
The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the Shrew

Not born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Sharlene Cunning-ham is a mediocre individual working for a successful jewelry company. Known as the errand girl of her boss, although she is a private secretary, she is a studious, hardworking, and excitingly bubbly person. Dramatic, Sharlene is a born professional busybody. Applying for a free Pap smear check-up in a newly opened and growing in popularity hospital in her neighborhood due to a promotion of Women's health, Sharlene's mediocre life explodes with more color when her Pap smear examination is confused for an insemination examination. Pregnant, Sharlene storms into the life of Nicholas Ross, the hospital investor. What happens when these two opposite people find themselves in an arranged marriage? Excerpt: That was not possible. No. Sharlene could and would not believe this. How in the world had this occurred? Was it from space? Had she woken from a terrible dream? Is she on another planet or dimension like the mangas, novels, and webtoons she invested most of her time in real? But, by continually pinching the soft part of her wrist that had already turned red from the constant abuse, Sharlene knew she was on the earth and facing reality.

KimAmai · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter Ten

Nicholas did not know how to imagine this situation. A week and five days had passed in a flash. The time for dinner with the Doccharles had finally come. Overlooking the glistening bay-front, the restaurant Doccharles choose had been appropriate for the dinner.

His mother dressed was dressed to impress. Wearing the latest designed dress, a gorgeous golden dress, and specific earrings, necklace, and bracelets he designed and created, she had a pearly white smile.

His father was in a white suit, much too his mother's dislike.

She had wanted them to match, but his father had adamantly refused to wear the color golden.

It was a lengthy debate since his mother was persuasive and stubborn, but his father had won.

The conversation was flowing smoothly, but only between his parents and Mrs. and Mr. Doccharles.

His sister Riana Ross had tagged along but only because of the desserts served at the restaurant. She had a vibrant sweet tooth that made him cringe since he was not a dessert lover.

His younger brother was not too kin of being friendly with the mayor and his family, so he went to hang out with their friends in Chicago. He had persuasively begged Nicholas to lend him the private jet to do such, which he begrudgingly allowed with various rules.

Soon, his mother, who was silently scrutinizing Sherlene from head to toe, began whispering in his ears, and he completely ignored her.

Looking in Riana's direction, he saw a lack of interest written all over her face when she had witnessed Sherlene practically gluing herself to him like an octopus.

From the moment they had entered the restaurant, she was shamelessly batting her eyelashes and laughing sweetly while stealing glances in his direction every two seconds.

She was bothersome.

It seemed his sister had not taken a liking to the 'spoiled rich brat' as his mother preferred to call her.

"It is an honor to have you all here with us tonight."

Doccharles spoke first, his smile genuine.

"Likewise. We heard of your recent accomplishment. We are genuinely sorry for not being present for the dinner party."

Victor Ross genuinely spoke. His voice was polite.

"It's quite alright. My achievement was thanks to your son, Mr. Ross."

Smiling, Victor nodded.

"He is a helpful fellow."

Doccharles' smile broaden. The interactions between the two families were polite and respectful, but the air around them was uncomfortable. The reason? Their daughter was drilling holes in the head of Nicholas with her eyes.

"Let's enjoy a wonderful meal then."

Victor smiled in agreement.

And so the dinner went on.

An expensive and beautiful gourmet meal and imported wine served, their attention went towards their food.

It was a slow evening with everyone occupied in their meals when Sherlene, who appeared to burst with glee, suddenly opened her mouth. Her attention had never wavered from poor Nicholas even while eating.

"Are you single?"

If he was drinking or eating something at that moment, Nicholas knew he would have choked to death. His mother elegantly spat in a napkin from the surprising words. Riana and Victor were lucky enough to bring the food to their mouths. They slowly placed it back down on the plate.

Everyone grew tense.

It was a politely asked question, but he realized the smile on Sherlene's face depicted she had a plan.

"Sherlene, I do not think this is the appropriate time to discuss this."

Flustered, Flora included, but the stern side glare from Sherlene that hadn't gone unnoticed by Evelyn shut her up.

"Well, are you?"

Her eyes twinkled as she patiently waited for Nicholas' answer. Underneath his lashes, he tried to ask his mother for help, but the stubborn woman was giving him a you-deal-with-this-on-your-own look that made him internally groan.

Never one for spitting unnecessary lies, Nicholas wiped his mouth with a napkin. Clearing his throat, he begrudgingly answered.

"Yes, I am."

"That's wonderful!"

Sherlene added, the gears turning in her head as her plan commenced.

"Can I be your girlfriend, then?"

Straightforward, direct, and insanely pushy described the girl in front of him, as she looked as if 'no' did not belong in her dictionary.

Everyone was shocked once again.

"I don't think I want…"

Nicholas began to speak in a manner of rejection, but she quickly interjected.

"I want to become your fiance then."

A pin-drop silence erupted, and the Ross' were not pleased, especially Evelyn, who glared at the girl with wide eyes.

"This is sudden…"

Victor was the first to break the silence, but the smiling Evelyn quickly interrupted.

"I am afraid not, Dear. My son seems to have forgotten he is no longer single. Right, Nick?"

Not wanting to lengthen this conversation, he briskly nodded.

Evelyn saw irritation erupt on the girl's face because of her statement, but she did not care.

"But he just told me he was single."

In a matter-of-fact tone, Sherlene's face scrunched up. She was getting angry as she added further.

"You are lying."

Riana's mouth slightly opened when she heard this. Glancing at her mother, she bit her lip, for she saw irritation erupting on Evelyn Ross's eyes. There was one thing someone should know about the lady of the Ross family: she did not take insults lightly. She realized Sherlene had become the number one hated girl on her mother's list, removing Princess Presley from the top. Even on Riana's invincible list, she disliked the girl.

Embarrassed by her wayward insult, Flora was disturbed, but she retained her smile.

"I apologize for my daughter's lack of manners."

Turning in her direction with a glare, Sherlene growled.

"Mom, you…"

Grasping her hands and placing them on her lap underneath the table, Flora interjected through gritted teeth.

"Quiet down, Sherlene."

Pursing her lips when she saw the rage threatening to explode in the girl's glare, Evelyn frowned.

Her son was not marrying this stuck up princess.

"There is no need. Thank you for the meal, Mr. and Mrs. Doccharles."

Standing, Nicholas was irritated, but he did not allow such emotion on his face.

Soon, everyone followed, including the hopeful Doccharles.

"It was nice having you all. But won't you stay for dessert?"

'My appetite for dessert is non-existent.' Nicholas brooded.

Sherlene's attitude had placed a sour taste in his mouth. One thing he hated was women who thought they could get whatever they wanted with a snap of their fingers.

"Have a nice evening, Doccharles."

His mother and sister smiled in Doccharles and his wife's direction, but not sparing Sherlene a single look. Victor shook hands with Doccharles, and soon the Ross family was out of the restaurant, in their car, and on their way home before the Doccharles could blink.

"I had a hunch, and that hunch was right from the moment I stepped in that restaurant and met those three."

Evelyn growled as she slapped her hands on her lap.

Riana rolled her eyes.

"You always have a hunch, mom."

"I know, and I am glad it came at the right moment. The audacity of that young lady! How unmannerly!"

"It is alright, Ev."

Grasping her hands, Victor tried to calm down his wife, but she was incredibly cross.

"I agree with mom, dad. That girl means trouble. Didn't you see how she acted? She demanded Nick be her fiance. Was she raised in the clouds? Who does that?"

Riana brooded, her arms folded on top of her chest. She was not only angry at the girl's wayward questions and actions but at not having dessert, the best part of her meal.

"What do you say, Nick?"

Glancing out the window, Nicholas sighed while passing a hand through his hair.

"I say that girl means trouble."

Slapping her husband's hands from hers, Evelyn nodded her head up and down like a doddle head.

"He is right. So stay far away as much as possible."

He nodded, his eyes returning outside the window.

His first proposal was from a wayward and demanding girl.