
The Unfilial Boss Woman

Rated 18, Loveth Logan was employed as a maid to the Anderson mansion. The handsome boss fell in love with her and he slept with her, but his billionaire family found out, and they sent Loveth away, by refusing her afair with their son. Read to continue..

GoodnessChiamaka · Urban
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84 Chs

Lying To His Mother

Patrick was downstairs and he wondered how Loveth was faring after Willow slapped her hard across her face and hitted her badly.

He felt bad for her but couldn't head to the maids lounge to comfort her either.

He sat on the dinning seat as it was time for breakfast and his mother finally stepped out and took her usual seat, sitting on the golden dinning chair.

She stared up to him and asked him, as she stared round the dinning table.

"Where's Willow son?."

"Over here ma!" Willow replied with a sad voice and Mrs Eleanor stared back to her as she approached the dinning table with her head bent lowered and she sat down beside Patrick and Mrs Eleanor questioned Patrick.

"What's wrong son?. Don't tell me you both are quarrelling again?."

"No mom. Is just some office call that got her sad."

Mrs Eleanor's brows furrowed at Patrick.

"You know you ain't good at lying son?. What do you mean by some office call. Willow I hope all is fine?."

"Yes ma, we're good" Willow played along.

"Hmmm" Mrs Eleanor sighed and Just then did Jane and Andrew stepped out too and stared to the couple, while Aria, Nora and Nova approached to served Mrs Eleanor, and the rest of the family, but Mrs Eleanor quickly asked them, "Where's Loveth?."

"Go and call her for me!. How many times have i told you three I prefer her to always serve me than you three. You're all getting older and should be in your husband's houses by now!."

"Ma!" Only Nova dared to laughed and Mrs Eleanor's eyes narrowed at her.

"Am not joking, now go and call her for me."

Andrew smiled as he also hadn't seen Loveth and he remembered Patrick disrupted his beautiful moment with her the previous night.

"Son, are you sure everything is alright between you two?" Mrs Eleanor asked again and just then did Loveth walked out from the elevator with Nova and Patrick replied, "Yes mom. We're cool."

He stared to his teacup in front of him and Loveth approached as she hadn't even arranged her scattered hair, after running out from Patrick's room and downstairs to her room.

She had been crying and she feared Willow would reveal the truth and she awaited the judgement of them to threw her out.

"Oh my!. Why do you look so rough and your hair?" Mrs Eleanor questioned but Loveth shuddered and shifted backwards and Mrs Eleanor noticed Loveth was sad as Loveth didn't stared up to her face.

"What's wrong Loveth?" Mrs Eleanor asked and Loveth shook her head as she shifted backwards and rubbed her hair down, still staring downwards.

"Look at me!" Mrs Eleanor commanded and Loveth shook her head again.

"Mom.." Patrick placed his hand on his mother's but Mrs Eleanor refused.

"No son.. What's wrong with her, and also Willow?" Mrs Eleanor grew suspicious and Loveth shook her head.

"Loveth" Jane called and as Loveth raised her head up they all saw the red mark on her cheek.

"What happened?" Mrs Eleanor questioned but Loveth refused to speak and Andrew rather grew mad at Patrick.

"Uncle, don't tell me you hitted her because you saw her with me last night?."

Mrs Eleanor and the rest of the family on the dinning table got confused and Nova also gasped seeing the red mark on Loveth's face and she felt sorry for Loveth, but Patrick remained silent and took his teacup instead and drank from it.

"Son.. Did you slapped her?."

"Mom, I didn't do anything wrong to her, maybe she slept on the wrong side and because of her complexion it showed on her face."

"Patrick!" Mrs Eleanor got annoyed and Patrick calmed.

"Fine mom. I didn't mean to slap her, it was all a mistake" he admitted and Andrew stared to him with dagger eyes while Willow was quiet as she ate her bread sitting beside him.

"What's wrong with Willow?. I see you want me to check the footage to find out?."

Patrick remained on moving and Willow finally spoked.

"Am fine ma, I don't know what happened to Loveth, and just coming now from my room."

"Are you sure?" Mrs Eleanor asked and Willow replied, "Yes ma," and she continued eating her bread.

Mrs Eleanor sighed and stared back to Patrick and to Andrew boiling.

"Son, not because you saw your nephew talking with Loveth that you should beat her. I've told you Loveth is my personal maid and you shouldn't hurt her while am here. Now apologized back to her for slapping her" Mrs Eleanor Instructed and Patrick stared to Loveth, "Am sorry," he spoked, without any feeling of remorse.

"Is okay Loveth. And Andrew, you should stay away from her. Why will you be speaking to her and preventing her from doing her job. Don't let me report you to your parents as I didn't expected you both to add to my head ache."

"Am sorry grandma" Andrew apologized but still glaring at Patrick for slapping Loveth.

"Is alright, let's eat. Loveth"

"Yes ma" Loveth stared downwards.

"Is alright. Don't worry I will send Emerson to get you a special present okay."

"Okay ma." Loveth smiled in relieved as she thought they wanted to threw her out and disclosed the truth.

"Is alright, you can go into my room and prepare my bath."

"Okay ma."

Loveth didn't stared to Patrick as she walked away and went to Mrs Eleanor's room to prepare her bath and she felt relieved.

She remembered all the crazy love making style Patrick did on her and she smiled. She liked him, but she's scared of what would happened to her if the truth leaked out to Patrick's mother knowledge.

Patrick wasn't the once whom had slapped her, but yet he apologized to her and took up the blame like he was at fault.

She sighed and prepared Mrs Eleanor's bath just like how she liked it and as she stepped out from the bathroom and walked back to the dinning room, the family were already threw having their breakfast.


"Yes mother" Patrick stood up and stared from Loveth to his mother, ignoring Andrew's cold gazed on him.

"Have warned you. Don't you dared to touch Loveth again. Isabel didn't send her to me for you to harass her. Her mother spoked she didn't even wanted to work for us, if not that she pleaded with her daughter to accept to work for us. Let it be the last time that you would raise your hand to hit a woman. I didn't raised you to be a woman beater and even your father never dared to hit a maid. She's human, I know I've been harshed to her, thinking otherwise, but Loveth is innocent and you shouldn't hurt her next time. Have I made myself cleared to you?."

"Yes mom" Patrick smiled and Mrs Eleanor shook her head and stared away from him sadly and she turned to face Loveth.

"Is okay my dear. Just let me know whenever you want to leave for home and if he dared to hurt you next time, you tell me, so I can send you back to your parents."

"Okay ma."

Loveth bowed and she watched Mrs Eleanor exited the dinning room, while Patrick stared at her with a look she couldn't understand and she stared downward as Jane walked up to meet her and hugged her tightly.

"Am so sorry about my uncle Loveth, Don't mind him, come with me" Jane dragged Loveth away to follow her while Willow's fist tightened.

She knew Patrick had lied to his mother and she had to played along.

Jane was like her age mate, but she and Jane weren't closed because she saw Jane was friendly with Loveth.

She needed to think on how to send Loveth away and she hated how Mrs Eleanor was even kinder to warn Patrick never to hurt Loveth again.

She heard when Mrs Eleanor clearly told Loveth, if she wanted to leave, she should let her know, and she saw probably Loveth had fallen in love with her fiancee's rod that Loveth couldn't screamed she wanted to leave.

She had thought probably Patrick was the one taken advantage of Loveth, but from the way Loveth was quiet, she was so sure Loveth had fallen in love with Patrick too and probably didn't wanted to leave.

Willow gritted her teethes and Andrew stared to her as he finally stood up.

He still had his suspicion about what truly happened and he thought to hack into the footage to discovered what truly happened.

He sighed and decided to apologized to Loveth too as it was also his fault that Patrick hard hurted her.

Patrick felt relieved and he walked out to discussed with Jeff and Jeff also approached him as obviously his hotel had a lot of event hosted by the weekend.

"Good morning boss" Jeff greeted and Patrick nodded to him.

"Yes, what's it?" Patrick asked and Jeff nodded.

"Boss is about Tony Miles. We found some suspicious people he sent to monitor the hotel and we've got them arrested."