
Entrance Exam

The dorms for the Academy were a series of apartment-style buildings on the southern side of the campus. Most students needed to wait until they passed the entrance exam before they could be admitted, but—because of Jack's letter—rooms were set aside for me and James ahead of time. I think Lily had one set up beforehand as well.

I stayed in my room for a full day. I didn't go out to see Lily or James. I don't think either one of them wanted to see me at that moment, anyways. The assassin who attacked on the first night was the only person to visit me. I didn't mind it too much. I lived most of my last life alone and cramped in my apartment. I sure did miss the internet, though. Being alone was so much easier when I could do it together with millions of other people. There was always something comforting about that.

During my free time I frequently tried to use my lowest class skills. I knew how dangerous it was for me to be manipulating mana, but I felt like the lower tier skills were fine. So long as I limited the Mana to Adept Class or lower, I didn't think the damage from an accident would go past my room. Still, I needed to get access to the training grounds soon so I could start getting a feel for the higher levels. The skill effects were vastly different from what they were in SHO, and I had quite a few skills I'd never even seen in the game days, before. Not to mention there were always alternative uses for skills than pure "damage", like the time I heated up a pool of water using [Fire Blade].

Now that I didn't have RED, I also needed to look into getting a map of magical beast spawn locations near the Capital. I didn't have any money to buy one, but getting work wouldn't be too hard. I was certain I could register as an 'S' rank adventurer with Endyrion's help. The high ranked missions would be quite lucrative. I didn't know the value of this world's money, but it couldn't be too hard to figure out.

Time passed quickly. I was rather absorbed in testing the differences between [Intangible Striking] and [Mana Shot]. Both seem to follow the same basic principle at their cores of using raw mana in an attack, but their effects varied wildly.

The two days passed by in the blink of an eye. It was finally the day of the entrance exam. I was certain that Endyrion wasn't going to test me publicly, but I still needed to attend the ceremony. Besides, even if they weren't really talking to me, I still wanted to support Lily and James.

I had Heaven's Demon Garb take the shape of a large cloak to keep my visage hidden. The last thing I needed was to draw too much attention to myself. The morning sun was blazing down on us, but inside the Garb I didn't feel much heat at all.

The main courtyard in front of the Academy's 'Reason Hall' was filled with at least 200 kids. I wasn't aware so many would be here to take the entrance exam. All of us ended up crowded together in front of a raised stage.

Endyrion walked onto the platform with a slow gait. He reached the podium at the center and tapped it twice, causing the crowd to quiet down.

"Hrrrmm," he cleared his throat, "Welcome to the Royal Arms Academy. Today is the day of our entrance exam. In order to be accepted into the Academy you must be either higher than level 15 or be a skill holder. I will ask now, but would those of you don't meet these requirements, please leave the courtyard."

The crowd started murmuring and several of the kids began leaving. Surprisingly, though, most didn't move. After a few minutes passed and he was certain the last low leveled child had left, Endyrion began talking again.

"There is also a third way to be accepted. You may duel a student who has passed from one of the earlier requirements. If you win, you may enter. But if only the losers could challenge someone to a duel, things would get boring."

In that moment, I swear Endyrion was looking into my eyes. I thought about his words and pondered. Why did he mention there was a second way to pass after some of the kids already left? Was there a reason?

"Those of you who have grudges can air them out here as well. Students who pass may challenge other students who have also passed! The loser may not be admitted if they perform too badly. If you are challenged to a duel you cannot refuse it, either!"

The crowd of students began to get wild. I didn't know what this old man was doing, but I was certain Lily never mentioned anything like this happening at the entrance exam before. What was he trying to do?

"Oh, there are also three students here who have already been approved by me, personally. They won't have their levels or skill numbers publicized. You may challenge them as well if you so choose."

I had a bad feeling about this.

"James Evergreen, the son of the famous Knight Jack Evergreen. Lily Grphyn Gransus, the fourth princess of the Gransus Kingdom. She's my personal pupil…"

Endyrion paused for a moment while Lily and James made their way over to the area designated for those that pass the exam.

"And, the last to pass preemptively, the Demon Calliope who single-handedly fought and killed five 'A' rank adventurers two days ago."

Why? What was wrong with that old man!? He wanted me to fight kids? Did he want me to accidentally kill a child this time!? I was deathly afraid of my own strength and, by the fucking Fae or whatever, he should have been too.

I was really starting to miss RED at that moment. I may had been too rash when I told him to never come back. At times like this, he would normally harass me with 'Data not found'…

Even now I still thought about RED. He always referred to me as 'the user', right up until that final moment. Only in his farewell did he call me by name… Perhaps he would know what the principal wanted.

Seeing as I'd been called out, there was no point in keeping the Garb as a cloak. I had it take its normal form as I walked forward through the parting crowd. As I passed the podium I noticed just how amused Endyrion's expression was. I could only pray he didn't break out into another laughing fit. I was about 90% certain he thought of me as a God. Perhaps he thought it was funny to get to play a trick on someone he considered a deity?

Lily and James looked nervous as I approached them. They weren't scared of me. I knew better than that, but I think both of them were afraid for whoever was going to challenge me.

The slew of kids and teenagers in the courtyard began, one by one, going up to the podium to have their levels and skill count read. Quite a few failed, but there was a fair number who passed as well.

"Next up, Emerlia Ti'er Gransus," called Endyrion as a girl with a striking resemblance to Lily started walking up to the podium. The only difference between the two was Emerlia looked to be about a year older.

[User Level: 19. Skill Total: 2.]

The entire crowd began to roar with surprise and cheers. I looked over at Lily to find her face pale. She met my gaze and slowly shook her head from side to side. She was clearly implying she'd talk about it later, but what just happened was probably a big deal. I could smell trouble brewing.

The examinees continued testing until only those who failed remained in the main courtyard. All those who passed stood together behind the stage.

"We will now begin the challenge stage. Each one of you who are still in the courtyard may challenge a single member who has passed. Each member who has passed may only fight up to a total of three times."

A large boy, I didn't remember his name but his level was 14, was the first to walk up to the stage. Endyrion handed him the magical voice amplifying tool so his challenge could be heard by everyone.

"I think it's shady how two people and a despicable demi-human," I assumed he was referring to me, "were passed without being tested publicly. Thus I'd like to challenge James Evergreen to a duel."

It was to be expected. They probably assumed that, due to their family prestige, James and Lily were passed without meeting the standards. Most of the teens here would be reluctant to fight someone they know is higher leveled than themselves. They also probably knew better than to fight someone known to be strong, like me. I did kill five high-ranked adventurers, after all.

James simply shrugged and walked to the stage. There were several wooden weapons available there. The bulky kid grabbed a two-handed sword. James opted with a simple wooden training saber.

Endyrion announced the start and the fight ended in an instant. James smashed his opponent off the makeshift ring with a single blow.

I wanted to groan. James really was considered a super genius in this world. That fact alone hurt me.

After James's display, no one else challenged our little group. Most of them seemed to trust the Principal's judgement. Things looked like they were going to end without incident…

"I would like to challenge Lily Grphyn Gransus."

With one sentence, Emerlia Ti'er Gransus threw the entire assembly on its head.

Looking back, these academy chapters were some of the weakest. If I ever fully rewrite this story, I'd probably compress and remove several of them.

Zanderkoalacreators' thoughts
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