10 The confession

I followed my daily routine for a couple of days. I didn't know how I would get close to Abraham. 

I didn't have any source through which I could directly speak with him. Although we were connected on social media, I was still nervous to have a conversation with him.

I preferred more of a face-to-face conversation. I wanted to meet him personally so that I could get to know him then I would express my feelings. 

Sierra and I started having phone conversations regularly. I was feeling bad for not telling Sierra about Abraham. 

I didn't know how she would react when I told her the truth. I decided to reveal the truth in front of her.

One evening when we were talking over the phone call, I gathered my guts and took a deep breath.

I began, "Hey Sierra, I need to tell you something."

"Yeah sure, go ahead babes," she replied.

"But before sharing this thing with you I just don't know how you will react. So I am sorry in advance," I said.

"Babes, you are making me worried. What is it about? Why are you getting serious?" She asked.

"Okay, let me share. The truth is I like Abraham. I know he is your friend. So, I just wanted to ask, Can I like him?" I confessed honestly in front of her.

Sierra was quiet and she took a deep breath and said, "So you are asking me I mean you are taking permission from me to like Abraham."

"Um, yes," I spoke in a low tone.

"Alright, let me digest this thing first. Babes, seriously what is wrong with you? Why do you need my permission for that?" She questioned.

"Honestly, when I was in school at that time the same thing happened and I ended up giving up on both my friend and that guy. So I don't want to repeat the same thing because for me both Abraham and you are important," I told her the truth.

"Woah! It's very new and refreshing for me. No one has ever asked for such permission," she replied.

"Well, I am asking you. So?" I enquired.

"It's alright with me. Just promise me one thing," she said.

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" I asked.

"No matter what happens. Our friendship should not be spoiled because of him. If things work out between you two then it's great but in case things don't work out then please I want you as my friend always, so don't spoil that," she insisted.

"Babes sure, are you crazy? Why would I spoil our friendship because of that thing? Just chill and trust me," I replied.

"Thank God, then I don't have any problem. I will help you," she said.

"Really? You would do that for me?" I asked curiously.

"I can at least do this much. That's what friends are for," she answered honestly.

"Thanks a lot, babes, it means a lot," I became extremely happy knowing that she would help me. Not a single friend of mine helped me before.

"But for now let me set a background," Sierra said.

"What background," I enquired.

"Babes, I need to set a good background for you in front of Abraham. He barely talks to girls. I will try to tell good things about you in front of him slowly," she explained to me how she would help me.

"Woah! That's so sweet of you. I am really glad Sierra," I thanked her.

Before hanging up the phone call Sierra said, "And yeah, let me set a date so that you two could meet and get to know each other well," she started making out plans already.

I was really glad that I confessed my feelings in front of her honestly. She was the only friend of mine who helped me selflessly unlike other friends of mine.

Before hanging up the phone call I thanked her again. I was super excited to meet Abraham. 

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you how Abraham and I got connected on WhatsApp. 

One day when I was doing some of the work I received a call from an unknown number. Due to my work, I missed the call.

Later, when I checked my device before calling the number I saw a WhatsApp from that cell phone number. 

The text reads, "Hello Naomi, Sierra this side. My mobile phone was switched off so I used Abraham's cell phone. Now, it's working so I will call you in a few minutes."

I replied to the text saying, "It's all cool babes."

And that's how I got his mobile number. That day when I was sitting ideally I saw his true caller(an app for checking unknown numbers).

His number was saved with the name 'Charles H'. I got curious so I googled it and I saw that there's a famous bar in Korea with the Charles H name. 

So I texted him, "Hey Abraham, Naomi this side."

Surprisingly I got a quick text saying, "Hello."

"May I ask you something out of curiosity," I texted him back.

"Yeah sure, shoot," he replied to my text.

"What is Charles H?" I questioned him.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just saved myself randomly," he texted.

"Oh, you know what, I just googled it and I found that it is one of the most famous bars of Korea," I gave him a text.

After that text, I sent him a photograph of that very bar. As soon as he saw the picture he laughed out loud and texted me back, "Oh God, what a coincidence."

"Yes, indeed," I replied with lol emoticons. 

Then he texted, "And yeah you are into Koreans."

"How do you know," I questioned him.

"Well, I observed this thing about you," he answered.

I was thrilled that he observed or noticed me. I was excited when I had a little chat with him.

I always tried to ask him questions so that I would get a chance to talk to him and that's the reason I googled Charles H in the first place.

And that's how we started chatting.

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