
Chapter 62


"Yay!" Anonymous reader

"Such wow!" Anonymous reader #2

"Finally, you old rascal!" That old grandpa in your street...

Anyways, thank you so much for your patience everyone. I really appreciate it. Had several assessments that I finished, then I had to deal with battery and fan issues on my computer. This chapter is a little shorter than the usual however, it is a start to me getting back into my jam. Hope you enjoy it!


As he appeared a couple of hundred metres away from Star Luo City, Yuhao couldn't help but turn his head and look at the Duke's Mansion that was barely visible in the distance.

He shook his head as he sighed to himself, 'It isn't time yet. There are still people who live there that are stronger than me. Not by much, but they still are. While I could still escape if I got into a perilous situation, it wouldn't be worth the risk I would place on mum. Maybe next time…'

With this thought over, Yuhao looked back to where he believed Gengxin City was located. It was apparently south-west from Star Luo City, so he skirted around the city walls and continued on his journey, creating portals whenever he had a great line of sight in front of him.

His usage of the portal skill allowed Yuhao to cut down a normally two-and-a-half-day journey for spirit masters, to little over fourteen hours. As the distance to the city shortened, the number of rounded hills, steep rock faces and overall mountainous terrain increased. This environment in Gengxin City's surroundings is what allowed the city to attract a massive number of craftsmen from all specialities, ranging from blacksmithing and leatherwork to carpentry and pottery.

As he arrived at the city walls, unlike Snow Rock City, there were no guards located outside or on top of the city walls. The city itself not only attracted craftsmen, but also those individuals seeking to purchase their wares. Because of this fact, in the past, any spirit beast that ventured too close to the city would be killed off by one of these people. Gradually the beasts had learnt to simply stay away from the city in general, lest they be killed.

The first thing he noticed walking through the north city gate and along the main road was the design differences each of the shops had. These shops were built from a multitude of materials, such as various types of metal, stone, marble and wood. On top of these materialistic variations, each of the shops similarly had their own unique patterns and layouts that emphasised not only the profession and content of the shop, but also the skill the craftsmen held.

After fifteen minutes of strolling along the main northern road, Yuhao ended up in some kind of gigantic plaza. Throughout this plaza was, you guessed it, even more shops and stalls. Each of the shops and stalls were very neatly positioned in a grid formation which allowed for easy displaying of the vendor's wares. Yuhao couldn't help but smile as began walking through this plaza. While his main goal is to explore the Fire Basin in search of a high-quality fire spirit beast, he still had a strong interest to check out the city itself and its contents. With such a large concentration of people and their wares, surely there must be something that could catch his eye.

With this thought, Yuhao eagerly gazed upon all of the displayed items, hoping to discover that one diamond in the rough that all protagonists seemed to miraculously find.

Two hours later, with the sun almost having set, Yuhao's eagerness had diminished considerably. While he had not found any unique, legendary or 'hidden' divine weapons or items as he had hoped, there were still two things he did pick up. These items were a one-kilogram chunk of hurricane iron and likewise, a one-kilogram chunk of mountain-infested osmium. Both of these chunks of metal were quite rare and cost a pretty penny, however when he encountered them at different stores, both times they drew a reaction from his Gold-Scaled Space Wyrm spirit ring. Before anything could happen, he had placed them in his storage ring which caused the feeling to fade.

Just as he left the plaza and was about to enter a nearby alley to portal back to Soutuo City to spend the night at his mother and stepfather's house, he stumbled into a thirty-year-old man, accidentally knocking him onto the ground. However, strangely, the young man, in comparison to the age you could live healthily to as a spirit master, was struggling to get up as he tried to push himself up off the floor using a walking stick. While not technically Yuhao's fault for causing him to fall on the floor, he wasn't a bastard and quickly assisted him in getting back on his feet.

"Cough, cough…...Thank you, sir," The man said, his voice pained and somewhat defeated.

"Don't mention it…" Yuhao casually replied.

The two stood there in awkward silence as Yuhao was trying to go into the alley behind the man while the man was weirdly staring at Yuhao.

Yuhao wanting to get on his way, broke the silence as he pointed in the direction of the alley, "Ugh, would you mind if I just scoot past? It is getting late…"

The man turned to look where Yuhao was pointing, sighed and stepped back. As Yuhao thanked him and walked a few metres past, Yuhao faintly heard the depressed man mutter behind him, "If only I could find someone to help find my poor, baby girl….Maybe I need to offer that as a gift….It's not like Xuanyu is alive anymore to use it.…They never gave her that chance…"

He froze in his place as the signs of conflict and trouble came to his mind but hovering around those thoughts was the opportunity for some kind of treasure. Turning on the spot, Yuhao walked back to the man and said, "What is the problem? I don't work for nothing, but I am more than willing to try and solve your problem if there is some form of payment on the line."

Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Keen to get back in this!

Let me know what you think the problem is that the man is facing and what reward Yuhao will get! Keen to hear your thoughts after a week-long drought of no chapters and comments.

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