
The Beast.

"Had these idiots been of importance to me I would be wroth right now, but alas..." Saleos finished healing his wound and looked around himself at the flames incinerating down to the bones of the Zolans, and then looked upwards at his relentless aggressors. "They are of no use; expendable liabilities." He fanned his hand through the fire, feeling the heat singe his healing skin, and then frowning deeply.

"To think I would live to see the day a god gained the ability to fight back, that too on the same day the entirety of my people were slaughtered, there was no prophecy of such a calamity, and I have been acting on impulse," the demon-god looked at Ikaris, feeling the waves of her mana building from deep within the cavern and then shifting his focus to Atla when he felt a foreboding energy pulsing from her as well.