
The way it rained

They called her a dreamer ,she was a queen who reincarnated and lost memories of her past life meanwhile he is Lord of Blades who killed himself so that he can take rebirth and find her again , he remembered everything , he made her fall in love again if you are a person who likes fantasy with cheesiness,salt , spice and sugar than this is for you

Ash_5303 · Fantasie
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9 Chs



King Markus -" I hope everything was great my child "

*Hairaeth answered while looking at Lawliet-*" It was "

*he too looked into her eyes and said "For right it was "

*King Markus was able to feel their lover's aura *

King Markus -" Well well we have planned to organize a royal ball where princesses from all kingdoms come and I hope to see you there as well "

Hairaeth - "When it is? "

King Markus -" It's after 2 days from now "

Alexis- "My lord, it's time for dinner to get ready in 1 hour and Queen has called you to see her "

*King left to see the queen* hm *seems like some secrets are going to be spilled *

King Markus -" Did you call me, dear?"

Queen- "Yes, there is an important thing I want to tell you "

King Markus -" And what is it? "

*Queen closed the curtains of her room and continued saying - " it's about the relations of our son"

*King Markus hears her carefully while nodding *

She says "It's about Hairaeth and Lawliet being to seem getting closer... Day by day "

King Markus- "Isn't it great? "

Queen-" But I want to see dear Charlotte and him getting closer "

King Markus -"But Hairaeth seems to be better than her Plus if your son likes her more then what's the problem? Isn't it, his choice?

*Queen stared at him and said "But what if she is evil? What if she is acting? What if her goal is to kill our son "/

King Markus - "How stupid "

" she is the princess of Hringkalla.... richest and largest kingdom"

"and also what if Charlotte is ill-minded instead? "

* Queen was mute and said "See you understand! Charlotte is his friend since childhood "

"but still they are not close? right? " answered King

Queen said in anger "Why don't you understand that I have promised Queen Dunken that her daughter will marry our son "

King Markus-"Now I get it" then continued " If I were you then I would have never done this in the first place and if I did it then I wouldn't have tried to part away whom he liked "

"Also what did you see in Charlotte?"

" she doesn't even know how to handle a dragon "*King left the room while saying "Dinner is going to be ready in 45 min *Queen was in Guilt still she had the plan of marrying his son to Princess Charlotte "


Princess Charlotte was writing her journal

She wrote


Dear dairy

Today I was disgusted and embarrassed as I fall into the water because of a stupid dragon named 'Crystallia' then Prince Lawliet and that evil Hairaeth left me with tamer... They both enjoyed and I was crying for my new pink gown... It was so expensive ... Ughhh I can't believe it but surely I will take over her place and make the prince and crown of Queen Arandel mine. I have many plans to destroy her and also I have gotten to know that there is going to be a ball after 2 days...

Your Princess



Whereas on the other hand

*Princess Hairaeth took a bath, wore a gown which had a shiny stars design and had a side cut, used scent, made her hair and then remembered the moment which happened in the morning when Prince Lawliet put his hands under her corset then suddenly she thought what she was thinking about and said to herself " better be going to the library before dinner, Hairaeth! **She walked many steps then * she entered the library * it was made of wood and gold and the roof was openable as there were astronomy classes conducted during the night, and many telescopes were kept organized one by one, there were huge windows and magical pathway occurred on the water while walking* * it looked as if bookshelves were flying...

Hairaeth used her power of evasion floating to get the novel she wanted soon she heard the sound of the roof opening she murmured in her mind "Oh no it means that dinner has started " * but she thought of seeing through the telescope to those stars even though the planets were already close to them * * then she sat and looked through the telescope *

On the other side

King Markus - "Why isn't Hairaeth here? "

Queen - " seems like she doesn't know the importance of time "

*King and Lawliet starred at her *

King Markus -" Alexis, where is she?"

*another maid came and said she is not in her room * * Lawliet got off his seat and then the queen said" Back to the seat " Lawliet said "No, she is always on time and if she doesn't comes then there is a problem "

King Markus - "ok then, he makes sense "

Queen- "What do you know about her? How can you answer back to your mother? "

*he said nothing and left the dining room *

*Hairaeth thought let's be on time as people might get angry at her for coming late * * while she was coming she saw 5 people with white masks and prisoners' clothes soon she realized they were thieves* *sadly the thieves saw her and they ran towards her and grabbed her hardly on hands and legs then put a knife on her neck saying " shhh, don't even try to utter a word "

"let's kidnap her too boss," said Prisoner 2

Prisoner boss -Wrap her hands and face..we will take her in a sack " Who will save you now princess? "

They all laughed saying "We will be rich soon"

*Hairaeth used her legs and kicked front to the prisoner and then screamed thieves *

Her voice echoed through the palace

*thieves tried to kill her with a knife but failed she used her powers to burst their eyes then she put her leg on the table and took out knives from her gown and slashed those prisoners *

* one pushed her down but she escaped quickly she sat over him and stabbed him 10 times in anger *

*soon lawliet came in front of the library and saw her stabbing them with anger then he heard her saying " I will save myself if no one will "Then she cutted Prisoner's boss's head in pieces * * her face, hands and gown had splashes of blood * *other two prisoners were trying to run but lawliet cracked their skulls in anger *

* Lawliet moved closer to Hairaeth and then felt the same aura he felt in last birth where she killed someone in front of him as he tried to gaze over her...

Soon king, queen and Charlotte came running to see what happened they saw blood on Hairaeth's face

*Lawliet got to her and gave him his hand to stand...

There both hands were filled with blood....she took deep breaths when Lawliet said "That's my Princess " in a cold voice.

She stood up while taking support of his hand and then said " I am sorry for not coming on time for dinner "

Lawliet smirked and said while wiping blood on her cheeks from his fingers " I already knew something was weird "

Queen -" Are you both ok? "

They both said together -" way better than ok"

Hairaeth ordered cleaner to clean then said "Kindly clean it before the night as I am going to be here to watch the stars in the night after dinner "

Two medics came with bandages, a wet towel and a dry towel

Hairaeth said "Please continue with the dinner as I guess I will be a little bit late "

Soldier 1- "These thieves were stealing 30 million Kruger!"

Lawliet-" Well now they are dead "

*Hairaeth got to her room for changing and then remembered the traumatic incident of her past life where some people raped her sister and then tried to rape her but she protected herself and made her so strong that no one would have been able to touch her *

*she reached the dining hall where maids were talking about how dangerous she is...

Lawliet said them to move outside* *king and queen had already left to sleep*

*queen still tried to convince King to marry their son and Charlotte but King thought it in the opposite way.

There Charlotte got chills from her then thought taking over her place won't be easy

Lawliet said while smirking *you still look angry, princess *

She replied "Don't mind it .... Two things which give me a hangover for a while murdering someone and eating chocolate "

"So you like chocolate?" asked he

"It's like drugs....."

The dining hall became silent and she continued

"addictive " " if you get one then you want more "

*dinner ended and then they got back there to rooms *
