

It's The ULTIMATE In Gay Breeding!!!!

DaoistpZTAqK · Urban
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13 Chs


Logan slowly opens his eyes and yawns as he begins to wake up. He rolls over to his other side and blinks a few times as he slowly rubs his eyes. "Oh what time is it?" he says, as he leans up and looks at his clock on the dresser drawer in the other corner of his room. He then leans up as he begins to stretch and lets out another yawn. "Its 12:18 AM" he says as he slowly puts his feet on the floor and stands up awkwardly. He wears a size 13 and 1/2 in size shoe and he's very very proud of his big black feet. "I gotta pee" he says as he clumbsily stumbles out of his room doorway as he heads towards the bathroom.

Logan just fairly recently moved into the area into his new apartment, and so far he really likes it. He thinks that the area is very nice an quite when compared to the noisy neighborhood that he recently escaped from living at. He takes a nice long piss as he stares at his darkly yellow colored piss as he pees into the toilet. He begins to fantacize about the little VERY VERY CUTE long brown haired white boy that lives up the road from him. "God i wanna Cum in him SO BAD" he says as he finishes up pissing and closes his brown eyes while he slowly strokes his Dick. His dick is his pride and joy, it is about 6.5 inches long and about 3.5 inches Thick with a NICE amount of brown foreskin on it and he loves it.

He thinks about the little boy deeply and intensely as he stops stroking his dick and shakes it a bit then puts it back into his black boxers. "Ive gotta get alone with him somehow" he thinks as he looks in the mirror at himself then washes his face as he slowly dries off with a light green towel he has hanging on a rack. He's seen the cute little long brown haired white boy walking along down the road by his apartment a few times with his dad walking his dog on one occasion, and then walking along with two of his older white friends on a few other occasions up an down the road.

"I Bet those guys have fucked him before" he thinks as he sighs and turns off his bathroom light as he walks back down the hall while reaching back down into his black boxers to scratch his dick. Its not been proven, but he's pretty darn sure that he might just have syphilis as well. He walks back into his room which is fairly messy, with clothes everywhere and an unplugged TV sitting on the floor next to his bed with about 3 or 4 brightly colored cups sitting on his small dresser beside his bed filled with water. He's been drinking alot of water because he's been trying to stay in shape, just in case he actually gets lucky enough to have Sex anytime soon with a boy, and he Really wants to Cum really hard inside of him next time he cums.

He looks at the clock on his dresser and it says "12:50 PM" and he thinks, "I WISH i could meet that boy walking sometime alone." He often walks to the store up the road because he doesn't have a Car or Vehicle of his own, he also lives off of dissability and draws a Check from the government every month, so money's tight. He's been looking for a job but he hasn't had any luck with his searching, but he thinks that he will be in luck very soon. "I swear id KILL that lil boy if i ever got my hands on him" he thinks as he puts on his dark blue shorts and red faded "Levis" shirt. He slides on his black flip flops that he recently got from his Mom last christmas that happen to say "Lifeguard" on them.

"Just another Normal Day" he says as he lets out a big sigh as he grabs his cell phone that he has sitting on the smaller dresser drawer sitting next to his bed, and puts it into his right pocket as he reaches into his left pocket in his dark blue shorts and pulls out his brown snakeskin wallet. Its torn an faded, and was actually given to him by a friend... well, sort of a friend. His friend at the time was a thief and would often go up to small stores and steal things and then bring them back with him. Logan really should have thrown away the wallet by now and got himself a New one a long time ago, but he didn't have a job and even tho his Dad often helped him out Alot, he just couldn't really seem to want to get rid of it. Plus he thought that having a snakeskin wallet was kind of cool.