
The Template:RWBY

a boy name Stynz woken up with a strange panel in front of him, what is he going to do? {I honestly have no idea what to put here except, this, soooooo}

Just_A_Creature · Videospiele
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10 Chs

Chapter 5 double edge.

{AN:I don't get NClair... I don't get the femboy twink hunk, Imma go cry on my Ryoshu thigh now... or become a pasta, I will decide when I finish writing this....}

Stync, with his gun on one hand and Weiss on the others, he chuckle and look back to see a... angry lion and cat... also Jaune with the Champion, and also a strange girl playing with an Ursa... he stop for a moment before he lost in thought.

{Am I the only one who doesn't have a partner...? well... that not surprising consider I wore a mask...} he thought to himself while seeing that Ruby have taken a piece of chess for herself.

"wait, where that come from?" he ask looking at the chess piece in Ruby hand.... he doesn't like the idea of them collecting a chess piece... however, he still need to passed the entrance exam so, he have no choice in the matter.

"OH Sync! it have one left for you!" Ruby giggle and gave Stync a... grey king? Grey? that not right...

"that weird, I wonder who use grey piece for Chess? I thought the most common one would be black and white..." he seem to be in thought for a moment before decide that it probably just the headmaster taste in choosing chess colors,

however, he would take this into consideration if something come up in the future, he would not think about it for now due to lack of information.

he nodded to himself and take the grey king before putting it into his gloves, knowing that the safest place right now.

"WOW! YOUR GLOVES CAN STORE THING!? DOESITHAVEFREEZEFUNCTIONORDOESITHAVEANYTHINGSPECIALTOIT!?" Ruby asked him a series of question, he didn't forget that Ruby have... quite a high speed of questioning for what seem to be a weapon... maybe, he didn't forget alright!?

"uh, Can I not answer?" he scrath his cheeks while answering her with question instead of a real answer.

"oh....." do I need to put here who this is!?

"You should know that sometimes someone want to keep their weapon a secret" Weiss answer for her new... partner she smile when she saw Stync nod as a thank, she hope it isn't that bad being with this girl, her experience with Ruby while riding the Grimm was... she not gonna lied, it was exciting.

very exciting unlike those boring old people who come to her with some intention.

she nodded, while Ruby first impression toward her is bad, however her second is a fun one, at least she hope that Ruby would get better as time goes passed.

Meanwhile, Sync is being questioned extensively by Blake and Yang.

"what is that gloves? do you have a gaulets type of it?" Yang ask him playfully while thinking about how easy it would be to have her beer/wine in the gaunlets getting passed security.

"why does your gun sound so silent? is it something to do with that gloves?" Blake ask with a lot of curiousity, causing her bow to move a bit, Stync saw that and understood her curious nature, per se.

"The gloves is something I got from someone, no, I don't have a gaulets version of it, yes, it silent because there a mechanic of silence off sound from around me, unless I want it to be heard, does that satisfied you guys?" he answer all of their question in order, making both of them blinks for a moment and nodded.

"you really did answer all of their question in order huh..." a black hair boy with a strand of purple speak up to Stync, he extend one of his hand toward Stync, "my name is Lie Ren, what about yours... DUCK!"

he suddenly shouted before Stync jump toward Weiss and Ruby and push them down to the ground.

"Ouch! what the sudden idea!?" Weiss shouted before she saw a black wing slap Stync aways, his body flung into a forest of tree, before he drop down on the ground, stilled.

"Wha! SYNC!" Ruby shouted and a rose trail followed her step, she touch his body, trying to check what wrong with him, however, she only know the basic, the most basic of basic, she touch Stync face, then his neck, to check if he okay, she doesn't know.

she look up to see a grimm, King Taijitu... she shiver, knowing that she won't be able to deal with it.... alone that is.

"Weiss! I need your help, try frozen it face to the ground! Yang! PUNCH IT! and whoever is fast! Bring Syn-" before Ruby can finish her word, a hand grab on her shoulder.

she look back.... a Black mask with a crack appearing at the border side look down at her.

"Sync? you injured! you should leave first!" Ruby told him, while he shake his head, Weiss, is thinking that what Ruby said is right, he should leave first, and recuperate first before joining the fight.

"no... it just make me angry... very too" he told her, his voice is calm, and... dangerous, she look at him, surprise that he voice sound like that, a hoarse voice, with a bit of sound disappearing, as if... it was a glitched.

[warning(!), warning(!), the host have enter an strange state, recommend the option to run]

he hold his head, a voice is whispering to him, he doesn't understand anything it said, because there are too many of it, his headache is getting intense, he shake it off, before he pull out his sword, Durandal, from the gloves with it sheath.


he jump at the King Taijitu while dodging it tail that whipped toward him, but, strangely enough, he doesn't feel that threatened, he aim his sword down before stab it toward the middle of it body, his sword pierce through it a little, the giant snake, felt it life threantened, suddenly thrash it body around, trying to get him off, but Weiss glyph freeze it face toward the ground, the only thing that can move now, is it middle body and tails.

he look at it before dragging his sword through it middle body toward it tail, each time the snake thrash it tail around, the more Stync force getting stronger.

the voice get louder.

{I am king}

{we're friend, right?}

{that bastard is still alive...}

{in the end I can't hold them close...}


he shake his head, trying to get the headache out of his head, "Fuck..."

{such a foolish attempt..}

{hel...p.... m...e go...d b...ye}

{the beautiful sound of piano still ring to this day}

{and now, she, the moon}

he look down at the King Taijitu seeing it suddenly stop thrashing around and pull it head out of the ice, looking down at him, he laugh.

"ha! I'm gonna fucking use your skin as my damn blanket!" he shout before he rush at the snake once more, this time, he put all his strenght into one strike.

the giant anime snake also do the same, it rush toward him with it mouth open, trying to bite him, while Sync aim at the neck of the snake, both "Monster" put their all into a one singular strike, just, Sync, was cheating.

his sword cleanly slice the head clean off.

he sheated his sword back into it sheath.


"now can you all shut up?" he fainted with that last word of his, his mind cannot taking the toll on it anymore.

[The system have calm the external substance that seep out of the ####

Authority is not enough, cannot permitted....

detect the interference of Keter.

...... calming down the Light.... 5%]

{AN: and whatever that was I hope everyone love what will happen, because, I fucking sure already have a name for it.

now for those who know PMverse, I asketh thee a questioned,

what will Sync turn out to be?}


an interaction with Author and Power stone.

"hm, today I would like to take my dog out for a walk~" he said, unaware of what about to happen to him.

he pat his dog, smiling before tolding it to come with him, the both of them goes outside for a bit, he was walking around smiling,

and then the power stone nation attack.


legend said he still is under that pile of Power Stone.

{AN: please no more, also it might be unsatisfactory for some because I introduce them quite early, but I like to do something with them in the next chapter so....}