
the woman

one day a group of friends were going down a dark road. They were goings to get some food. it was a 10 minute drive from there house. They talk the whole way but Jessie saw something in the road. so they pulled over. When they got closer she notice it was a woman laying on the ground. so she got out and ask if she was okay the woman said she is they give her some money and drove off. They were wornding why she was laying on the ground but didn't think to much of it. when They got some food they saw the exact same woman .they were wornding how she got there so fast but they though someone took her there. They were on there way home when they pulled up and it was the woman. They hurry got out the car. Jessie ask how she know were they live and how she got here. she just said goodnight an A creepy voice and ran away. later that night they got a call from a unknown number. They pick it up.the woman said one person gone down...down....down then they heard Chole scream we ran to her room she wasnt there we check everywhere she was no were. the next day I got a phone call I pick it up she said 1 person goes down....down...down then I heard Megan scream ran to her room she wasn't there. We knew every time she'll call someone goes missing. We dicided if she's calls don't answers. the next day she calls I didn't answer then she texted and said u made a big mistake then I heard Vanessa scream. I was the only one left the next day she called I answer she said go look in your kitchen so I did that was a big mistake I made. now I'm dead and if your reading this always be careful