
The world was harsh on me so I destroyed it!

The world is so boring, I mean we will die anyway so why go through all the trouble to live an amazing life?

Random_Guy_GJH · Fantasie
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30 Chs

23) Controlling Oneself


A man who is looking really manly could be seen trying to punch someone.


A girl who is looking quite cute could be seen swinging her katana and trying to slash someone.


A man with a slender body and a handsome face tried to snipe someone from a distance.


A man who has his face covered with a mask tried to sneak behind someone and stab him in the neck.


And finally, a man who is extremely handsome could be seen defending and dodging all of them with his staff.

'What to do...'

"This is quite a high level monster."

"I knew it from the start. I mean, a monster who looks like a human and can also speak?"

The manly man and the cute girl were talking among themselves.

"Damn you people, didn't I already say? I'm not a monster!"

Gi Wan was fighting for his human rights.

"Look you pathetic monster, you think we wouldn't know that there can only be four people per dungeon?"

"And how do you know that?"

"Why should we explain that to you?"

"Oh god, how is it that stupid people like these became irregulars?"


The manly man yelled and another bullet cane flying from a distance. Gi Wan dodged it just fine. It seemed that dexterity also increases the senses.

「DEX :- 65 --> 105

AGI :- 55 --> 65」

「You dexterity stat has become less effective since you are still not a first stage transcendent.」

Gi Wan increased his dexterity stat so much since he figured it would be the stat that effects the current him the most.

"Stop, get some help. Hey you masked guy, I feel like you are quite smart. Why don't you stop them?"

"I find this quite enjoyable so no."

Even though he had a mask on Gi Wan felt like he could see that guy making a smug expression.

"Fucking weirdos."

The sniper who was shooting from a distance came after hearing what the masked guy had to say and stopped the other two.

"Guys, didn't you hear Ryan? He seems to be a real human."

"What? He wasn't joking?"

It felt like the masked guy or whom they call Ryan still had that smug expression and is enjoying this spectacle.

"Tch, we got played by him again."

The manly man grumbled.

"Sorry but, can we know how you came here? Not to mention, the dungeon difficulty also went up alot."

The cute girl still had her gaurd up against Gi Wan and questioned Gi Wan.

"Phew, finally it looks like you people want to talk. I'll explain everything but first let's clear the dungeon since my teammates will contact me once all the normal mobs are taken care of."

"You had a team?"

"Yeah, there are two more. But you should know by now that I am not a bad guy?"

Gi Wan didn't attack them a single time. He clearly showed exceptional skills and power in the fight against them but all he did throughout the battle was to defend. This gave the others an assurance that they could trust Gi Wan for the time being.

"Fine, however you will be staying atleast 50 meters away from us."

"Good with me."

Gi Wan accepted the masked guy's offer who suddenly seemed to have turned serious in the short amount of time. Gi Wan, then, dashed away from the group.


The four people whom Gi Wan just met are gathered together at one place and are having a serious conversation.

"I don't like him for some reason."

It was Ryan who said that. Gi Wan could be seen around a 100 meters away from them fighting an orc general. He turned out to be far stronger than they had thought initially.

"Me neither. He is way stronger than us but wants to team up? To be honest, I feel like he is a con artist. What do you think brother?"

"I agree with Aarvi. He must have tricked alot of girls with his face. What about you Hans?"

Both the cute girl, whose name seems to Aarvi and the manly man, who seems to be her brother looked at the sniper guy whose name seems to be Hans.

"I don't think so Aaryan. Ryan, you?"

Ryan stared at the team, Aarvi, Aaryan which seems to be the name of the manly man and Hans and sighed.


"If it weren't for their potential, I'd have killed them."

Gi Wan said that to himself as he was reminded of how rude they acted and now could be seen talking about how he could be a con artist while he is still in their sight. Gi Wan seemed to be in really good shape since he didn't struggle much despite having killed around 200 orc generals and around 850 orc knights.

'That's the 221st orc general. There sure a lot of them.'

Gi Wan thought of something for a moment and felt like the orc general and orc commander they faced in this dungeon line were far stronger than the ones in the previous ones.

'Is it because of the number of irregulars? Only the strongest orc general and orc commander spawned and...'

The bosses and gaurdians that he kills here won't revive. Although he can turn them into his underlings, they won't retain their egos. However this isn't the issue that's bothering Gi Wan.

'I'm only clearing 1/8th of the dungeon since the irregular group already cleared the rest. Although it is okay for me since I am doing only this much, I'm sure the other two must be having a hard time... I should quickly sweep my portion and take the irregular group to the meeting place.'

Gi Wan genuinely cared for others. Although he said that he doesn't have any emotions, he can atleast understand what the others feel. No, it is not correct to call it 'atleast understand'. An orc general could be seen in the distance. Gi Wan quickly approached them. Unlike the way he did things back when he was fighting in the previous dungeon line, he is now trying to only use staff without creating any aura weapons over it.

'Now then...'

Gi Wan dashed towards the orc general. He parried the attacks of the orc knights using the aura waves he made. He grasped the way to use these aura waves and is now able to create different types of aura projectiles. For instance, he used aura projectiles named aura bullets that are shaped like pencil tips to damage the orc knights while the normal aura waves to parry their sword movements. He quickly calculated the possible trajectories of the swords of orc knights and launched an aura wave and an aura bullet so that he can parry them and make them stumble. In the small time interval he recieved due to these orcs' stumbling, he killed the orc general with a single flawless slash directed towards it's neck. Just because he doesn't create other weapons over his staff frequently, it didn't mean he never used them. He just minimized the usage as much as possible.

'I don't want to disrespect a staff by using it as an insta-changable weapon. It is the least amount of respect I can give to the most ancient weapon.'

"Hey, dude with the stick."

The words he heard just now contradicted with his thoughts, so Gi Wan looked at the man who called him that way.
