

There is only barren earth as far as one's eyes can see. There are countless craters all over the ground. There are a countless amount of burnt charcoal, bits and pieces of pink coloured ice, countless rainbow coloured spears and a blackish red fire strewn over the ground and some on the spears. What is peculiar about those flames is that it looks as if they are merged with the spears, giving them a blackish red tinge. Hundreds of metres above the sky you can see 5 beings attacking and moving around with speeds way above the speed of sounds against an unmoving gigantic black mass in the sky. This continued for days as the battle rages on.

Chrono: Laws of the Myriad element Spear Form! IMPERIAL ANNIHILATION!!!

Ling Tian: Laws of the Hellflame, heed my call, grant this Emperor full control!! Grand Imperial Flame Burst!!


A large amount of the black red flames covered the thousands or so rainbow coloured spears, creating darkly themed spears and shot towards a demon-like being in the air.

That demonic being, Xergarth's chest spanned over a hundred feet, with a height of roughly 20 meters, gigantic arms and floats with no legs. It was covered in armour that did not cover much of his spirit like appearance. (A/N: Appearance is similar to Aransu Thrall http://img6.mmo.mmo4arab.com/bns/2017/10/08/bns_fallen_aransu_boss.jpg) It smashed his palms together and shouted "TRUE VOID SHIELD". A dark transparent shield appeared and fully covered the front of his body.


A tear suddenly appeared from the space behind the demon. A black-robed, 20 year old looking man appeared from the tear, wielded a black coloured katana and slashed towards Xergarth

The Attack is actually effective against that damned demon as it managed to create a nasty gash at the back of Xergarth. Xergarth roared in agony as it turned around and slammed its arm to the back and sent Houshou flying down smashing him against the earth, making Houshou spurt a huge mouthful of blood. Xergarth was enraged and tried to hurl a dark sphere filled with the Laws of Withering but...

Bing Yu Yan: Heavenly Frost Imprisonment!

A huge light blue coloured magic circle appeared beneath Xergarth's feet (or at least where it is supposed to be) and bluish pink ice sprouted from the magic circle and completely covered Xergarth in less than a second. It was somewhat ineffective though as it managed to break out of the imprisonment as soon as it completely covered its body but the spell served the purpose as it managed to hit Xergarth's arm and deviated the black mass that it was about to hurl in a completely different direction, potentially saving Houshou's life

Clint Westwood saw what happened and as fast as he could, he spawned roots in a perimeter surrounding Houshou and effectively shielded him and provided an aura of regeneration.

Houshou groaned and felt his bones creaking as he tried to sit up as he felt Clint's Aura of Regeneration and tried his best to get rid of the Withering Law that invaded his body when he was slammed by Xergarth as it was slowing corroding his health and stamina.

Houshou: Status!


Name: Sengetsu Houshou

Title: Void Emperor


Realm: Hm 29 Divine Exalted Realm

Soul: Hm 30 God Soul

Health: 314623/900000

Mana: 23475/50000

Attack :7462/10416 {[[ Affected by Withering Law]]}

Defence :6755/8635 {[[ Affected by Withering Law]]}

Agility : 8472/11094 {[[ Affected by Withering Law]]}

Stamina : 3212/9816




Houshou managed to get rid of the Withering Law hidden within his body and popped a Healing Pill before rushing out of the shield and continued to attack

"YOU WILL NEVER HAVE YOUR WAY XENGRATH. The Myriad Race World Will NEVER submit to the Ebondrake!"

Xergarth: Well I would like to ask you this Sengetsu Houshou, do you really think that the five of you in the Divine Exalted Realm can handle THIS GOD?!?! NAIVE

Xergarth spoke in a deep and rough voice.

Xergarth: This god has prepared for centuries for this invasion. Do you actually think that you can stop my race? This god and my race have already conquered 3 lower worlds. Let this world be the first middle world that we will conquer. YOU BRATS CAN NEVER HOPE TO STOP THIS GOD'S PATH.

At this point, all five of the emperors are riddled with blood and injuries. A thing that you might notice if you are there is that except for Sengetsu Houshou that managed to remove the withering laws from his body, the injuries on the rest of the emperors refused to heal as there is a bluish black colour surrounding each injury that they have, filled with Withering Law that prevents them from healing.


A purple shield surrounded Xergarth's body which seems impossible to break through and a small black sphere appeared in his hand and it started growing at an extremely fast rate.

Clint Westwood: I can sense that he is trying to compress a large amount of the Law of Withering into that sphere of his. The four of us emperors should be enough to protect you if we sacrifice our divi-

Sengetsu Houshou: NO! All of you guys are NOT going to die on my watch! We have been buddies for decades and I cannot bear to just watch you guys just sacrifice your life for me. There must be-

Chrono Astirith: Enough! Houshou, you are the youngest of all of us, not even a century old and the rest of us here are already thousands of years old with no hope whatsoever to reach godhood. You have the highest potential amongst us and the highest chance to reach godhood. You are also the strongest amongst us. When we managed to protect you from that attack, you will give that final blow to that bastard. That amount of law that he is infusing in that Attack will definitely make Xergarth weak for a moment of time after it attacked. Use that chance to kill him brother!

Chu Ling Tian: Chrono is right Houshou. If you can't kill that Ebondrake, no one else can.

Sengetsu Houshou: BU—-

Bing Yu Yan : SILENCE HOUSHOU!! This decision is final. Cast away your selfish thoughts Sengetsu. It is after all, our duty to protect this world from other races.

Sengetsu Houshou wanted to retort badly but he realised all of them were right, all he had in his mind right now is nothing but selfish thoughts. He then quickly cast away those thoughts of his and nodded his head.

The four emperors saw his nod and grinned. The four of them then disappeared and reappeared at four corners surrounding Houshou


Chrono heard this and turned around to give a weak grin and said.

Chrono: This piece of shit right here has got to be the most cliché opponent that we have faced. Well then, LETS DO THIS!!

And the four emperors started their last spell that they will ever chant in their lives.

Chrono Astirith: I, Myriad Emperor Chrono Astirith of the Divine Exalted Realm, hereby sacrifice my divine soul of Hongmoon 28: 4th Class Change to shield Void Emperor Sengetsu Houshou from the enemy's attack. LAW OF MYRIAD ELEMENT, DIVINE CONSTRUCT SHIELD

Bing Yu Yan: I, Frost Empress Bing Yu Yan of the Divine Exalted Realm, hereby sacrifice my divine soul of Hongmoon 29: 5th Class Change to shield Void Emperor Sengetsu Houshou from the enemy's attack. LAW OF THE FREEZING LOTUS, FREEZING LOTUS BARRIER

Chu Ling Tian: I, Flame Emperor Chu Ling Tian of the Divine Exalted Realm, hereby sacrifice my divine soul of Hongmoon 28: 4th Class Change to shield Void Emperor Sengetsu Houshou from the enemy's attack. LAW OF THE HELLFLAME, SHIELD OF HADES

Clint Westwood: I, Purewood Emperor Clint Westwood of the Divine Exalted Realm, hereby sacrifice my Hongmoon 30 God Soul to shield Void Emperor Sengetsu Houshou from the enemy's Attack. LAW OF THE WORLD TREE, YGGDRASIL

Four barriers appeared and surrounded Sengetsu Houshou. Houshou nodded towards them, lifted his black coloured katana and started his chant.

Sengetsu Houshou: I, Void Emperor Sengetsu Houshou hereby sacrifice my Hongmoon 30 God Soul to empower my blade, Law of Void Severing, Limitless Void Blade!

Xergarth infused a large amount of his Withering Law into his spell and it exploded in a large black ring expanding outwards and quickly enveloped the 4 emperors and the barrier. Chrono was right. When Xergarth's spell ended, Houshou can see it heavily panting as Xergarth seemed to have overdrawed its mana thinking that the spell would have ended them all.

Houshou took this chance and immediately use Void Step to appear front of Xergarth and slashed him with the empowered blade.

Xergarth was surprised that his attack did not manage to kill all of them and opened its mouth to shoot out a black beam towards Houshou

The black beam and the empowered slash managed to hit of of them at the same time and Houshou's vision blacked out.

So yeah this is my first chapter hope y’all liked it. I would really appreciate any constructive feedback to improve on my writing since this is after all my very first chapter that I have ever written. God damn writing a chapter is harder than I thought.

Crysenfirecreators' thoughts
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