

He whose face shall never see the light of day shall never know the allure of death in darkness. A man can be destroyed but not be defeated. As the era of gods waned, and the door to cultivation and immortality opened to mortals, he saw an opportunity to forge his own path and strive for greatness. Can Reece forge his own path and walk through the upheavals of immortality and be the strongest? Reece understood that the journey to immortality was fraught with challenges, sacrifices, and immense effort. "A man can be destroyed but not be defeated," he thought, realizing that setbacks and obstacles were a part of any great undertaking, but true defeat only came when one gave up. As eras came to an end and new ones were forged through blood and pain. He understood that the road would be treacherous, that he would face adversaries both mortal and divine, and that the price of immortality might be higher than he could ever imagine. The era of gods had come to an end, and Reece was ready to usher in a new era of mortal cultivators forging their own destinies. The allure of immortality beckoned, and Reece, with the indomitable spirit that had defined his journey, would stop at nothing to grasp it.

bluey22 · Fantasie
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43 Chs


The arena was silent all eyes on Reece as he returned to his seat, nobody had understood the secret behind his technique, but it was a thriller to watch it. All the challengers had now set their sights on Reece who had just proven to be a rival worth defeating in the contest. 

Lian who was watching from the sidelines couldn't believe what he had seen. He couldn't believe that Reece was already this strong and could take out his opponents with just one move. His blood boiled with anger as he watched Reece walk away without sparing even an effort and Lucy was already fawning over him. 

The atmosphere in the arena was charged with anticipation. The audience had witnessed a thrilling fight, and the excitement in the air was addictive and ensnaring to the audience.

Lian, jumped into the center of the arena. His eyes were filled with jealousy and determined to outshine Reece and capture the attention of everyone, he raised his voice to address the crowd. "I, Lian of the Jao Sect, issue a challenge to any sect that dares to face me in combat!"

His bold declaration sent a ripple of murmurs throughout the arena. Lian's first match had made everyone rethink their title challenge against such a brutal force, and his challenge was not to be taken lightly. Martial artists from various sects exchanged glances, contemplating whether to accept the challenge. 

Moments later, a representative from the Kenshin Peak Sect, known for their mastery of elemental skills and fierce determination, stepped forward. "I accept your challenge, Lian of the Jao Sect, I'm Kanto your opponent in this match," he declared, his voice unwavering.

The crowd gasped at the audacity of the Kenshin Peak Sect disciple. It was clear that he was no ordinary fighter, and the battle that was about to unfold promised to be a spectacle of extraordinary power and skill.

The gong sounded, marking the beginning of the third match. Lian and his opponent faced each other, the tension in the arena reaching its peak. The Kenshin Peak Sect disciple unleashed a torrent of elemental attacks, summoning wind and fire to strike at Lian.

Lian, however, remained composed and focused. He countered with his own powerful techniques, his movements precise and controlled. The two fighters engaged in a battle of elemental mastery, their attacks colliding in a dazzling display of power.

The audience watched in awe as the arena became a battlefield of swirling winds and crackling lightning. Lian's determination to dethrone Reece's magnificent match was ever so evident. He took out his sword from his storage bag and with it he was determined to end this facade of a match.

With a cynical smile Lian danced his way through the barrage of attacks and plunged his sword into Kanto's guts spilling them all over the arena floor. It was no longer a match but a death sentence for the Kenshin Peak sect disciple.

Elder Sun Raku stood up enraged ready to enter the arena and save his disciple but the Grand Elder stood towering above him ready to strike him down should he intervene. Elder Sn Raku sat still as he watched his disciple get torn to shreds by Lian who was laughing cynically in the arena. His blood boiled as he could no longer endure the shame and torture his disciple was going through, he rocketed past the siege of the grand elder and ready to strike a deadly blow on Lian. As he clenched his fist Sect master Yang appeared in the arena ready to strike. The two were ready to clash, a fight of the titan cultivator's a show down was ready to ensue.

The two figures stood facing each other on the arena, their auras crackling with energy.

Sect Master Yang, with his robes billowing like a stormy sea, spoke with a voice that resonated with authority. "Elder Sun Raku, you dare try and attack my disciple on my sects grounds?"

Elder Sun Raku, his demeanor calm and composed, responded evenly, "Yes, how dare he murder my student and still disembowel his body like that. I must get an explanation today or so help me by heavens I will ravage your entire sect."

With that, the two martial artists began to emanate their auras, their energies clashing like tidal waves. The air in the arena crackled with the intensity of their power, and the walls seemed to tremble under the weight of their presence.

Sect Master Yang's aura was a torrential force, a surge that drawled the life out of the audience and vitality out of the plants. It surged and roared, like a tempest gathering strength before a storm. He was determined to go against the strongest sect in the Northen Tongtian reaches.

Elder Sun Raku's aura, on the other hand, was a serene and focused energy, like the calm center of a hurricane. His blood was boiling his eyes raged on red ready to pounce on Lian as soon as he got the chance.

The skirmish of auras continued, the arena becoming a battleground of spiritual forces. Sparks of energy danced between them, illuminating the arena with an otherworldly glow. The balance of power shifted back and forth, neither side willing to yield.

Grand elder, a living ancestor in the Jao sect stepped forward to end the stupid skirmish, with just a stroke of his hand he whisked Elder Sun Raku of the arena and into the air where he stood still suspended in the air.

On seeing the powerhouse at play Elder Sun Raku took Kanto's body and retreated with the rest of his disciples, cursing the Jao sect at heart and swearing vengeance at the cost of his life. The aura had dissipated, and the audience was coming back to life and the vitality was spreading like a calm wind after a storm over the arena.

Reece, curious about the aura manipulation he had witnessed between Sect Master Yang and Elder Sun Raku, decided to experiment with his own aura. He found a quiet spot near a fellow disciple and began to concentrate, attempting to harness his spiritual energy.

As he closed his eyes and focused on his inner power, Reece's aura began to stir. At first, it was a subtle and almost imperceptible shift in the air around him. But as he delved deeper into his meditation, his Tao soul changed inexplicably and something unexpected happened.

Instead of a controlled and harmonious aura, an ominous and oppressive killing intent emanated from Reece. It was a chilling presence that filled the immediate vicinity, causing his fellow disciple to shiver involuntarily. The atmosphere grew heavy, and the energy in the area became charged and the area around him became freezing cold that ice formed around him like a cocoon ready to embellish a new being.

His experiment had gone awry, and he had inadvertently drawn upon a killing intent rather than the aura he seeked. The intensity of the killing intent was so palpable that it caught the attention of Sect Master Yang, who was still in the arena with Lian.

Sect Master Yang's eyes widened as he sensed the energy radiating from Reece. He approached Reece with a mix of concern and curiosity, trying to understand the source of this sudden outburst of killing intent.

"Reece," Sect Master Yang called out, his voice firm but not accusatory, "what is the meaning of this?"

Reece, startled by the sect master's presence, quickly released the oppressive aura and opened his eyes. He realized that his experiment had taken an unexpected turn, and he struggled to find an explanation. "Sect Master, I... I'm not sure. I was trying to manipulate my aura, but it seemed to take on another shape that was rather quite unique." The ice cacoon subsided even before it could fully form, and Reece emerged from it as he was still explaining to the sect master.

Sect Master Yang regarded Reece with a serious expression. "Aura manipulation is a delicate skill, Reece. It reflects one's inner state and intentions. You must be careful not to let your emotions or darker impulses control your aura."

Reece nodded. He had touched upon a hidden aspect of his own abilities, one that he would need to learn to control and master.