

Headon was thinking about the events that had transpired before when the black haired boy , the 25th Bam had gotten in the tower when suddenly the Towers doors opened . He was suprised and that happened rarely , the number of times Headon had been suprised or things had not gone according to plan could be counted on one hand and this time it was a big suprise there was abput to be a second irregular in the span of about 12 minutes after the first had opened the doors and he had sent the girl ,rachel away . This was an unprecedented situation and Headon did not know how to deal with the situation .

The gigantic doors opened boringshly slow and there was a boy ,he looked about 17 to 20 years old and had golden eyes and white hair and eyebrows . He wore a pair of black jeans and a white colored unbuttoned shirt with a vest on the inside . He had a gangsta or rapper look about him . He looked around curiosly with his indefferent eyes . After a couple minutes of silence he finally looked at me and I started the speech


" Welcome to the tower young man I am Headon the guardian of the first floor of the tower and you are ?" Headon the guardian asked me " Atrium." I replied in a curt manner , I had no time for pleasentries . " Well Atrium i assume your curious a out the tower so I will tell you , the tower is a place where you can achieve anything you desire , whether it be money , honor or pride , authority or ultimate power , revenge or something that trancends that all you can all achieve it if you reach the top . " To his grand speech , I did nothing I just looked at him with my indefferent eyes I assume he was suprised by me not saying any thing for he lost his composure and looked at me for a few moments. Then he laughed and after recovering said " I have never been in this situation normally people would have a reaction after hearing that but i guess you are an irregular , you are bound to be different , ok i'll explain the rules , there are 135 discovered floors on the tower and the zahard empire rules the tower, to get to a higher floor you have to pass a test one for each floor , as for my floor since you are an irregular you will have to pass the irregulars test which if I must say is quite hard ." Good it was just as i expected there were no variations it would be the perfect enviroment for me , now as for the test . " Atrium as for the test you see in the large cage there is a large black ball you need to get it but you have to pass throught the white steel eel so after youve prepared you can start the test anytime." "No need I will start right away." I went to the door of the cage and opened it while Headon looked as if he'd eaten shit. The eel looked massive from the outside but it was even bigger looking at it upfront . It looked at me menacingly while i gazed at it indifferently .

The massize eel lunged at me from above with inhuman speed and i should have panicked but instead i lookee on passively waiting and when it finally got close enough BANG! a spear of bang went through it head , the spear was about 5 meters long it shined with black light . The wound was smoking and looked extremely mangled with the blood and bones mixing together inan unsightly manner , the pain was to much to bear even for it so in a final bid to take me down the eel raised its tail high and tries to slam it on me but suddenly 2 spears of bang pierced through it body and without struggle dropped

dead . The halls of the 1st floor were silent as Headon watched on with his widened eyes as a white steel eal ,a predator of the 20th floor had been killed in less than a minute . It was anti climactic ,where was the grand battle ,the big explosions the ....the...That boy he was was a monster even among his own kind , irregulars , he watched as Atrium walked on to the ball and without hesitation touched it then DARKNESS

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