
The World Is Stupidity: And You Are Stupidity.

If it's not wanted, why are they approaching me? Do they like me for a reason. Well, I just want to live freely and then die.... a homeless person who wants to find the truth about his life. Maybe I'm a bum, but my world is my home? Or my house is my world. That's what my life is like! Fight to defy the fate of justice.

Yoredream · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 13 - Divine chakra.

in that ocean! Kalvhe with a misleading existence.

"I told you to get out of the way, damn it." He shouted, he continued swimming in the ocean ignoring everything else. Meanwhile, the long black shadows continuously attacked him and wrapped around him.

"Oy ugly meat, I told you it wouldn't be of any use to me."

"HA HA! I DON'T THINK YOU WILL IGNORE ALL THE LAWS IN THIS OCEAN. " The voice sounded so terrifying, it felt like it would destroy everything.

"Noisy..." He threw away the shadow wrapped around his body, and used it as a foothold.


"What did you say?..." of course Kalvhe was shocked and even more rebellious, then at that moment there were three shadows coming from in front of him, trying to stab the small figure like Kalvhe.

"HAHAHA...." He laughed. But kalvhe once again ignored the attack and used it again as a foothold for him.

'These tentacles are really troublesome. ' he thought.

'actually what creatures are in this ocean... is this the one in the story? A creature that has a large body and many tentacles, 99 Ancient Mythology 'Kraken?' he thought.

Kalvhe, who was trying to get out, is now increasingly trying to jump into the ocean after hearing that his friend was also taken into the ocean. and by using her magician powers, she ignored everything in front of her.

In contrast, Kalvhe who thought this ocean was very dark, now for him the dark circles around his pupils were darker than that.

"Tell me, where are they..." he punched the tentacle and it shattered.


' hair? Am I wrong! It seemed like he wasn't that creature, but what a creature he was that even his own hair was tentacles. '

"I will give you even more pain..." then Kalvhe destroyed the four tentacles in front of him.

"It HURT... NO IT HURT, IT VERY HURT! MAMA." She screamed horribly

"Hoo! Do you want to complain to your parents? It turns out you are still a child…" he mocked.

"NOISE... FEEL THIS." Then the destroyed tentacles now regrouped and attacked Kalvhe from behind... but Kalvhe used that as a foothold to move faster..

"thank you..." with that push, he moved so fast that it even made it seem like a knife was cutting through water.


Then Kalvhe moved further away from the tentacle, with his eyes roaming around looking for where the two of them were.

then "Ahh..." he heard a message in his head, that it should not be possible in this ocean. Because the law prohibits all pure power.

The message was very simple, and it came from the servant who had been carried away by the seabed.

'This servant will go out first, and that woman? He's in quite deep interior, so save him. Bye'

"Damn, you ignored him." Kalvhe thought, he couldn't reply to the message, because it was a short message that wasn't connected to him like telepathy. Then he continued to dive into the sea.


The ocean felt very dark, even the beauty that was visible on the surface did not appear the same inside.

' I'm afraid... this ocean is absorbing my life. ' thought Vyllooret

He sank into the ocean, even all his strength that she was proud of was completely useless in the ocean.

'this is scary, what happened to kalvhe, he is human, if he is in this place, then?..' fear continued to fill him.

'I don't want to die, will he also drown like me? help me, anyone, I shouldn't be playing around like this, Kalvhe.'

Those thoughts kept running through his mind, and fear continued to surround him. Vylloret continued to sink deeper into the ocean.

Bluep....bluep....bluep. even sea water continued to enter his mouth.

'I've drunk too much water! My breathing power is also decreasing? But why is my consciousness getting stronger... is it because I feel fear in situations like this...' Vylloret kept trying to move in the ocean, but he couldn't do it.

'very dark! Am I losing my sight? Or because this ocean is too dark.' She thought like that, then suddenly he felt something wrapped around his body.

'Who...' she thought, it was wrapped around his body and only one coil, but it very big and bulky.

What's this? so big, are these the tentacles before.' She thought, then the object wrapped around him pulled him deeper into the bottom of the ocean.

' is this the bottom of the ocean? I don't know it's so dark, anyways does this ocean have a bottom..'

I think I'm going to die!...' she thought, she resigned himself to that, and closed his eyes? She let it sink further and drank more of the ocean water. and at that moment memories flooded his mind.

'Hey little girl? Why do you think humans are so fragile.'

"maybe because humans are weak....

'no, it's not like that, do you know little girl? humans are so perfect, that's why they are so fragile.'

'Why do you say that....

"because humans can cry and have fear."

'I think humans are so greedy because they have everything...

"you are right little girl! Humans are rich in emotions, they also carry too much! That's why they are fragile."

'In my opinion, emotions themselves are a burden on humans! But sometimes people also forget their burdens with those emotions! Very fragile....

"yes! Humans easily forget and escape from reality with their emotions."

'but I like humans....

"I hate humans." The memories flooded his memory.

Vylloret didn't know who it was, but she remembered that conversation in the depths of his heart.

"So? Until this war ends! Stay alive and prove to me that you are a different human being from them.."

Then suddenly Vyloret opened his eyes, and horns appeared on his head. And the light of trinkets came out all over his body.

"But now I'm not human anymore," she answered at this time.

Its current appearance looked very beautiful, and if you looked closely, the light of the bauble would look like a brightly burning star with a gray ring surrounding it.

'I will not die, I will meet him again and tell him that I am still alive. ' she widened his eyes, and violet light flashed in his pupils, and white circles spun like wheels in his eyes.

'Sorry kalvhe, I have to save myself first.' she thought, Then right in front of him, a terrible eye glared at him, and Vylloret froze.

It's so big, it looks five times bigger than its body size? And there are also a lot of them, in fact there are so many eyes that it is impossible to count how many there are.

Those terrifying gazes made Vylloret fall into madness, and the power that continued to flow out of his body grew faster and faster.

even now not only the eyes were visible but a mouth was also visible in his view, it was very big with its mouth open, even bigger than the size of the mountain itself? As if that mouth could devour stars at any time.

Vylloret's body is getting more and more rebellious and crazy? And it also had an effect on Vylloret's sea of consciousness, causing his memories to be absorbed.

But Vylloret still resisted it with the strength throughout his body, even the white circle was spinning more and more quickly.

I won't die.... I won't lose to an ugly figure like you. ' she thought, Then a rough attack hit his body, it was so heavy that it even caused Vylloret's body to be thrown very far which should not have been possible because of the strong pressure in the ocean.

ugh... (blood flowed from his mouth, his consciousness even faded because of the strong blow.)

I won't die...' she thought, but there was fear on her beautiful face.

'ha ha! humans will be afraid if they are faced with death.' The voice buzzed again in his mind, and made itself felt directly in his ears.

'No! I'm not afraid of death...' she thought! But that was just empty determination, because all the strength within him disappeared, even his hair and eyes felt like they had just died.

' haa.. Kalvhe? Help me, I don't want to die...' she closed his eyes and fell deeper into the bottomless ocean.


'that stupid woman, where is she now?'

It's very difficult to move in this ocean, even my own strength is useless in it... even though I can ignore everything here, it still limits me in using my energy. I can move in this ocean because I convert this pressure into the urge to move, It's quite difficult to do, but I'm used to it, it's like a toy for me.

Then he turned his body like a drill and used the pressure in the ocean as a push.

"No matter how dense it is, if it is hit by a rapidly rotating sharp edge it will be able to penetrate it."

'Hey, where are you now...' he thought.

He was spinning around in the ocean, but because the ocean was wide it made it quite difficult to find him.

MEET YOU...." The terrible voice sounded again.

"haa...." Kalvhe saw a black dot in front of him, then his body was penetrated by something he didn't know...

"Ughhh! damn... it hurts..." he looked at his body which had holes in it and silver blood was coming out of it.

"OHH, I LOVE THAT BLOOD..." then the little monsters surrounded him. It was so small to see, like pelankton! But it has sharp teeth and lots of eyes on its slimy body.



Then Vishe's body was now covered in black by the creatures and quickly small wounds appeared on his body.

'This little creature entered my body through the wound...' Kalvhe panicked, it hadn't occurred to him. The vicious little creatures ate all of his internal organs, but he looked fine even though the pain was spreading all over his body.


"This is quite painful..." he replied, he continued to move in such a situation, and tried to destroy more of the small creatures.

"WHY NOT JUST GIVE UP AND DIE?" he said, the existence moved its tentacles and wrapped around Kalvhe body which was already limited in its movements.

"Do you think I'll just obey? "Even so, now Kalvhe body is completely entangled by those tentacles.

"YOU'RE RIGHT, THAT'S WHY YOU HAVE TO DIE..." The presence strengthened its coils and the sound of bones was heard, even blood was now seeping between the tentacles.

"HAHAHA..." He laughed at the sight! He thought that the human he had captured had been killed. But a ring of laughter followed him.

"hahah..." the laughter was heard, then a large weapon split the three tentacles that were wrapped around him.

"YOU..." the existence was shocked.

"AKHHH... IT VERY HURT..." He screamed.

"It's enough! I want to meet that woman. " he said. Then now a weapon was seen spinning rapidly in the palm of his hand? It was purplish black around it. And on both sides of the weapon there were also strange paintings that depicted a formless existence.

That was Kalvhe's personal weapon? The 'divine chakra' that he named 'Arveshgetta', and also a weapon that he didn't know where it came from, at this time the arveshgetta was spinning very quickly

Kalvhe realized long ago that this ocean has its own principles? The law of cause and effect and the system of creation do not apply in that ocean, and because of that? Whatever power they have, it will not apply to them.

Actually, this is not the first time Kalvhe has drowned in the ocean, and maybe this is the seventh time he has experienced the same thing. And the seventh time, he was saved by the weapon he had released at this time.

The weapon rotated very quickly, even creating a tornado phenomenon in the water, and ocean vortexes that occurred on the surface.


"RIGHT THIS TIME I WANT TO ASK? ARE YOU STILL THE ONE YOU WERE BEFORE?" Asked about the existence, but Kalvhe ignored him.

"Whoever it is, it has nothing to do with you," Kalvhe replied coldly.

Then twelve tentacles attacked Kalvhe from various directions, it was very strong, even if it was said that the previous attack was just a joke for fun, but now? That attack was truly terrifying.

There is no image for this ocean, or this ocean is like emptiness itself. And now the attack from the tentacle tore the void and aimed at Kalvhe's body.

But that didn't mean anything to him!... then as usual kalvhe ignored things like defense and attacked the tentacles by spreading his weapons.

"Enough for the game." Kalvhe touched Arveshgetta's empty point, then the will came to pass, light shone in Kalvhe's eyes with its black circles spinning rapidly.

"Dead..." he said coldly without emotion.

This existence only has the form of tentacles and still does not show its exact form.


Thank you for reading my story, and don't forget to continue to support my story to make it more enthusiastic. Hehe

Yoredreamcreators' thoughts