
The Villain's Rhapsody: God's Wrath你好!

The last rewrite of my trial novel The Villain's Rhapsody. Enjoy. Something wakes up within the unknown realm. Awakened by the girl named Elizabeth who accidentally entered his world, he set his eyes on human world. Is the world prepared? https://discord.gg/venerables

Red_Venerable · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
20 Chs


The  two of them went to eat in a fast-food restaurant. Elizabeth bought herself a hamburger, while Jeremy picked up some fries with cola. Jeremy offered to pay for her, but she turned down his offer.

"Well, alright. You're a big girl. But don't mind me asking, where did you get the money?"

"Mother came to the hospital last week and brought some of my belongings to the nurses."

"Did she come to check on you?"

Elizabeth shakes her head as she stares blankly at her food. Then she murmurs.


"What do you mean? She didn't come to see you?"

"No, she gave my stuff to the nurses and left without saying hi to me."

"That's... I see."

Jeremy has no idea what to say or how to comfort her as he was never good at socializing, even with his son Leviathan. He decides that the best action at this point for him is to change the subject.

"Are you planning to return to school?"

"I have to..."

"We could homeschool you if you want."

"I don't know what to say... I..."

"Just think about it, okay? You don't have to return to school."

"Thank you so much, sir."

A slight frown shows up on Jeremy's face. He knows he decided to wait until Elizabeth is more comfortable calling him by his name. But for him, it still feels wrong.

"Your welcome."

Elizabeth notices that Jeremy is a little irritated and asks him what happened as she starts to fear if he dislikes something about her.

"Did... Did I do something wrong?"

He shakes his head and says.

"Elizabeth, I would appreciate it from today on if you would let me pay for everything. Or at least, I will give you an allowance to use that money."

"Thank you, sir."

He gives up on waiting for her to get comfortable, and he decides to tell her again.

"Elizabeth, come on. Please call me Jeremy."

"Alright, sir."

She quickly puts her hands on her mouth and blushes from embarrassment while Jeremy puts a palm on his face.

"Anyway, Elizabeth, it's my niece's birthday today. Would you like to participate?"

"Huh? Me?"

"Yes, you."


"What do you think, Elizabeth?"

"Do I have to?"

That is enough for Jeremy to understand that she does not want to. He gives a deep sigh but still waits for an answer as he asks.

"Of course not, but it would be a pleasant change of pace for you as her parents host it in the Elemental kingdom. Don't you think so?"

"I would prefer getting used to a new home. I would also like to go to the hospital..."

"Why? Did you forget something?"

She shakes her head as she says, "No... To see Leviathan..."

"I understand. Alright."

They stayed at the restaurant for another hour, eating and chatting before they left for Elizabeth's new home.

*Meanwhile, in Elemental kingdom*

Thomas reaches his destination. It is a big old-fashioned-looking building. Someone made it from low-quality magic stones; its purpose is to create a barrier in case of a monster outbreak or terrorist attack.

Thomas goes straight to the reception desk. And there, he sees a bored receptionist in her early twenties; she is playing a mobile game. And paid no attention to Thomas, who gets a little irritated because of waiting for five minutes without being noticed.

"Oh, hello" after finishing the game, she notices Thomas, who stares at her. "Why didn't you say anything, sir?"

"I would hate being interrupted while playing on a phone during work hours," he mocks her.

She blushes out of embarrassment while Thomas continues staring at her without even blinking and creeping her out.

"So, what's the purpose of your visit, sir?" she tries to end the awkward silence.

"I am here as a new awakener. I was told by John.. uh. Johnson? Oh yeah. Jonathan Miller. To come over and get my talent and magic skill evaluated. Where should I go now?" Thomas showed her the card Johnson gave him.

"Oh, Magicians and Mutants law Organization. I see, no, his name is not Jonathan, your second guess was right thou," she smiled.

"I don't care; what's his name? Where should I go now?" Thomas replied without breaking the eye contact, which again creeped the poor receptionist out.

"Uh, yeah, please, just let me register you." she gave him a registration form. "just fill this up. Name, age, and a signature."

After that, they leave. After walking down the stairs, they stand in front of a large automatic door five minutes later. Behind those doors was a vast and empty hall.

"That's it?" Thomas was surprised. "Are you sure you know the way?"

The girl started to get irritated by Thomas's attitude. But gently replied.

"I know, sir!"

The receptionist takes out her phone again and types in a message. In about two minutes, a buff guy arrives, carrying a giant transparent ball over his head and dropping it on the ground, shaking the entire floor.

"Wow. That thing must weigh at least a few hundred kilos." it intrigued Thomas. "So, what now?"

"First…" the man replies instead of the receptionist and picks something out of his pocket. "Take this needle; you'll need a drop of blood and drop it on the magic stone over here. " He points his finger at the ball.

"That's a magic stone? I could have sworn it was a crystal. Well, you learn something new every day. I suppose". Thomas thinks. Instead of using a needle, he bites his index finger. After blood shows up, he drops a little on the ball.

And at this moment, that pain triggered the system.

[The host is injured. Do you demand a demonic transformation?]

'What the hell? That's new to me. I can do that?'


'And what's the use of demonic transformation?'

[During the transformation, your body will adapt to your wicked self, and your physical body will take the shape of your demonic spirit, which will give you a massive boost in physical and even magical strength. So do you require it?]

'Sweet! Wait! Any downsides?'

[You will lose your human form forever. In human society, people like that are called mutants. However, even though mutants only get physical enhancement from magical energy, you'll still be able to use spells.

'Sounds good to me!'

[Oh, and the process is also agonizing, and for the one minute, you may or may not lose your sanity.]



"What in the world is this" receptionist and the man are shocked after seeing the results. Instead of the magic stone showing a glimpse of energy, the whole ball started gleaming in different colors. Blue, red, black, green, purple, orange, and dark gray. Every second it sparkles a different color, and the sparkling show ends after some time.

"Is anything wrong with my results?" Thomas questions as he sees the two of them staring at him.

Both receptionist and the man are stunned. But the receptionist breaks the silence and begins to

"Blue for water, red for fire, black for darkness, purple for lightning, orange for curses, and dark gray for shadows." The receptionist looks at him and sees a man with a glorious future, so she needs to get close to this kind of prodigy. If she does, her future will be as bright as the sun!

While the man still stands in shock, the receptionist is very excited about meeting a genius like Thomas. A talent like this is 1 in a million. No, 1 in a billion. And she is the one who will introduce this person to the magic world. She clears her throat and speaks out.

"So, Thomas, how much have you learned about magic in school?" she was curious.

"Uh, just some history. I was not awakened before, nor I had inherited any magical energy from my parents, so I never bothered taking magic classes." Thomas replies. But seeing that the receptionist is in very high spirits, he gets suspicious and asks, "Is there something wrong with me or my power?

"No! On the contrary. You can use seven types of magic. It's incredible!"

"She's right. People with power like yours are so rare. That if you wanted, you could become a celebrity, just by telling the world about your evaluation!" the man adds.

Thomas felt captivated by the idea. However, he decided against it. It will be hard to discipline sinners that bullied him before. "Let's not do that, okay?"

"Well, that's your choice. By the way, my name is Samantha," she said while playing with her hair.

"Yeah, I know. I can read." He pointed his finger at her nametag. Because of that, she felt embarrassed again, and to break this awkward situation; she introduced the man who brought the magic item. "His name is George; however, his nickname is Gray. You can call him that."

"Pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise," Gray replied, also bowing his head. "So, you just turned eighteen this month. You're in school?" Gray joined the conversation.

"Uh, yeah," Thomas replies while realizing that he had forgotten that he's still in school. "However, I haven't been in there for about three weeks now.

"Since you know nothing about magic and spells. Would you mind if I teach you? I don't think, that you can change your subjects at school after it began," Gray asks him. "oh, even though I am a mutant. My mutation is too low to affect my spirit, which means I can still use magic spells. In fact, I am a silver-level mage. "He told Thomas.

'The system. Have I ever known how to use magic?'

[Yes. And learning some elemental spells could help me bring you those memories.]

"Yeah, I would love that," Thomas answers him. He understands that the system requires some sort of trigger to regain memories. And that means learning magic will trigger the system.

"So, what do you think about tomorrow, Thomas? Townhall works even on Saturdays. So coming tomorrow will not affect your school attendance like today." Gray plans as he is assured that he can get permission to use the hall even on weekends.

"Yeah, so, tomorrow, in this same building? Right?" Thomas waits for confirmation. "However, I have one condition."

"Huh? Please, tell me. If it's in my power, I will help you out, " Gray assured him. Not only Samantha, but Gray also thinks of how convenient and rewarding it would be if he was the one who thought of a person as talented as Thomas."

"Oh, it's a simple condition. The meeting shall take place in the afternoon. It's tough for me to be active in the mornings." Thomas replies with a serious face, which makes Samantha chuckle.

"How about at 3 p.m?" Gray thinks of how perfect it is as he won't need to skip his work tomorrow. He'll have time even to return home and get changed.


'Thomas probably needs to finish up homework or something tonight, and since tomorrow is Saturday, he will need his rest.'

Little did George know… Thomas is just lazy.

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