
The Transmigration of Aizen Sōsuke

When a mysterious phenomenon caused by the Hogyoku transports Aizen Sōsuke, the cunning and manipulative former captain of the Soul Society, from the world of Bleach to the Naruto universe, the balance of power is disrupted. As he awakens in an unfamiliar environment, Aizen realizes he must adapt to this new world and find a way to achieve his goals amidst unfamiliar faces and potential dangers. ... This is my first time writing, I'd appreciate if you leave a review. I don't own anything, except OC characters. Aizen in this fic is a bit less reliant on the Hogyoku and Kyoka Suigetsu, and I also decided to use his TYBW arc personality.

moonmirror · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Strange Vial

"Orochimaru," Aizen's voice resonated through the chamber, his tone filled with superiority.

"How is the experiment going?"

Orochimaru's gaze narrowed slightly at Aizen's tone, his slitted pupils reflecting a mixture of intrigue and annoyance. He had grown accustomed to Aizen's arrogance and superiority, but that did not diminish his own ambition and desire for power.

"Experiments are progressing as expected," Orochimaru replied coolly, his voice laced with a hint of defiance. "I have made significant advancements, however, we need more test subjects."

"I anticipated this," Aizen responded, "my subordinate is already on it."

Orochimaru nodded at this, and said,

"About the things you asked me, I collected them."

Aizen's eyes glinted with satisfaction as he heard Orochimaru's words. He had entrusted Orochimaru with a specific task, and it seemed his subordinate had delivered.

"Excellent," Aizen remarked, his voice filled with a sense of accomplishment. "Hand them over to me."

Orochimaru reached into a concealed pocket within his robe and retrieved a small vial containing a mysterious substance. He approached Aizen, extending his hand to present the vial.

"Here is what you requested," Orochimaru stated, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "It holds the essence of the remnants of the God Tree, as you desired."

Aizen accepted the vial from Orochimaru, his hands delicately cradling the precious substance. He observed its ethereal glow, sensing the potent energy contained within.

"Good, this should be able to act as a seedling after being infused with the neccesary amount of natural energy. "

"We shall commence the infusion process immediately," Aizen declared, his tone filled with determination. "Prepare the necessary apparatus and secure a suitable location where the merging of essence and natural energy can occur undisturbed."

"Once the preparations are complete, notify me immediately," Aizen commanded, his voice laced with authority. "Time is not of the essence, however, it is better to do it as fast as we can."

"Hmph," Orochimaru replied with a hiss, his slitted pupils narrowing as he left the chamber, leaving Aizen to oversee the final preparations. He had no intention of becoming subservient to Aizen's ambitions, but rather saw this collaboration as a means to further his own goals.

'After transforming the essence into a seedling, it'll require an Ōtsutsuki to blossom into a tree.' Aizen contemplated, 'However, it seems like it's not easy to find one.'

As Aizen contemplated the next steps in his plan, he was well aware of the challenges that lay ahead. Finding an Ōtsutsuki, a member of the ancient and powerful clan capable of activating the God Tree's true potential, would be no small feat. The Ōtsutsuki possessed immense power and knowledge, making them elusive and difficult to track down.

After getting what he came for, Aizen also left the chamber, leaving behind an eerie silence.

As he got back in the house, Aizen could smell food being made, specifically tofu. Truthfully, Aizen liked tofu very much, so despite his transcendental state and dimnished need for food, the experience of eating tofu still intrigued him. He followed the scent, his footsteps carrying him to the source of the enticing fragrance.

In the kitchen, Mira stood over a steaming pot, stirring it gently with a wooden spoon. Aizen approached Mira, his presence going unnoticed as he observed her cooking. The aroma of the tofu filled the room, and Aizen's curiosity piqued even further. He couldn't resist the temptation to experience the taste of this humble dish once again.

Mira stood in the kitchen, her heart heavy with a sense of longing. It had been weeks since she had last seen her husband, Takemichi. His sudden absence had left a void in her life, and she found herself yearning for his return. She missed his presence, his warmth, and the way he would often indulge in her cooking.

As she stirred the pot absentmindedly, Mira's thoughts wandered to the mysterious circumstances surrounding Takemichi's departure. He had mentioned a crucial project he was involved in, one that required his undivided attention. Although she trusted him and his judgment, the uncertainty of his absence weighed heavily on her.

"Mira," Aizen's voice resonated through the kitchen, his tone gentle yet tinged with an air of mystery. "I apologize for my prolonged absence. The project I was working on demanded more time and effort than I had anticipated."

Mira turned around, her eyes widening with surprise and relief. She had missed Takemichi dearly, and the sight of him standing before her brought a rush of emotions.

"Takemichi!" Mira exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of joy and concern. "I've missed you so much. Are you alright? What happened?"

Aizen, still in his Takemichi guise, approached Mira with a warm smile.

"I'm fine, Mira." he reassured her, his voice soft and soothing.

Mira embraced Aizen, her arms wrapping tightly around him as tears of relief streamed down her cheeks. She held onto him, cherishing the moment and the comfort of his presence.

"Welcome back, Takemichi," Mira whispered, her voice filled with love and gratitude. "I've missed you more than words can express."

As Aizen, disguised as Takemichi, stood in Mira's embrace, he couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment. Though he maintained the appearance of her husband, his true emotions were distant and hollow. He reciprocated the embrace, but his touch lacked the warmth and sincerity Mira yearned for.

"Thank you, Mira," Aizen replied, his voice tinged with a calculated tenderness. "I've missed you as well. It's good to be back home."

Mira pulled back slightly, her eyes searching his face for any signs of the trials he claimed to have faced. She wanted to believe his words, to trust that everything was as it seemed. Yet, a lingering doubt remained in the depths of her heart.

They released each other from their embrace, and Mira began to plate the meal for both of them, while talking about the changes that happened in Konoha. These changes happened to be related to Aizen, so he listened attentively.

"After the battle with Aizen, the Hokage and Anbu began to investigate everything about him. However, strangely, they found nothing about him, no records, no trace," Mira recounted, her voice filled with curiosity and concern. "It's as if he appeared out of thin air, wreaked havoc, and then died without a trace."

"That is indeed strange," Aizen replied, his voice laced with feigned surprise. "Aizen was a formidable opponent, but it seems he was skilled at concealing his past. Perhaps he had outside help or employed powerful techniques to erase his presence."

Mira nodded, her brow furrowed with concern. "The Hokage suspects that there might be more to Aizen than meets the eye. He believes there might be other forces at play, pulling the strings behind the scenes."

"I suppose time will reveal the answers," Aizen remarked cryptically. "But for now, we must remain vigilant and keep a watchful eye on any developments."

She nodded, her gaze lingering on Aizen for a moment longer before she turned her attention back to the meal. She finished plating the tofu, arranging it with meticulous care, and placed the dishes on the table.

As they sat down to eat, the atmosphere was filled with warmth and familiarity. Mira found solace in the presence of her husband, believing that their separation had been due to important matters beyond their control. She focused on the simple joy of having him back, savoring the meal they shared together.

As they finished their meal, Mira's heart was filled with gratitude for Takemichi's return. She leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"I'm so glad you're back, Takemichi," she said, her voice filled with love and sincerity.

While Mira spoke, Aizen contemplated his next steps. Finding an Ōtsutsuki remained a crucial part of his plan, and he knew he needed to start exploring possibilities. However, he also recognized the need to maintain his disguise and avoid arousing any suspicion. The delicate balance between his hidden agenda and the charade of being Takemichi would be vital in the days to come.