4 Adopted

No, it couldn't be here, it couldn't be my mother?! I then whispered what she was doing here. I felt something drip on me from the ceiling so I was going to look up when I heard someone coming in the basement.

"MIA" is that you, I scream the clanking of the shoes becomes louder when then I see a lady in business clothes with two men beside her. She then says, " So this is our new project."

Then I heard the familiar voice again. It said, "Yes," and that familiar voice shocked me it was Mia. I then said in a confused voice "Mia…. what's going on what's happening?!" she then bent down grabbed me by the chin and grinned at me and said, "training is what's happening".

The lady in the business clothes said " I'm your trainer Svetlana." she said with a smile I said ``so why do I have chains on?" Svetlana then said, "oh sorry that was part of training to see if you can teleport." Mia sighed and said, " I told you she can't teleport, she can only stop time." Then Svetlana told one of the men to uncuff me. They did and as soon as the cuffs were off I saw my cuts healing.

Faster than normal Mia noticed and said almost to the business lady as a whisper "Do you think she has more than one power." she tried to whisper but I heard her.

Svetlana then said, "she is as special as you, maybe even stronger." Mia then said, " MOM." I then said as I was getting up "THAT'S YOUR MOM?!" Mia then said " "y-yea?" I then looked at the mom and then mia I think they noticed because then mia said, "I'm adopted if you're wondering why we don't look alike" I then said in a low voice "me too"

The new chapter coming Thursday... be prepared

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