I laugh. I look at the screen to see Areum was calling.

"Hey Areum! What's up?"

I didn't hear anything but crying in the background.

"Areum, you ok?"

"*sniffle* no."

"What's wrong Areum?"

"My mom got mad at me and stopped talking to me. S-She said I was the worst daughter ever. She told me, "I thought I raised a daughter who would love to go to college and who loves to learn." But I told her, "I love art and music. Learning is just not my thing." But she just got mad at me and told me she was done arguing and left me alone in the living room."

Me and bae look at each other shocked.

"Wait, you're still at your house?"

"I have no where else to go. This is the only place that has my stuff."

I look at Bae before I said something.

"Areum, start packing your things. Me and bae are on our way to come and get you."

You heard her sniffle on the line.

"B-but where will I live?"

"You'll live with me. I have another room in my apartment, so just pack the most things you can pack, and if you still have stuff you need help packing, we'll help."

I could feel her smiling on the other line.

"Thanks y/n. I don't know what I could do without you."

She hung up and I sigh, so does Bae. "Wow y/n, that was awful." I nod in sad agreement and drive to her family's house.

When we got there, I could see Areum in her room. Packing as fast as she could. Me and bae got out of the car and didn't even knock.

When we entered the hallway, bae knocked on Areum's door and it flung open, revealing a puffy eye Areum. Me and bae hug her and help her with her stuff to my car.

After we got it all in my car, Areum held my hand. "Wait!" I turn around. "What if they think I was kidnapped, and then when they found out I was with you, they arrest you and you go to jail. Oh y/n I don't want that t-" I shhed her and she stopped. That was the first time that I ever heard her so worried. The last time she was worried was when she thought we were going to get caught at her neighbors for putting toilet paper in the trees when we were in high school, which the neighbors actually laughed about.

"Areum, just go leave a note on your door explaining where you went and why." She nods and rubs in the house to do so.

I get in the car and hit my head on the my seat. "I know how you feel. It's stressing." I started the car and it was the perfect time for Areum to come back to car.

When we arrived to my apartment, the first thing we did was get it all inside my apartment. I had to unlock it with a box in my hand, but it worked out.

After we got everything settled, we plopped on the couch and sighed from exhaustion. I looked at my clock on my phone and it was 3:45. Wow. We went to lunch at 12:30, left at 1:12, it took 20 minutes to get to Areum's house, got there at 1:32, finished getting stuff from her house at 2:26, another 20 minute drive, got to my apartment at 2:46, and finished at 3:45.

We all look at each other and laugh. "Man, that was a lot of work." Bae said, then closed her eyes. I saw my cute puppy princess coming down the hallway from her little nap she had while we put her stuff up. I picked her up and put her in my lap.

I scratched behind her ear and she loved it. "One thing about princess is you have to give her loving when she comes up to you." I say to Areum and look at her. "She usually would come to me and whine for a scratch behind her ear and she will just sit in your lap." I watch as Areum examines what I do and nods.

6:22 pm

As I was cooking dinner, my phone dinged. I looked at the message to see it was from Zepeto. I looked at the girls, who were mesmerized in the tv and princess, and opened the message. It was a text from Namjoon.


Sorry to stare at you at lunch.

I was just surprised to see who you actually were."

I widened my eyes in shock, but replied back.

"It's fine.

Are you the only one that has Zepeto?

And how did you end up adding me?"

"I saw your name and character, so I checked you out and added you.

A few of the other members have it, but I was just in it at the time."

You finish reading the message before closing your phone and finished dinner.

After you finished dinner, you decided to text Namjoon back.


What have you guys been up to?

I normally see you every day, but now I wearily see you guys."

It took him a little while to respond.

"After we had our hit "Fake Love", it was chaotic and now we started to have a lot of concerts and making new songs and going places.

It's just a big schedule that we have now.

We're still trying to get use to it."

"Well, you are bts.

You get a lot of attention."

"Haha, well it's fun while it last.

But I have to go.

We have a fan meet tomorrow and I want some rest.

But hey, how about you come to it? I could let you in for free."

I almost scream, which made the girls run into my room. "What happened?" Areum asked, all confused. "A friend of mine just offered me a free ticket to bts's fan meet!" The girls ooo and I smile. "But what about us?" Bae pouts, and so does Areum. "Hold on. Let me ask." I start to text him back.

"Well, I would love to, but my friends would be mad at me for going and not inviting them."

"Oh, well I'll let them come too for free.

Do you mind if I find out y'all's first and last names?"

"Mine is Chin y/n, and my friends are Chang Bae, Park Areum, and Lee chin-sun."

"Ok, got it.

Well, night y/n."


I put my phone up and squeal. "So.." Bae ask, rolling her hand at me. "They said you can come free too!" They jump up and down in excitement. "Omg, I can't believe you got us in a bts fan meet for free! You're the best!" Areum says, then comes over to me and hugs me, so does Bae.

When I get ready for bed, I take off my makeup and change my clothes.

I get in the bed and look at the ceiling. "Let's just hope tomorrow isn't crazy." That was my last words, before I drifted off to sleep.