
The unknowners

It was all normal. Everything, but I had to ruin it. Let me introduce you to me. I'm a girl, 13 or so. I lived in a big city. The city of Nirae. I went to a normal high school... but a bit more strict than usual and with a ton of rumours. I promise.. I thought I was Normal. I didn't know... This story is about a girl who finds out she is an "unknowner". Her whole life she thought she was normal but... I guess it never was. This is my first book so I hope you enjoy it.

Hanin_gurl · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Hope and will

"What?" I said shaking. "So...I won't stay here anymore?!" I started to tear. if this was a prank they took it too far. "We...don't know.. this is pretty unknown." said bri in a shaking voice. "but if it's going to happen... I want you to know that we hope you live and one day will visit us again." bri said. it felt like this was from some Clique movie. some minutes ago they were my bullys and some mean popular kids. and then now.. they feel... before I could finish that sentence we heard a sound from the dark room. I ran out and stood beside them. the lights went out. I helt one of their hands. and started crying. i didn't want to leave! I didn't want to die! this is not real! and that's not a lie! I kept screaming. The lights turned on. my heart beating rate went from 0 to a 100 real quick. the others seemed frightened and scared. this wasn't a prank. I was breathing heavily. "Why was I so immature!? why did I do the one thing I called childish myself?! Ugh I was blinded by anger. I.. I.."

I sobbed. I was afraid, more afraid than what i have ever felt. Honestly i felt safer in anyone's hands at that moment, anything human. But nothing happened. for hours we stood still. we then held each other and went out of the school. since I spawned whatever or something. they were afraid themselves, so all held hands until we were outside. everyone were silent. I was just scared. I felt anxiety go crazy. I felt my paranoia go crazy. I felt paranoid in every step I took without nobodys hands to save me if I fall or get dragged. "... hey..." bri said to me when she saw me shaking as if I'd get a heart attack I saw anything out of the ordinary. "calm...down?" I looked at her like she was crazy. "look I know you can't calm down...because you might die.." I started to tear up. "Ok listen...Listen...Your either gonna die right now because you can get a heart attack, or have a chance at maybe not dying when tooken. "Do you have anything..to calm yourself?" jason asked calmly but a bit scared. "..." I paused...

Myself...Only I could calm me. when I cried my lungs out. Only I listened to my own problems. when I did something wrong, only I could tell myself I did something wrong. When I needed help... Only i could help myself. Myself would never let me hurt me. myself would protect me from the negative thoughts. Im just like me. if I saw someone crying their lungs out, I'd listen to their problems. if they did something wrong, I would tell them they did something wrong. when they needed help... I would help. I was being myself to everyone including myself. I started silently crying. not over being afraid. but over being filled with sadness. "hey...Your gonna make it. i trust you. i know you can. Death is not scary. Death is just another life. People who cant wait patiently for death and do suicide, they will experience the horrific death. trust me. you will not die...

I wont let you" I heard my voice say to me. I calmed down. I love.. myself. I'm so happy I have myself. Have you ever heard of a person being friendly to others but also them selves? we humans really are a gift. I stood up. took some break from being sad or scared. I breathe in and I breathe out. "I-im calm. I stuttered." they looked at me. "how- that's good. k-keep it that way." Jason said. I looked at the others. How could I be so selfish? they were scared aswell. even how hard they hid it. I put my arms around Every Popular kid. "Its fine, your safe. I won't let anything happen to you. even how much bad you did to me at the start. I will forgive every one of you." I smiled at them. they started to calm down. if I didn't stay positive, the world would not be positive aswell towards me. I will never give up...

Hope. Hope and will.