

10th of January 2243 - Secret Hideout:

In a Secret Hideout, we find a short man wearing a doctor's jacket and goggles, he was completely bald but he had a very large, bushy moustache. He was walking back and forth, worried, he had just received some information on a subject he had someone keeping watch on. This subject was Izuku Midoriya, a former patient.

About three years ago, he tested the boy to see if he had a Quirk as he hadn't shown any signs of having powers. Although it's common for most Quirks to show when they were four or five years old, there are rare cases where the Quirks won't appear until they are in their teens for one reason or another. Unless they had done a test to make sure, most people would think that they were Quirkless until their Quirk awakens.

However, in the case of Izuku Midoriya, when they took an x-ray of his foot, they found the presence of an extra joint in their pinky toe. You see, nowadays, to diagnose if a person possesses a Quirk or not, the doctors would take x-rays of the feet to see if there was a presence or absence of an extra joint in their pinky toe. Over the years it was found that people with only one joint tend to develop a Quirk, while having two joints usually indicates that the person is Quirkless, it was very rare for this to be wrong.

Whilst it might not look like it, but this man, Doctor Kyudai Garaki, was over a hundred and twenty years old. The reason for this was because of his Quirk, Life Force, which caused him to age at a slower rate, making him look much younger than he really was. Because of this, he knew that nowadays it was near impossible for those with the extra joint in their pinky toe to have a Quirk, so when he saw Midoriya's x-rays and saw the boy had two joints, he knew that he wouldn't have a Quirk in his life.

Even though he knew that Midoriya wouldn't ever have a Quirk, the hospital had him run a few tests to make sure. As in the past, there were cases where even if they didn't have one joint, there were a few who did gain a Quirk either way. Because of this, they created tests to be 100% sure, as this was a life-changing event.

But Kyudai didn't read Midoriya's results, as in the last twenty years, he hasn't seen anyone with two joints in their pinky with a Quirk. So to him, it was a waste of time and energy to do the tests, as he knew that Midoriya didn't have a Quirk. Or so he thought.

That changed during the weekend though, when he was cleaning his office at the hospital when he knocked over some old paperwork off one of his desks. As he was picking up the paperwork, he found Midoriya's files, when he was putting them back he saw the results and he was shocked. For the first time in twenty years, a child with an extra joint in their pinky toe had a Quirk. He couldn't believe it.

Wondering what sort of Quirk this boy might have, he had someone follow him for a bit, to see if they could find out what this Quirk was. About an hour ago, he found out what the boy's Quirk was, and if what he was told was true then the boy had one of the most surprising and powerful Quirks that the world knew of. The boy had some sort of Copy Quirk , which from the boy's words he could copy quite a few Quirks and didn't seem to have a time limit for how long he could use them for.

This would be the first time in years that the doctor saw such a Quirk, as most Copy Quirks that he knew of nowadays the user could only hold a few Quirks and for a short amount of time. But this boy was different. He had the possibility to hold many and for a long time, it was something his boss, his master would want to know. Although the way that the boy had to do to copy a Quirk was a new one, the boy had to have sex with a female to copy the Quirks. He heard of Sex Type Quirks before, but now that could copy Quirks, he would have to keep an eye on the boy. By the sounds of it, he was regularly having sex with two women and had copied their Quirks.

Seeing how his master would like to hear this, as he was looking for someone who could handle holding more than one Quirk, Kyudai called his master to either to call him or to see him as soon as possible, so that he could inform him about the boy.

Now, his master was none other than All For One, a supervillain that has been in hiding/recovering from his battle with the pro hero, Aerial, all those years ago. Thanks to her, All For One had lost quite a bit of his power.

Now Kyudai was born over a hundred and twenty years ago, give or take a few years, even today with living so long, the doctor couldn't really remember how long he lived for. To be honest, even though he had a signal joint in his pinky, he had always thought that he was Quirkless, it wasn't until he was around forty that he found his Quirk, Life Force , which granted him great longevity and slow ageing. Because of this, he kept moving and often changed his name and age, not only that, but he made everyone believe that he was Quirkless.

Before he became a doctor, he became a biologist with a major in quirk studies, so that he could study and research Quirks, as he wanted to learn more about them. During his time researching, Kyudai came up with a theory that he called the 'Quirk Singularity,' his theory was that as each generation passes, the Quirks would become so powerful that they will be uncontrollable and the users might die because of this, as the human body wasn't evolving quickly enough to keep up with the new Quirks.

His theory though was dismissed by society though, viewing the concept as ridiculous and didn't want to listen to a far-fetched doomsday theory when society was still struggling with assimilating quirks into society. As a result, Kyudai was ostracized and disappeared from the public eye.

Although no one believed his theory, Kyudai didn't give up on his studies and research to find a way to force the evolution of the human race, so that in years to come they would have the stronger bodies needed to use the new Quirks. So that the human race didn't die out. But the problem was money and back, so that's when he became a doctor, to earn the money. The problem was his Quirk, every so often he would have to leave where he was working and start off elsewhere, as he didn't want to raise questions about his Quirk.

Soon, he learned about a man who would soon become his master All For One, a man who is able to steal many Quirks and use them as he liked. The reason he searched for this villain was that he heard the rumours of what the man could do, he thought he could be the key to his research to evolve the human race, but it wasn't the case. But it wasn't to be.

When All For One learned about Kyuda and that the doctor was looking for him, he approached the man. All For One believed in Kyudai's theory and after a long talk, All For One lent Kyudai his support. When Kyudai asked about All For One's ability, All For One admitted that he could steal lots of Quirks, but even he had limits to his powers, that every so often, he would have to throw away Quirks that he didn't need anymore or wasn't useful to him so that his body wouldn't collapse on him. So because of this and his belief in Kyuda's theory, he approached the doctor, so that they could work something out, to give All For One a stronger body and make the human race stronger so that they wouldn't die out. As All For One wanted to rule it for himself.

If Kyuda was a righteous person and heard that a man wanted to rule over others, to do as they like to the human race, they would turn away and not help the mad man. But Kyuda wasn't a righteous person, with society dismissing his theory and turning him into an outcast, and needing money for his experiments.to make a better human race, which he knew society wouldn't agree with, Kyudai agreed to work with All For One and become his servant.

Over the years, thanks to All For One's connections and resources, Kyudai was able to finish one of his pet projects, the ability to duplicate people's Quirks. Because of this, as a gift of loyalty and appreciation, Kyudai duplicated his Life Force Quirk , and gave his original Quirk to All For One, keeping the duplicate.

For nearly two hundred years or so, Kyudai helped with All For One's plans. In fact, in the last twenty odd years, he helped out in his master's underground fight club, the Underground Masquerade. The place was built under Osaka, where illegal gambling and quirk-boosting drugs trafficking could be found, a way for All For One to earn money. Kyudai knew there was another reason for this fight club, it was a place where his master could find useful Quirks to steal so that he could defeat All Might, the current holder of One For All. (But the club was recently closed down because a Pro Hero known as High-Speed Hero: O'Clock, went undercover to learn about the club and things went out of hand where All Might came after a while the club was closed down.)

Kyudai was shocked when he learned about this Quirk, it was the only Quirk that could stand against All For One, as it couldn't be stolen. It must be given willingly and not forced. It was a Quirk that All For One created by mistake, something he had no intention of doing. It all began before his master became All For One, a time where there were no tests to show if a person had a Quirk or not.

His master was working in the shadows, slowly building his image as All For One. The problem was his younger sister, Sharlene, she had a strong sense of justice and didn't like what her brother was doing so tried to stop him. But All For One locked her up to stop him and informed her of all the deaths that he committed who followed her to try and stop her. Then one day he forcibly gave her a Power Stockpiling Quirk , to try and make her submit to him and make her stronger so that she would be one of his generals.

It wasn't to be, she didn't submit to him like he hoped, instead, she was more defiant and against him. Not only that, but here they learned that she did have a Quirk, a useless one for sure without a decent copy Quirk, but a Quirk nevertheless. That Quirk was a kind of transfer Quirk, Sharlene was able to transfer her Quirk to others, which was useless on its own. However, when she gained the Power Stockpiling Quirk , her Quirk mutated and became what would later be known as One For All, because of what it could do.

You see, the Quirk mutated so that with each user the Quirk is passed down to, some of the person's power is stored into the Quirk and when the new user gets it, they and their Quirks become stronger, which in turn means storing more power. So over the years, with countless users, it became strong, so strong that it was the only Quirk known to stand against Kyudai's master, All For One. So because of this, All For One has been trying to find ways to become stronger and defeat All Might, who has One For All, so that he could either gain it as his own or destroy it so that no one else could stand against him.

Both Kyudai and All For One knew that one day All For One's body might give up on him, as his body wouldn't be able to handle the stronger Quirks that have been slowly appearing. Because of this, they have been searching for ways to prevent this or some way for someone to take over All For One should something happen to the Quirk Thief. They had a few plans, one being selecting someone to take a duplicate of the Quirk All For One. Right now, All For One was grooming a young man named Tomura Shigaraki to become his successor, someone who would take a duplicate version of All For One.

But the thing was it was taking a long time, time that Kyudai didn't believe his master didn't have if he wasn't careful. Tomura needed a lot of work before his body was ready to use All For One, as he was still weak. So Kyudai had been keeping an eye out for someone more suited for All For One, someone who could handle All For One better than Tomura and the doctor believed that Izuku might be the one to do so. As his limits seemed limitless, something his master could use. This is why he wanted to talk to his master, to give him this new option.

As he was thinking about how he could sell the idea of using Izuku Midoriya instead of Tomura, using Midoriya could be faster in his plans, his master entered the hideout. Upon All For One entering the room, Kyudai said, "Welcome Master, I wasn't expecting to see you so soon. I thought it would be a few hours and you would call me instead of visiting."

"I was in the area Doctor, and it sounded urgent so I thought I would come now." explained All For One, "So tell me, what is so urgent?"

Knowing it was not a good idea to beat about the bush, the doctor explained what he had found to All For One. Whilst he didn't look angry, All For One didn't look pleased either. "Really Doctor? Do you think I would use a child when we've put so much time and work in Tomura?"

"I understand that master, but yet with Tomura it'll be years before his body is ready for your powers. But with Midoriya, we would only need a few months to a year, two years at most." Kyudai explained his reasoning for using Midoriya over Tomura, "So it would be better, more sufficient, to use someone who has the ability to hold a lot of powers to someone who can't. With Tomura, even with all of the work we put into him, it might not be possible for him to handle the power of All For One."

"That may be the case, but don't forget, but remember there's another reason I want Tomura - his body." the supervillain informed the doctor, "I'm planning to take it over should he be able to master All For One. Not only that, but I believe that he might be the only person who can help me get One For All. Remember, he is the grandson of Aerial, whilst his father didn't show any signs of it, I believe Tomura might have some of the power of One For All, that was passed down from Aeria, as it would explain why his power is quite powerful. Now, it might not be as powerful as I would like it to be, but it is powerful enough that he should be able to handle having All For One. Not only that, but should he have a hint of his grandmother's powers in him, I'm hoping that it'll allow me to steal One For All from All Might, thinking that I'm part of One For All."

Kyudai couldn't deny that over the years he knew many of the hosts of One For All, they were all quite powerful and hard for All For One to defeat. If it wasn't for the Quirks that his master stole at the time, he might not be able to defeat the hosts of One For All. So using Tomura, should he have a hint of One For All in him, to trick One For All to think that his master part of One For All, was a smart move and might work. But the problem comes down to whether Tomura has any of One For All in him, the young man didn't show any signs of it during the testing that he did to him. By using Midoriya, his master would have more time to think of ways to steal One For All in the future.

"There's another reason why I don't want to use Midoriya, that's because of his age and Quirk." explained All For One, "I really don't want to use a body that hasn't been through puberty yet, as I've been through that once before and I don't want to do it again. To make things worse, he has a Lust Quirk, and from my experience when going through puberty, Lust Quirks are all over the place, those with these Quirks think mainly about having sex. That's something I don't want to go through, in fact, I never had an interest in it, as it gets in the way of doing things, making things more difficult than it really needs to be. Only had sex to get what I needed from women. In fact, I only stole a few of these Lust Quirks out of interest, to see what they are about and what uses they have. But I never used them."

Kyudai could understand where his master was coming from here, he too didn't see the point in sex himself, unlike his master, he never had it in his life. He believed that his time could be better suited in his work, where dating and sex would take him away from it. He could also understand why he didn't want to use the boy right now either, not at the age he was now, but he couldn't turn a blind eye on Midoriya either. He had one of the rare Quirks that allows a person to hold lots of Quirks without being modified and not have a problem.

The doctor knew that his job was to look out for his master, even if his master didn't see things right. Kyudai was very loyal thanks to what All For One has done for him, so he very rarely went against his master's wishes or talked back to him when he made his mind up. But Kyudai knew he had to here, he couldn't let this go, not when his master was after a stronger and better body to use in the future.

"Master, I understand your reasoning, but we shouldn't put all our eggs in one basket," the doctor told his master earnestly, "just think about it. What if by slim chance your plans for Tomura don't go as planned, either he dies or he slips your hands somehow. You would have to start from scratch, meaning more years searching for someone suitable to give your powers. But with Midoriya, we would have someone we could give your powers to in a few years after training him. At which point you might be able to find a Quirk to nullify the side-effects of the Lust Quirk so that you wouldn't want sex. Please, just think about it, don't just throw this opportunity away, the boy could be a great use to you."

All For One was shocked at Kyudai's conviction over this, he had known the doctor for over a hundred years, and not once had he seen him like this before. Sure the doctor might not agree with all of his plans, but he never fought this hard for him to rethink something over, he would normally just follow orders or if there was something the doctor thought couldn't work, but had ideas to make it work, he would suggest them to All For One. Never has he fought this hard to make him rethink things.

Now normally, All For One would just shoot him down and do what he wanted or if they kept on about it, he would just kill them without a second thought. But this was Kyudai, his most loyal and trusted follower, someone who has been with him for over a hundred years, someone who helped him no matter what and rarely asked for anything big before. Because of this, All For One decided that for the man's long time loyalty, he could take some time to think about what Kyudai suggested.

As he stood there he thought about the idea more deeply, but the more he thought about it, the more he was against using Midoriya. Not just because of the boy's Quirk, but because of two other reasons. The first was that the boy wanted to be a hero, someone like the bitch All Might, so it would be hard to change the boy's mind to help a villain. Tomura on the other hand wanted to destroy things, to get rid of the things that he disliked, so he was easier to control and use, something he didn't think would work for Midoriya.

But it wasn't the main reason that he was against using Midoriya, no, the main reason was that he was connected to a former Pro-Hero, Scorpion. Scorpion seemed interested in the boy, so should anything happen to Midoriva, he would come looking for the boy and so deliver the hero to his door, something All For One wanted to prevent. So he couldn't risk taking the boy. But as he thought about the former hero, a thought occurred to him, if it wasn't for heroes like Scorpion and the holders of One For All, he wouldn't be as strong as he is now.

Sure, he would be stealing strong Quirks from people, but he didn't think he would be as strong as he is now. But because of those damn heroes, he had to rethink things, how he dealt with them. Like learning how to fight better than them and finding Quirks that would help him to defeat the heroes, and because of this he had gotten stronger because of them. So maybe, he could go with the doctor's idea of using the boy instead of giving him All For One.

So with this in mind, he said, "Okay Doctor, my mind is made up, I'm not going to give young Midoriya All For One nor try to take his body over. And it's not because of his Quirk." All For One added, suspecting that the doctor might not think that he didn't think things through, "I have two reasons for not doing so, the first is that he wants to be a hero and because of this, it might be hard to turn unlike Tomura, who already turned and is a villain. But the main reason is the former Pro-Hero, the Undead Hero, Scorpion. He has taken an interest in young Midoriya, so should anything were to happen to him, he would more than likely take action and put us in his sights. As you know, I've dealt with him a few times over the last hundred years and I prefer not to have to deal with him again unless I have to. Kidding a kid he has eyes on will do so."

In his interest in helping his master to get a new body sooner than later, he didn't think about these two things. His informant informed him how strong-willed Midoriya seemed to be to become a hero, that nothing would prevent him from becoming one. So having him help his master would be very hard, if not impossible if his will to become a hero was strong enough.

Next was Scorpion, he couldn't believe that he could forget about him, before he quit being a hero, he had been a pain for him and his master. He kept getting in the way with their plans, in fact, other than the wielders of One For All, he was one of the few people who could keep toe to toe with his master. Kyudai could remember a few times where he had to help heal his master because of the fights he got with the Undead Hero. If he had an interest in Midoriya, the doctor now realized how dangerous it would be if they did anything to the boy, the former hero would do whatever it took to get the boy back. So he could see why his master didn't want to use Midoriya.

As these thoughts were going through his mind, his master said, "But I believe that we could use him though."

"How so?" asked Kyudai, wondering what All For One had planned.

"We help him get stronger." All For One said with a smirk.

"How would that help us?" Kyudai asked, confused, not understanding how making a possible hero stronger, "Wouldn't that make it harder to do so?"

"That's true, but I'm hoping that he will be a problem for Tomura to deal with." All For One explained to the doctor, who looked at him strangely, not getting what he was getting at. Seeing this, he said, "Do you know how I got as strong as I am today?"

"With all the Quirks that you gained over the years." Kyudai answered simply, not seeing any other way as to how his master got so strong.

"That's part of it, but there's more to it." explained the supervillain to the scientist, "You see, just like heroes, villains only get so far with our Quirks, we need something more to become stronger. Most villains don't realize this, but the truth is that we need powerful foes to fight against. Someone to push us to go feather, to become greater than we already are. Most don't see this, but for the rare few like me realize over the years that the reason we became strong is because of a certain hero or heroes, we had to learn different ways to become stronger not only with our Quirks but the way we fight. To be honest, I didn't think about it until you asked me to rethink about using Midoriya boy.

"Whilst I might not be able to use the boy the way you think I should, I realized I could use him another way." All For One informed the doctor, "Make him a hero that past heroes were for me, a challenge for Tomura to find a way to overcome and get stronger. As Tomura will be my backup plan should I be able to defeat All Might myself, it'll be up to him to defeat her or whoever becomes the next wielder of One For All. But the way he is now, even with All For One and the Nomu that you're creating, I don't think he could easily defeat All Might. As he should never underestimate All Might, I have faced her enough times to know when push comes to shove. But if Tomura could defeat Midoriya at his strongest, he should be able to defeat anyone with One For All."

Kyudai had to admit, he had heard many times that be it, heroes, villains even in everyday things such as sportsmen, people seem to get stronger if they have a rival or someone to compete against. Or in the case of villains, at least those who bother to do so, they become stronger so that they can defeat the heroes, same as heroes, those who bother to want to become stronger to defeat villains. As his master said, Quirks can take you so far, you would need to fight differently and learn to use your Quirk in a different way to become stronger. So he could understand his master wanting to plan things to make Tomura stronger.

But he did have one concern though, so he asked, "Whilst I see merits to your plan master, I'm a bit concerned. Whilst unlikely, what if All Might gives One For All to Midoriya?"

"I would find it very unlikely that would happen, as he goes around Japan being the Symbol of Peace, so I would find it hard to believe that they would ever meet." All For One said thoughtfully, "Even if they did meet, I find it hard that All Might would pass it to Midoriya, he's still young and there are others who could be the next wielder of One For All if I don't get it first."

The doctor had to admit as he thought about it, the chances of the two meetings were very slim and even if they did, as his master stated, with others with better Quirks and his age, it was unlikely Midoriya would get All For One. With that out of the way, the scientist asked, "So what's the plan of making the boy stronger?"

"The first thing I'm planning to do is to use the latest Quirk that I gained recently, Quirk Creation, to merge a few Lust Quirks that I gained over the years to create a new one and give it to the young boy." explained All For One. As he said, he gathered a few Lust Quirks, but because of them forcing him to have sex with people, he used a Quirk he stole to store them into a few items. Sure he might find a few people who would enjoy them, but he felt he could use them in a better way, and here he was ready to use these Lust Quirks. "And if we're lucky, we might even have him as an ally instead and I could create a rivalry between the two to make Tomura stronger."

"Why would he become our ally?" asked Kyudai.

"Whilst certain Lust Quirks can make people into a fighting machine, there is a dark side to the Lust Quirks, most of them need the person to have sex." explained Shigaraki, "To power up their Quirks, they need sex. Now you would think, what's the dark side to that? Will, the answer is simple, the Lust Quirk forces their host to have sex with people if they want to or not. Now, the weaker Lust Quirks you would have no problem controlling it, as they need sex a few times a week or whenever you're planning to use the Quirk, so the person would only need to have sex with their girlfriend or boyfriend if they got one or find someone willing to have sex with them.

"However, the more powerful of Lust Quirks, you need to have sex a few times a day, everyday." All For One said with a dark look, "Controlling such Quirks takes a strong will or have the person fucking a lot of women/men to satisfy the Quirk. As if this isn't happening, the Quirk will often force the person to find someone fuck, wanting to or not. So the person would rape the person. Some become madmen, driven to rape people, just so that they could have sex because they need to for their Quirk. So if we're lucky, making his Quirk more powerful will make it so this happens to young Midoriya, we could step in and help him. In an exchange in helping us, we'll give him to fuck and gain new powers."

Kyudai didn't think the possibility of Midoriya joining them was likely, but he could admit that if it happened, the boy had the potential of being a great ally. Especially with his master's help. If not, it would be interesting to see how Tomura would handle this young boy when the two meet? It would be interesting to see. The doctor was more than happy to help make Midoriya stronger now, as his interest was piqued and wanted to see where this would go. Who would win, Midoriya or his master's successor Tomura?

"So Master, how can I help you with Midoriya?" asked the doctor.

"I need a few Quirks duplicated." explained All For One, as he wrote a list of Quirks he wanted duplicated before he handed the list to the doctor.

Looking at the list, Kyudai saw quite a few Quirks, some he could understand, like the transfer ability from All For One Quirk , and one of the Storage Quirks that allows a person to store things such as items and Quirks. Even the Sex Healing Quirk made sense, as long as Midoriya wasn't too injured, he could have sex to heal himself. These would be useful to young Midoriya, as should he gain a Quirk that he didn't want or get to the point where he couldn't hold any more, he could get rid of the ones he didn't want and gain new ones.

But there were two Quirks that he didn't understand, so wondering why his master wanted them he asked about the first one, "Master, why would you want two Gargoyle Quirks ?" the Gargoyle Quirk was a Transformation Quirk that allows a person to transform into a Gargoyle and gain its abilities.

"One is for Midoriya," explained Shigaraki, "we have no idea what Quirks he'll get over the years, but if I want him to be able to face Tomura and able to fight him, I want him to have some sort of strength so I decided for him to use the Gargoyle Quirk . Apart from the treats that a Gargoyle has, he would have a way to get around with the wings that come with the Quirk, he could also turn into stone, where he can heal most of his injuries over time if he can't have sex for any reason."

Kyudai had to admit that was a decent idea, they had no idea what Quirks Midoriya would gain over the years. So giving him something that could be useful in fighting and healing would be useful for the wannabe hero. But he wasn't sure about the reason for the second Gargoyle Quirk , so he asked, "What about the second Gargoyle Quirk ?"

"That's to make the Quirk that I'm going to use, the Succubus Quirk , stronger" explained All For One.

"Never heard of the Quirk," admitted Kyudai, "is it anything like the mythological demon of the same name? If so, why do you need the Gargoyle Quirk to go with it?"

"Yes it has, and the Quirk has the same powers as said demon." All For One explained to the doctor. Not only that, but it had a personality where it would try and persuade the user to have more sex by any means possible, by using the users dreams and sexual desires if they hadn't had sex for a long time or if they really were interested in a person. Although the Quirk were rare, the few who had the Quirk were able to tone Quirk out, drowning the dark impulses that the Quirk wanted them to do.

"As for why I'm going to use the Gargoyle Quirk , that's because that's one of the rare quirks that are semi-sentient." All For One explained, " It has the rare ability where once the host is strong enough, the Quirk can manifest into the real world and fight along with its owner as a real Succubus. Against men, the Quirk was able to fight them with ease, but when it comes to women it's weak. Sure it can use their powers on the women if it's in its male host, but fighting outside, it has no power over women and could easily be defeated. So to make it stronger, I'm making the Succubus into a Gargoyle, giving it more defence."

The doctor could admit that it made sense, if the Succubus with the Succubus Quirk was weak when fighting women seeing how they couldn't use their powers on them, his master would want to find a way to make her stronger. But the last Quirk he couldn't understand, the Gender Quirk , a Quirk that could change the gender to another sex. "Master, if you don't mind me asking another question, but why do you want the Gender Quirk for?" Kyudai asked, a bit confused about this, "All it does is transform someone into the opposite sex."

"And that's exactly the reason I'm giving Midoriya." All For One said with a smirk, "With the power that young Midoriya has, he can only copy Quirks by having sex with the opposite sex. So, what if he finds a Quirk that he wants but it belongs to a male? He wouldn't be able to gain it, which is why I'm giving the Gender Quirk , so he can swap the gender of the male so that he can gain the Quirk he wants. To be honest, it would be fun to see him turning some of those male heroes into females for his needs." All For One laughed darkly at the thought.

"I see Master…" Kyudai said simply, whilst he could see the point of this ability for young Midoriya, he just couldn't see anyone willing to fuck someone who used to be male. If he was interested in sex, he knew that he wouldn't want to fuck someone who was once male. Whatever the case, All For One was his master, if he wanted to do this, who was he to stop him? "If there's nothing else, I'll start duplicating the Quirks you want."

"Not right now no, but we still have a few things to deal with after I create the new Quirk." explained All For One.

"How so?" the doctor asked his master, interested in what his master had planned.

"Got a few plans to help young Midoriya," explained the Quirk Thief, "to make it so that he has the same opportunities as Tomura. A safe place to live and train, money and such."

"Master, why are you helping this boy so much?" asked the doctor, the All For One he knew would not be so kind or willing to help a kid to become stronger. And if he did, he would do so to get favours from the parents, not doing it for free as it seemed he was doing it for. "This is unlike you, even if this is to help Tomura."

"To be honest, I'm doing this because I'm bored," the supervillain admitted to the doctor, "for the last two hundred years or so, all I've been doing is fighting heroes, trying to get One For All, and reshaping the world in my own way. But the thing is I get bored from time to time, so I start small wars, set things up and like to see what the outcome will be like. Not caring who wins or dies. In fact, before you told me about Midoriya, I was trying to think about what I could do next to make things interesting. Thankfully you informed me about this boy and decided to use him to amuse me for now, to see how he would turn out. I'll be interested to see what he does,"

Kyudai could admit that he could understand where All For One was coming, with how long he had lived, he too often found himself being bored. But unlike his master, the former scientist spent his spare time on research, be it robots, other tech, mutations and a few other subjects. But he did nothing about them seeing how he was helping his master with whatever he needed.

"And if things go the way I want them to go, it could help us too." admitted All For One.

"How so?" asked Kyudai.

"I'll explain later, but if things go well, we should be able to put some of your research projects to work for us, make us some money and get better equipment too." All For One told him, without saying anything else for now.

The doctor knew that his master wouldn't tell him anything else for now, but knew that when he was ready to, he would. So, with that in mind, Kyudai started to duplicate the Quirks that his master wanted. Whilst the doctor was duplicating the Quirks he needed, All For One started to work on the new Quirk he had planned for Midoriya.

Normally, he would put some of his own will into the Quirk like he did whenever he gave Quirks to people, but with this one, as he melds the Quirks together, he left that part out. He didn't want Midoriya to be influenced by him by any means. He would only help him slightly, with the things he had planned already. Once he set these plans into action, he would leave the rest to fate, and see what type of person Midoriya would become, would he be a friend or foe?

Sure the Succubus Quirk was already strong by itself and would be a great use to young Midoriya. But to try and turn the boy, they would need to be stronger, to make it so it would be harder for the boy, for him to have more sex. He hoped that Midoriya would break and so seek out more sex, hopefully, go down a dark path that he could use. And so he added more sexual Quirks to it.

During the creation of this new Quirk, All For One decided that once this Quirk was connected to Midoriya's Quirk, he would call the Quirk, Absolute Devotion. Mainly because of Midoriya's Quirk, as his Quirk made it so that people that he fucked would become devoted towards him, mind, body and soul, it seemed that they would do whatever he wanted, they even might die and kill to protect him.

It would be a few days before All For One would finish the new Quirk, at which point he would begin to think about how he would give the Quirk to the young boy. As he wanted to give the Quirk to the boy without kicking up dust and alerting too many heroes about what he was up to.

Little did All For One or Kyudai know, as they planned things for young Midoriya, whilst they had both wins and losses, their actions would lead to unforeseen consequences that would rock the world in ways that would change it.