

Drin woke up drenched in sweat, "It's gonna be hot again..." Standing up he kicks a glass by his bed, the glass moves a couple of feet and he sighs. Drin starts walking out of his room but is stopped by a man jumping in his window, Drin tries to get into a fighting stance but is sent flying with a kick to the face, his vision goes black.

Drin wakes up a few hours later, his house was ransacked. Everything he knew and loved was gone, his parents believed he was worthless and deserved none of his belongings. 'Definitely my parents doing.' Drin thought. He walks into his living room and notices his sword and shield are gone. Replaced by a small gem, probably forgotten by the thief.

Drin looks at the gem and reaches for it, the gem glows blindingly and Drin feels sick.

This is my first chapter! Please comment critiques and I will listen. Also, ideas for the future are very welcome.

Aiden_Kadelcreators' thoughts