
The world was harsh on me so I destroyed it!

The world is so boring, I mean we will die anyway so why go through all the trouble to live an amazing life?

Random_Guy_GJH · Fantasie
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30 Chs

20) Backstab

"Hey, did Rai and Kart come here?"

"..? I thought they would come with you?"

"Well, Rai did say that he needed to talk to Kart about something..."

"Let's go search for them."

"Yeah, let's do that."

Both Lucy and Gi Wan were about to depart and then...

「The boss room has been opened. Please go into the boss room in order to participate in the battle.」


Both Gi Wan and Lucy yelled and quickly departed towards the boss room.

"But, didn't we decide to rest first?"

"Lucy, just in case, stay close to me."

"Hm? Why?"

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

Gi Wan had quite the sixth sense. His hunches almost never go wrong, Lucy knew about this since she is his stalker.


Both of them looked serious. Just when they were about to reach the boss room...



"Got him!"

Lucy quickly used her shield pieces to block Rai, who tried to attack Lucy and then she used her basic pieces to keep on hurting him.

"Hey, this bastard's eyes..."

They were white.


Gi Wan made an aura sword over his staff and parried the incoming Kart's attack. Due to his lack of strenght he bounced back, but managed to safely step on a dungeon wall.

"Kart! What's the meaning of this?"

"Tch, as expected of an apostle. You caught on."

"Rai genuinely felt affection towards you and treated you well. So what's up with you?"

"I don't have anything against Rai. It's just you who is my target."

Rai is continuously attacking Lucy despite the pain from the damage of basic pieces.

"Lucy! Use your basic pieces to hit Rai on the chin without stabbing him. I knocked him down in the past with the same trick!"

"Yeah, got it!"

"Well then, I will end your life here Kart."

Suddenly, a huge black portal opened up. And right after, the shadow orc knights came out. They are incomparably stronger than when they were alive thanks to Gi Wan. Kart had an annoyed facial expression but soon, he grinned.

"You thought I wouldn't have prepared atleast this much?"

「Since no one has entered the boss room for five minutes after opening it, the monsters in the boss room will be released!」

"HAHA! What will you do now? A.P.O.S.T.L.E."

Gi Wan had a grim expression on his face. He looked like a volcano that might burst any second. And ofcourse as anyone would expect, he isn't really angry. It's just that he looks like that when he thinks about something seriously.

"Yeah, you did a great job Kart. You hypnotized Rai using the single-use item, Absolute control pill, given to you by your master and made him attack us. You used the people form your race in the boss room to take care of any type of variables that might arise. Very well done indeed."

Gi Wan undid the aura sword over his staff.


He, now concentrated all the staff aura on a single side of the staff and the tip.

"However, you messed with the wrong person."

He, then, started to swing his staff continuously and the condensed aura present at the tip of his staff got emitted due to the force of inertia and formed aura waves.

"Ha! You thou-"


The waves that were rushing towards Kart grew in size exponentially and Kart's aura also decreased significantly.

"What? But how? You didn't have this much authority though?"

"That's when only I used it."

The four shadow orc knights could be seen behind Gi Wan. Kart, still managed to parry and dodge the aura waves. He is skilled enough to become the disciple of a god afterall.


"Ofcourse not. But I'm not alone you know?"

The four orc knights directly attacked the orc general present in the center for the crowd.



In an instant, the four of them managed to take down the orc general, who is the floor's boss.

「The dungeon has been cleared!

You will...」

'No time for that, extract the spirit of the orc general. Quick.'

「... Understood.」

As expected...

"N-No! But, father is a lot stronger than me though?"

Gi Wan smirked. The other orcs also disappeared since the dungeon has been cleared. Kart is now alone.

"As I sa-"

Suddenly an enormous presence could be felt on the dungeon. It was so enormous that if Gi Wan didn't have the world's helper, his spirit would have broke down already.


A tiny light could be seen before Kart.

[Shut up! What did I tell you? You should never mess up with an apostle.]

"B-But, master, you kill him right now! I'm sure the achievement attained through that would be great!"

[Stupid disciple! Oh apostle, I feel the presence of 'The One' over you. Please let my disciple live for now.]

It seemed that the orc god is using a wild spirit to communicate since he couldn't directly come. Gi Wan thought for a moment. Then, he remembered what the beautiful girl in the space said.

"Once you go back, you will get three chances where you can summon the keeper of your world, the representative of excitement, 'The One'."

Although he can call him anytime, Gi Wan could only do that 3 times. So he thought of a couple of things for a moment and then said

"Fine. However, the next time we meet will definitely end with both his and your death."

Gi Wan now had the status enough to threaten a war god. This is the power of the name 'The One'.

After a moment, a portal opened beside Kart and he went away using it. Gi Wan glared at the place where Kart was and then observed Lucy.

"Hey Gi Wan, what was that just now? Anyways, since the time it appeared, Rai suddenly fell unconscious. Is there something wrong with him?"

Lucy was holding Rai, who looked like a 13 year old kid. Rai was rather cute like this. Gi Wan smiled at the scene answered

"Don't worry ma'am, your child just fainted due to exhaustion."

"B-Bastard what? I'm still 23 you know?"

"Oh god, it must have been hard... at the age of 10..."

"W-What are you thinking????"

Lucy started to blush profusely and hid her face in her palms.


"By the way..."

As she removed her hands she looked sad

"Why did Kart betray us?"