
The first time (age:5)

I couldn't do anything I tried to move, I tried to scream, and I tried to yell. Nothing came out of me. No one was near me. I couldn't be heard or seen. I laid on the bed feeling strapped and helpless. Until Carlos came in!

I tried yelling to him "Carlos! Carlos! help me!" but no words came out. He saw me tho. I tried to free me he tried whatever he could to help me escape, but nothing worked. He tried talking to me, "Kinni! Kinni! I'm here!" but I couldn't hear his voice. I read his lips but they were blurred. Suddenly I passed out.

I jumped up from my bed crying. 'Mom! Mom!' I yelled as I finally had my voice back. Sobbing on the bed mom came rushing in hugging me as she saw me crying on my bed.

"I'm here honey! Everything's gonna be alright! I'm here!" she said as she cuddled with me petting my hair back. "What happened Kinni?" mom asked.

"I had a bad dream. I was stuck to my bed and I couldn't move and no one could hear me screaming for help. Then Carlos came in he tried to help me but he couldn't do anything and I couldn't hear his voice... But then I passed out and woke up... It was scary mommy!" I said as I cried into her arms.

She held me in her arms tightly, "its ok I'm here for you now darling 💕" she laid next to me until I started to doze back off to sleep then she left back to her bed...

~Back to Dreaming~

Where am I? I thought to myself. I woke up in darkness not being able to see anything. 'Hello? Is anybody here?' I yelled. All I heard was my echo. 'Hello?' I stood up... I started walking forward and as I walked more north I started seeing a light. 'hello? Anybody there?' I walked toward the light. Still no reply.

*thump thump thump* to the left side of me.

'Whose there?' as I hear the foot steps beside me.

*thump thump thump* to the right side of me.

'stop playing games! whose there?!' I'm now spinning around trying to find out where the foot steps are coming from.

/come play with us!\ echoed a voice.

/yeah come play with us! we won't hurt you!\ echoed another voice.

'show yourself!' I yelled still not seeing anything but the light.

/come and play! come and play!\ echoed all the voices. /don't go towards the light! you won't be able to play with us then!\

I started walking quicker to the light.