
The Beginning

'Bang' the loud sound of a hand slamming on a wooden table echoed in the entire study room."How could she have said that?". Lu Hange was very angry.

He was the current president of the influential Lu Group and his workload required him to skip his family times.

His wife, Jin Suyan was not happy about this and called his secretary, Mr Gu Jing, to inform him that she had prepared the divorce papers for him. He was speechless, she was in the same house as him yet she decided to call his secretary.

It was not the first time that his wife had suggested divorcing him as he often chose the company over their family. He hurried to his room to persuade his wife against divorce, leaving secretary Gu behind sneakingly giggling.


Lu Mingze was born with what most people considered ' a silver spoon in her mouth'. She however thought different. Her family was a loving family with her father, Lu Hange, her mother, Jin Suyan, her elder brother, Lu Mingyue and her sweet but strict grandfather, Old Master Lu.

Her other distant relatives were just strangers to her, they either conspired to kill her and her family or hurt them enough to take their wealth.

When she was 18 years old, she once overheard her paternal uncle,Lu Jintao, discussing with his daughter, Lu Sian, and his wife, Quan Taolu, about getting her drugged and raped to disgraced her and her family to get her fame removed and her father removed as the current president of Lu Group.

She was so scared and shocked that she never when to visit them again. She also stopped attending social gatherings where they were invited, eventually she stopped attending altogether. She stayed focused on her career and reached the top of the ladder in the modeling industry as the goddess Lu Mingze.

Lu Mingze had just returned from City A where she had a photo shoot for Chanel new winter collection. She quickly walked through the swarn of reporters and fans occasionally smiling and greeting them back before she exited the airport with her assistant,Min Shizue, whom she travelled with.

As she had to attend her grandfather's birthday banquet in City M, where they lived, she had flew back on the flight that departed on the same day of her shoot. Upon entering the mini van, her eyes were immediatly shut.

In the driver's seat was her Manager Quan Silian whom she didnt bother to greet . The drive to the her penthouse was quiet and long. As they were tired, they napped while manager Quan drove. Manager Quan, the sister of her uncle's wife, was as scheming as her sister.

Mingze wanted to fire her as she knew that she was reporting about her to her uncle's family but her grandfather advised her to keep her enemies close. She had decided that she will fire Quan Silian when she's done with her uncle's family. She was no saint so if they decided to attack her then she will return the favor sevenfold.

Unlike the evil manager Quan, her assistant Min Shixue was a very professional person in her job and was considered one of her few friends. Almost everywhere she takes this assistant while Manager Quan mostly does her driving and simple errands.

Upon arriving to her apartment's parking lot after passing security she immediately sent her manager and assistant off after collecting the present of a ginseng for her grandfather's health that she tasked Manager Quan to purchase.

Old master Lu was very please with this granddaughter of his. He would always brag about her to his friends.

She stayed at the 'Shining Sun Apartment building' which had tight security and a comfortable environment for her. There were 4 penthouses in the building of which she owned one; number 1109. She had been living on her own in the apartment for two months now.

She took the elevator from the underground parking lot straight to her home.

This was one of the reasons why she loved the building, she didn't have to enter the elevators in the lobby, just straight from the V.I.P one to her door.

As she unlocked her door and walked into her home, she took a deep breathe. Finally she was able to rest. Not wasting any time she immediately found her queen size bed and fell into slumber. She needed her beauty sleep for the party tonight.

Mingze was currently 23 years old, but had already had a fiance when she was 20, who was crippled in a drunk-driving accident. It was a typical spoiled rich kid- Juan Li, speeding to his penthouse after clubbing. No one suspected anything but Mingze did, and it was her Uncle's family.

She did a secret investigation and found out that they tampered with Juan Li's car. The Juan family was so accustomed to their young masters behavior that they didn't do an investigation.

She decided to cover up the evidence pointing to them to use it as an opportunity for herself.

Since the accident occurred, the Juan family cancelled the engagement with Juan Li being humiliated to let people see him crippled. Mingze's uncle's family was delighted, but she was even happier that they had helped her.

She took the opportunity to act pitiful and allow her grandfather to not force marriage on her for the past 3 years.

In the span of 3 years, she built her modeling career an rose to a modeling goddess. Doing fashion shows around the world and gaining a lot of fans. She was very famous now, all thanks to her own hard work.

She had seen many enter the entertainment industry only to become undercover prostitutes, sugar babies or drug addicts. If you don't have a strong backer or the brains to be in the industry then the other option was to use your looks and body.

As Mingze got up from the bed, her gaze was drawn to the brown antique clock on her nightstand which displayed the time 6:45 p.m. She had overslept, which means that she had to hurry. Luckily Min Shixue had already booked an appointment for her a the famous "Stylingzz Beauty House" .

There were many celebrities that were V.I.Ps there and an appointment had to be booked weeks prior to have a chance. This was a one of a kind beauty shop that offered a full makeover, from hair to makeup to clothes and shoes to jewelries etc.

They had everything, and the clothing were from high class designers that were one of a kind,which was every efficient for celebrities.


After getting her make over, she rode in the back of her mini van with Min Shixue driving.

Shixue was also dolled up with no trace of her usually big black glasses on her face. Her small oval face was exposed that made her look like a high school student and the aura around her fresh an youthful.

In the back was the opposite, Mingze appeared with a mature look that was not to seductive. Her aura was that of a mature elegant young lady from a distinguished family, as she truly was . As they stepped into the hall, all eyes were fixed on them.

Most eyes followed Mingze, who walked like she was on the runway with her timid assistant calmly walking behind her to greet the elders.

After they greeted her grandfather and handed over their gifts, they separated. Mingze when to sit by herself in the corner of the ballroom after chatting a little with her parents while Shixue socialized with the business leaders that were present, she had to gain some endorsements for her boss.

The evil uncle and his family had not arrived yet, they probably wanted to take the spotlight so the chose to come after she had arrived so Lu Mingze let their guard down.

This was the mistake she had made, letting thier guard down. Somehow, a few minutes before the party was about to end, Shixue started feeling weak so Mingze offered to carry her to a room to rest.

Maybe it was the alcohol and lack of rest she thought, not suspecting anything. Evil uncle's family along with Quan Silian had already arrived for over two hours now so they would have already executed their plan if they had any.

After making sure that Shixue was resting well, she left to her penthouse with the offer of a driver from her grandfather. She hated sleeping in the Mansion every time Evil Uncle and his family stayed over so she bid farewell to her parents and grandfather before she left.

Half way through her journey, she felt drowsy suddenly and before she could curse, she blacked out. Waking up she was in a hotel room on the bed with her hands and feet tied.

Calming her heart, she loosed the rope as she heard the vioce of the driver who was driving her on the phone with whom she assumed to be someone from Evil uncle's side.

After getting free, she sneaked out of the room, failing to realize the syringe that was on the nightstand that was now empty. As she reached the door, it was now or never.

She made a dash for it, alerting the driver as she opened the door. Before he could stand up to chase her, she was already gone.

When she started feeling hot, she realized what had happened, she was drugged. She started making her way to the hospital but then remembered who she was. She needs to enter from the underground parking lot, to not let anyone know she was in the hospital to cause a scandal.

She decided to get a taxi to take her to the hospital underground garage and borrow the drivers phone to contact Shixue to meet her at the hospital.

The hospital was two blocks away from the hotel so she proceeded with her plan before the drugged controlled her.

At the same time Mingze was exiting the taxi, after paying with her watch, Qin Linhua was exiting the hospital to his car in the same underground parking lot.

He was very angry, his family convinced him to do a checkup since they were worried that he didn't want to get married to his fiance because he had a disease.

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