
Oolong and yamucha.

We arrived at the village where the next dragonball was I had decided it was time for a change of clothes since my gi was getting pretty worn.

when we got there we discovered the dragon ball was in the hands of the village elder but he would only give it to us if we got rid of the terrible oolong.

I found a store selling clothes and decided on buying some child's blue jeans a black tee shirt and a blue denim jacket I also bought a pair of brown leather gloves.

Your fashion sense is quite adult like Bulma said.

suddenly a villager came in and shouted oolong is hear we paied for our clothes and we went to check it out.

I found oolong had been transformed into a bear, I smiled show me your real form,piggy.

no don't challenge me Than he farted and transformed back into a pig.

how did you know I was disguised.

"well looks like I'm going to hafto beat you black and blue!" oolong said.

he attacked me with a haymaker but I intercepted it and landed a smack to his nose he fell to the ground outcold of course I pulled my punch/slap.

when oolong came to he held his nose it was broken

"ow!!! what the hell did you do to me." Oolong whined

"I popped you in the nose." I said.

"Now apologize to the nice people." I said.

" okay I'll ,what the hell is that," he said pointing I grabbed his hand and pushed him in the forehead to the ground.

"What do you take me for an idiot." I said.

well in canon Maybe goku was a dummy but I'm not really goku.

"okay I'm sorry now let me go" oolong begged

"one moment." I said.

I stuck my finger in my mouth and sucked some saliva onto it then stuck it in his ear and swirled it around.

"gah wet Willy!" Oolong cried.

after we received the dragon ball we went into the desert and found ourselves in the midst of a bandits den there.

the bandits were armed with swords and knifes I smiled and drew my power pole I danced it around my fingers then held it level with their swords.

They bandits came at me with there swords going for a swing i thrust my pole into the chin then I swatted the second sword away and preformed a reversed thrust I preformed a spinning cane strike and took out the third bandit then finished the forth one with a sweep of the legs a swat to the stomach and a thrust to the throat.

thank god I used to play street hockey. I thought.

then the bandits leader came out he laughed

"so it seems you are strong but it's over now I am yamucha the hyena of the wilderness and I will be your end bringer any last words before you die boy." Yamucha said.

"just a question." I said

'what is it"

"how do you feel about internal bleeding?" I said rhetorical.

I assumed my fighting stance pulling my right arm back into my center line and my left arm up eye level I bent my knees forward and stood on the balls of my feet. Assuming the hsing yi quan gosei stance.

he came at me with a long straight I dragged my left foot back and struck him in the chin with a right uppercut while stepping forward with my right leg then I dragged my right foot back and preformed a spin kick to his ribs yamucha drew his sword I flared my ki and struck his sword with a right hook shattering it he pulled back and assumed a karate on guard stance then he attacked me with a barrage of punches palms and gouges then he ended with a double claw strike witch the shadow of a wolf.

I held a strong three point guard then I attacked yamucha useing the jankengon technique grandpa gohan taught me.

"jan-ken-gan,scissors I called outgouging his eyes.

"paper"I called out palming his face "rock" I called punching him in the jaw and the forehead with a jab punch.

Yamucha was beaten badly so he decided to retreat.

you win for now brat.

later at night Bulma and I were lying down in bed when I heard the rustling of yamucha and puar.

I decided to give him a scare so I transformed into super sayajin 4 and went outside I snuck up behind him.

"BOO! " I said.

he turned around and drew his knife attacking me but I stepped past him grabbed his arm with my right arm and pulled him into my personal space hooked my left arm under his armpit bent my knees turned my waist threw him about thirty feet with the ippon-seoi-nage.

When yamucha saw me in the dead of nite my body shadow he was so scared he freaked out and ran away.

[next time on the time I was reincarnated as goku with super sayajin 4 goku and Bulma arrive at fire mountain to ask for the ox kings dragon ball goku is sent by the ox king to find a missing princess and master roshi teaches goku his kamehameha wave technique.]

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