
Test Run

Standing on a hill, Daniel who is now covered in heavy armor from head to toe can be seen with a giant great sword strap behind him as he look intently into the distance. His red colored armor looks like it was painted with blood. The design of this armor is exquisite while the style is dreadful as it give people the impression that a terrifying beast is standing in front of them. Next to him is a huge war horse covered entirely in armor and radiating immense strength.

Rumble!, Rumble!

Soon, sounds of hooves could be heard approaching the hill.

"Your highness, we have found a large group of monsters that match your description." said one of the guardsmen who approached Daniel to give his report.

"Good job Gerald, how many are there?"

"Around fifty your highness, I think that they are the enemy vanguard."

Hearing what Gerald said made Daniel relax a lot more since he doesn't want to be reckless and attack a large group for their first battle. But their is still one thing troubling him right now.

Looking over his shoulder, Daniel could see Markus and a handful of the tribe militia resting under the shades. He still couldn't believe that they came after him, knowing how dangerous the forest is right now. Only someone as reckless as Daniel would do something like this, he didn't expect their was others like him.

Not only that but the two side almost broke into a full on battle while under the impression that the other party was there to harm Daniel. Luckily, he was able to stop both group in time, clear the misunderstanding, and introduce each other.

Daniel also came up with an excuse on the spot about the appearance of these one hundred guardsmen to Markus and the militia. Mentioning that while being heavily injured, god visited him and granted the power to save them all. That power allows Daniel to summon extraordinary individuals and things to aid them in their future battle.

With his explanation, everyone was shock but their was still some doubt in there hearts. However, all of that was wash away when Daniel summon his weapon, armor, and horse. Stunned by his actions, the whole group including Markus dropped on there knees and bowed towards Daniel with reverence.

They even said something like 'the chieftain is now the divine messenger of god.'

'Sigh, I hope everything will work out fine even with them knowing that I can summon things.'

No longer bothering about the issue, Daniel returned his focus back to the orcs. Although there are only fifty of them, he still need to plan things carefully to avoid unnecessary casualties. Also to fine a way for them to cover the tracks from the main orcs marauder group.

Those orcs will surely get suspicious if there is no news from the vanguard before sending more to investigate.

In this operation, he will have Gerald who was picked by the guardsmen themselves to lead everyone be the commander.

"Markus, come here really quick."

Hearing the chieftain calling him, Markus jump up from the ground and rush forward before giving a respectful salut.

"Your orders chief!"

"Relax, I just want to ask if we have any enemy tribes that is on bad terms with us." said Daniel.

Confused about the sudden question but Markus still answered respectfully "Reporting to the chief, there is a mid size tribe called Fang tribe that is hostile towards us living deep inside the mountains not to far away from where our tribe is located."

"Why are they hostile and what is the travel distance?"

"They have always want to take our tribe location for it strategic value and amble resources. A good amount of their men have died under our walls. As for distance, is about two days travel on foot." replied Markus.

With a big smile on his face, Daniel begin to explain his plans together with both Gerald and Markus.

There will be three stages in his plans, the first is to launch a surprise attack on the orcs deep in the night when they are most comfortable. Secondly, the group will shift the battle towards the direction of that fang tribe. Lastly, they will leave trails and lead the orcs marauder main group there and use the fang tribe as a sacrifice.

After explaining the plan to the two, the group split up to prepare for the upcoming battle.

Once again alone on top of the hill, Daniel looked at his hands and sigh 'these hands will once again be covered in the blood of innocence but it's either you or me.'

Midnight-Tutor Forest

Daniel along with his men move slowly towards the orcs encampment under the cover of darkness. Due to the element of surprise since the orcs never thought that humans would voluntarily send themselves to death. Didn't even bother to set up sentries to keep watch of the surrounding which allow Daniel to slip in unnoticed.

Looking into the distance, Daniel could see a large group of orcs is currently sitting around multiple campfire while eating the roasted game that they catch and drinking mouthful of alcohol. Laughing while telling stories about their encounter being a soldier. If one don't know any better then they would think that these orcs are like humans.

However, at another campfire. A group of orcs are talking with a solemn face.

"Do you think we will fine more of those human rats in this forest?" said one of the orc as he munch on a deer leg.

"Not sure, we did catch quite a few of them this past year. The rats are getting a lot smarter nowadays unlike before." said the orc sitting beside it.

"The quota for human captive have increased recently due to the plague among those at the farms. There have been an increase in demand of human flesh because of that as well." said an much bigger orc sitting by itself near the fire.

"Ahhh Brutus, if you didn't mention it then I would have forgotten how good those human actually tasted. To bad that they are so expensive for me to enjoy all the time." said an old orc with a long white beard.

"You poor bastard haha."

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