
The Unfilial Boss Woman

Rated 18, Loveth Logan was employed as a maid to the Anderson mansion. The handsome boss fell in love with her and he slept with her, but his billionaire family found out, and they sent Loveth away, by refusing her afair with their son. Read to continue..

GoodnessChiamaka · Urban
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84 Chs

Hidden Fact

Loveth was thru preparing Mrs Eleanor's bath and she walked out from the room and heading out to the living room.

Just as Loveth stepped out to join Aria and Nora in the kitchen, just then did Andrew and Jane returned back from church as Loveth heard they left for early morning service from Aria.

"Aunty!" Jane exclaimed and she immediately ran into Mrs Olivia arms and hug her as Mrs Olivia was thru eating.

"Jane, you've grown so pretty to look like your mom. How're you?" Mrs Olivia asked as she finally pulled away from the hugging with Jane.

"Fine Aunt, Good morning uncle, grandma" Jane greeted the rest of the family and Andrew finally approached and did same as he was famished.

Andrew stared to Loveth with admiration not minding the rest of the family nor Jane hugging their aunt and he called "Loveth!."

Loveth froze as the hall fell in silent and Loveth slowly turned and stared back to Andrew.

"I will like you serve my breakfast" Andrew spoked breaking the silence and Jane happily turned to face Loveth, "Me too."

Mrs Olivia shrugged and she stared back to her nephew.

"How's your studies going?."

"Fine Aunt. Am so hungry, Jezz!" Jane finally took her seat while Loveth walked back to the kitchen to serve Jane and Andrew's breakfast.

"Andrew you didn't even want to welcome me properly, are we quarrelling?" Mrs Olivia questioned as she stood and stared back to Andrew whom comfortably sat.

"No Aunt" Andrew offered Mrs Olivia a smile and Mrs Olivia rather saw how Andrew shifted his gazes away from her to stare to Loveth approaching.

The dinning room fell in silence again and Loveth approached and served the tray, dishing out Andrew and Jane's meals.

Loveth hand mistakenly brushed passed Andrew as she kept his plate to his front and Andrew gulped and meet his Aunt gazed on him.

"What's the matter aunt?" Andrew asked and Loveth walked to the double door fridge to serve his drink, while Patrick pretended all was cool but all wasn't.

Patrick didn't liked how Loveth served his nephew and how she leaned so closer to Andrew but he had to pretend he was fine, sitting beside Willow and also due to his ruthless elder sister and mother that were also around in the dinning room.

"Nothing Andrew, Am just watching how the maid served you" Mrs Olivia spoked and Loveth finally raised her head upwards and stared to Mrs Olivia.

"How aunt?. There's nothing wrong with her, Although I can serve myself as we don't have maids at home" Andrew spoked and Loveth stepped away to leave.

"I know, but I don't like her" Mrs Olivia replied and Loveth could feel her heart twisted while Andrew rather laughed as the dinning hall fell in silence.

"Why Aunt, is it because she's cute?. Mom have always known her as she used to assist her mother while she was younger to sweep the residential streets."

"I don't care about that" Mrs Olivia couldn't hid her bitterness while her husband shook his head.

"Is okay honey. She's only a maid" Mr Richard spoke.

"No dear, Don't tell me you've also grown a liken for the maid."

"Olivia!" Mrs Eleanor voice turned colder and Mrs Olivia shrugged.

"Fine mom, Am sorry but honestly she need to leave. I will speak to Kelvin to get a new maid and if he isn't serious I'll find one myself." Mrs Olivia turned to leave and she paused.

"That reminds me mom. We will be staying for two weeks as baby have some work project to do around."

"Okay" Mrs Eleanor replied, knowing Olivia's two kids are in school, so she probably followed her husband for vacation.

Loveth walked into the kitchen and felt bad. She couldn't believed the cold hearted woman was indeed Patrick's sister. The way the lady stared to her with hatred really sent dread down her spine.

Loveth doubt she would be able to work comfortably under the cold piercing gazed of Mrs Olivia. She sighed and Nora walked out to clear the dinning table as some of the family were thru.

Loveth sat in a corner in the kitchen sobbing as she now understood better that her relationship with Patrick wouldn't work and Patrick would definitely marry Willow.

"Loveth, what's wrong)" Nova walked into the kitchen and saw Loveth sobbing behind the bench.

Nova was thru mopping the third floor and she hadn't expected for any visitor to arrived. Seeing the middle-aged woman resembled Patrick with her mean look, Nova knew they were in for trouble.

She wasn't ready to loose her job and she didn't wanted to crossed path with Patrick's elder sister either.

"Why're you sobbing, have you eaten?" Nova asked Loveth as she crouched in front of Loveth.

"Am not hungry, am fine" Loveth sobbed and stared away from Nova.

"No, you cannot lie to me" Nova stood up and walked back to their own pot of meal and she served out two plates of jollof rice while she opened the master's pot and took out two big chicken and placed in her meal and Loveth.

"Here, we cannot starve because of them as we do most of the works in the house, while theirs is just to enjoy the comfort" Nova passed a plate of meal to Loveth and Loveth collected it and thanked her, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. What happened, I heard that woman that just arrived speaking to you, what did you do?" Nova questioned as she sat beside Loveth and started eating.

"Nothing. She said she doesn't want me here" Loveth replied as she sniffed.

"She clearly hates me" Loveth added and she picked up her spoon to start eating.

"Hmm, I guess you don't know how cute you're. Imagine just barely a week what has happened between you and the young master, don't you think of going back home?. This people are heartless and what if you get pregnant?" Nova questioned but Loveth shook her head.

"Mom won't be happy with me. Jane's mother has already paid mom for my services here for a year and they would've spent it" Loveth spoked as she shook her head sadly.

"True, I've forgotten about that. Wow!. And you've already worked only a week in three hundred and sixty-five days, wow!" Nova gasped and Loveth shrugged as she continued eating her meal.

"I've to avoid him, that's the only option."

"Hmm, I can agree with you on that. You should" Nova advised and Loveth resumed eating her chicken.

Patrick walked back upstairs to his chambers and Mrs Olivia stepped out from the elevator and meet Patrick in his sitting room, while she walked in.

"Brother!" Mrs Olivia spoked and Patrick turned to stared at his big sister.

"Well, I came here to discuss something with you and I don't want mom to be worried about what I've to say."

"Okay sis, what's it?" Patrick asked and he turned to face her.

"Is about Loveth, the maid, or whatever she's called."

Patrick gulped and he stared away from his elder sister as he walked back to his bar in his sitting room and he sat down back on his favorite stool, selecting the wine in the bar.

"How about her sister?" Patrick finally asked and Mrs Olivia walked up to meet her younger brother.

"I know I shouldn't be saying this about a maid, but Lily.."

"I know sister" Patrick took out a wine bottle and he cock it opened.

"What's wrong with Loveth, beside you just arrived and you're already hating her and making her look bad."

"No Patrick. Fine, I'll go straight to the point. You won't lie to me that you don't find her attractive?."

Patrick dropped his wine bottle and he turned to face his elder sister.

"Obviously I don't" Patrick lied with a smirked but Mrs Olivia eyes narrowed at him.

"You're still lying to me brother. But you should note you cannot bring shame and reproach to our family by having anything to do with her!."

Patrick remained silent and he turned to pour out the non-alcoholic wine.

"Do you care for some sister?."

"No!" Mrs Olivia was serious and she walked closer to meet him.

"You can never have anything to do with her, and once I find a replacement she will leave."

"Sister!. Why're you troubling yourself about her. Am not the one whom needed her but mother and mother isn't even complaining."

"But your fiancee is. I saw the way Willow stared at her and I feel she doesn't want to speak her detest. Willow is your wife as long as she's now leaving here with you, and you should do what makes her happy" Mrs Olivia spoked and just then Willow stepped out from the elevator and into the sitting room and Mrs Olivia sighed.

"I'll take my leave now brother, I need to freshen up."

"Okay big sis" Patrick sighed as he turned and watched his elder sister exit the fourth floor and he turned to face Willow.

"Couldn't you have at least hidden the fact that you hated Loveth, you want my family to know right?" Patrick asked, but Willow rather ignored him and walked into his bedroom.