
The Tale of Some Random Shinobi

Anime & Comics
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Naruto fanfic. first 150 chapters are mostly slice of life. No Harem No Ecchi No Romance I do not own Naruto. All characters and concepts in the story belong to Masashi Kishimoto and others involved parties who hold the rights of the franchise. chapters will drop whenever I am able to update. Comments will not be answered and all reviews besides the already existing ones will be deleted.

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Chapter 1Chapter 1 Huh?! What!? That guy...is that guy! R-right!? (EDITED)


-..omura! (???)


-H-hein?! What! What's happening?!

-You finally woke up! Jeez! You have to wake up on time! The sisters and father are tired of you never waking up on time!(???)

-( W-what? What! I-I...This is my room...and she is...)

While I was trying to regain control of my cognitive senses, for a brief moment everything felt so alien to me.

I was having a dream, or perhaps I was reliving a distant memory...?

I can't tell anymore but it all felt so distant, like a distant yet so familiar feeling...that is impossible to truly comprehend the full extent of...

However, it is all gone now...all that remained was the figure right in front of my eyes, and torrent of memories immediately surged within my mind...as if I had reabsorb a missing part of myself...Yes, I recognize this place and...her as well...

I looked at the young girl, or should I say the brat that was right in front of me and finally realized what was going on.

She had bright blue hair...that was her most defining trait, and big dark eyes or perhaps it was very dark shade of gray...Honestly I couldn't tell.

-haha...sorry Saya, I promise that I will try harder next time...hahaha

As my mind settles from its previous stupor, I immediately deescalate the tension surrounding both of us.

I tried to convince her by acting a little bit playful in order to put her at ease, because this girl is actually pretty violent!!!! A real life berserker!!!

My memories of her mainly always involved something breaking...I am genuinely afraid of her, even if I would never admit it to anyone even to myself...it is a hard pill to swallow.

-*sigh* You always say the same things but never actually follow them through! Also, did you just think something rude again! (Saya)

(Sh*t! Again that sixth sense of hers! Go back to the saint seiya universe already!!!)

-N-nah, I swear! Saya please, I did not mean anything rude this time! I swear!

She looked at me with eyes full of suspicion, but ultimately gives up.

It was probably because she had better things to do with her time.

-.....*sigh* I don't have time to lecture you today; it is our turn to buy groceries for everyone today, did you forget?!(Saya)

To be honest I almost wanted to sigh as well but I've learned to never let my guard down in front of her, I am not sure if all women are like that but all the women I know of, are too suspicious and sighing is a sign of admitting a wrong do.

It took a lot of time but I've managed to develop a poker face that won't give away anything incriminating.

-....Ah-ah?! Oh! I-I forgot sorry!- I try to act playful again and even did that thing anime characters do such as winking with 1 eye and sticking my tongue out.

- muh!!!(Saya)

For some reason Saya seemingly got upset.

She immediately pulled my left ear and twisted it with her mountain gorilla strength!

-OW!!!!! Give! Give!

-No time for your nonsense today! We have to buy vegetables early! Aunty Mikone sells the newest vegetables first, and Uncle Tatsumaki is always selling freshest fishes to the pretty housewives'!(Saya)

(Like I care about those 2 morons!!!)

Honestly speaking I have better things to do, going back to sleep is one of them at this very moment...not that I could tell that to her face, again! This girl is crazy strong and has no patience for nonsense.

-Hahaha, yeah! I am now awake and ready! Let's go and get the best stuff for everyone! Ooooh!

-...Although, I can tell that you are not being truthful again, I don't have time to reprimand you this time! Go clean yourself up!(Saya)

-Yeah!- I say it pretty loudly and feigning my enthusiasm!

I watch Saya leave the room and finally stop pretending; and go back to sleep!

She may be a slave driver, but ultimately she is quick to give up and do things by herself if she is pressed on time.

She is too serious for her own good and takes on way too much for a brat...not that I care anyway. I'd rather just go back to sleep, where things are calm and I am at peace with my thoughts.

Far away from the real world's problems and oh boy! Does this world have some problems! Problems that I'd rather not be a part of more than I can help...sadly I f*ck up! F*ck up, big time!

-Hey! Don't go back to sleep! Saya-chan is going to come back again and if you are not ready by then, and she will lose her sh*t and break everything again!(boy1)

-Yeah dude! We don't want to suffer her fury again just because you are too lazy!(boy2)

As I was about to go to sleep, I heard the voice of two distinct brats coming from within my room.

They are 2 stupid brats that I happen to share a room with...they just had to butt in... I swear being an orphan is hell! I have no privacy!

That's right this is an orphanage, I live in it because...I am also an orphan, duh!

-Toshio and Zenkichi not you guys too...back me up Uryuu!

I tried to appeal to the last member of our gang, who sleeps right beneath my bed.

To be more specific we share a bunkbed, there are 2 bunkbeds in this room since we're 4 brats living in it.

Due to the lack of space everyone has to share a room.

I am lucky enough to share a room with 3 people.

3 people that I am awfully familiar with and happen to be my age, otherwise it would be more of a drag having to share with people that I am not all too familiar with; and can't get along at all.

...Not that I get along with any of those brats, but we've been around each other for so long that we've had no other choice.

-....I don't want that girl coming here again, so you better get moving! (Uryuu)

What happened to solidarity among men?!

Yep! We don't get along at all...I can't wait to get rid of them.


(Why do they make 4 years old kids do crap like that in this f-ing world!)

Sadly, since I had no back up. I had to resign myself to my horrid fate and leave bed.

Otherwise those brats may jump on me and present my battered body to Saya as some sort of peace offering...I am not being paranoid,

it has happened before...I can't describe how much I hate those bastards!...






....10 minutes later...

After I was pretty much pressured to accompany Saya, I am now left waiting outside the orphanage by myself.

-(That damn girl! She is not even here ahead of me!)

-Ah sorry for the wait, let's go! (Saya)

-Ok! (Why did she take so much time to come here? there's hardly any change since the last time I saw her...)

-Ah! here take yours! (Saya)


She handed me a shopping bag, with a smile on her face!

This brat, I can never tell if she is mad or genuinely happy! This just how high her vile poker face level is!

-Ah thanks Saya, I can always count on you!

-Of course! We are the same age, and from the same orphanage. We have to take care of each other. Now let us depart!(Saya)

-O-ok!(Hm? Why is she so happy about this?...what is there so great about going to the center of the village? I guess someone like her who doesn't know any better it's like going to the amusement park?...well, whatever.)

Me and Saya went shopping and started to buy everything on the list given to her by the sisters.

After a great amount of time or at least that is what it felt to me, we spent so much going from vendor to vendor while fighting housewives and the elderly...I guess no matter where you live the elderly will always wake up at impossible hours and be first in line for everything.

(So much stuff to buy! These sisters are pretty tough on us orphans...not really but I always feel that I have to work much more than the other kids.)

The other kids are always just playing around, and going about their days like they have nothing to do. While we orphans have to help around, and do so many chores around the orphanage.

-Hey! Are you listening to me?!(Saya)


I turned my head towards Saya.

It seemed to me that she was talking to me prior this all ordeal.

But I mostly tune out the words coming from brats and annoying people...I mean, you have to when you live with as many needy and sh*tty people like I do.

You learn to tune out the sound coming from people, it's the only way to remain sane at least until having breakfast.

I live in a house with like 70 to 100 people or something, even people with large families don't have to deal with the amount of pollution noise I am subjected to on a daily basis.

-Jeez! At least listen when I'm talking to you! Anyway Sister Kasumi said that you were not doing your writing homework! (Saya)

-Ah!.....I sorta forgot about it. It was just so hard! I-I just needed a break before completing it but I ended up doing something else....hahaha!

(What the? She is like my own personal stalker, I swear! She is mainly like that with only me! I would have blamed my good looks, but she is 4 like me, so that can't be it! Besides writing Kanji is a pain in the ass!)

-No excuses! After breakfast we are going to finish your homework!(Saya)

-Y-yes Mam!! (Not this again! What did I do to deserve such a horrible fate!?...Haven't I suffered enough? I thought this time things were going to be like easy mode but so far it has been hard mode all the way through!)

Unable to retort Saya's words I had no other choice but sh*t up and simp...because the alternative was not worth the trouble...this what one gets when they are weak...I am not weak but she is just too strong!...unnaturally strong!

We continued walking around till we were about to go to the final store.

However, as we were about to enter the store something happened!

Little did I know...that this was perhaps the weirdest thing that had happened to me yet.

-GET OUT!!! YOU DEMON!!!!! (Shop owner)

-Father, please calm down! (Clerk woman)

The shop owner threw something towards the boy with a glare full of anger!...Or hatred?...Perhaps it was both...never in my life I had never seen such a display of hostility... I am not sure what he would do if that woman was not restraining him!

-....*sniff* (Boy)

The boy was trying really hard not to cry as he was picking himself back up, and grabbed the object that the old man threw at him.

It was clear to anyone with half a brain that the boy was suffering in the inside.

The look on the boy's face was one of extreme pain and sadness.

However, the onlookers did not seem to care.

The commotion had created a small crowd of people that were paying attention to the turn of events that had just occurred.

Some people simply chose to look away, some also threw stares of seemingly hostility towards the boy...but from what I could tell most seemed to be perplexed by what was happening.

It did not see that they didn't have their own opinions...but if I were to say...they looked afraid?...no...perhaps discomfort would be the best way to put...at least that was how things looked to me.

-Look, its him! (woman 1)

-That filthy demon is here again today? (man 1)

-I swear sometimes I just don't know what they are thinking...(woman 2)

-Shussh! Enough don't talk about that anymore! (man 2)

Several people started whispering...at least that is what I think they were trying to do...because even though I wasn't that close to the event that transpired I could easily hear their attempts at gossip.


The boy seemed to be almost about to cry, but started running instead and passed by me at full speed without looking ever back...

I want to say that this quite rude...but I neither cared for politeness and was smart enough to keep my mouth shut!

After what the boy just went through...I had no desire to add to the pile of sh*t that these moronic people, already done so well...to think adults would behave that way towards a kid, is simply disgusting...at least that was the most vile thing I have ever been part to to...well, in an involuntary way...I could have said something but the mood was utterly oppressing me and...that boy...was definitely someone I never thought in my wildest dreams that I'd ever meet in my lifetime...so much so that I did not know how to act and pretty much froze in place.

(Right! I almost forgot it because I have no idea about the timeline in this world. No. Not only that, but I just learned about how I became an orphan...it was actually quite recently, it was only a few months ago. That, and the fact I live pretty much in the boonies....I had no idea of the undergoing of the village...Plus, I never met him in person before. But...those weird cat whiskers marks...there's no doubt about it! That was Naruto!!! )

Uzumaki Naruto.

The protagonist of the hit multimedia franchise named after the titular character...to think I'd ever meet him in person...was an odd feeling to put it mildly...not even my wildest dreams did I ever see that happening. Not that I am big fan of his...but he was definitely part of my childhood and affected me in more ways than one...that is why even though I don't hold him in high regards I could not help but freeze in place...by the implications that this meant.

-Listen, Homura I am not sure why but the adults said to not approach that kid, they said he was dangerous. H-homura are you listening to me!(Saya)

I'm not sure if Saya realized that I was acting strange or if she saw me freezing in place, but she had pretty much told me to stay away from Naruto.

How does she knows that?

Has she seen before?

...Maybe if I had not skipped most the chores I was told to do in the center of the village, would I have seen before all of this?

So many questions I had towards what just happened just now, but I'd rather not let my interest in Naruto be known to others at least not at this point in time...It could prove to be far more dangerous than I could rationally handle.

-Ah yes! No problem I listened to everything you said, I swear!

-...Hmm?! *sigh* whatever, let's go somewhere else!(Saya)

-OK!- I feign enthusiasm again!

(Don't talk me to like you know things more than me! You damn civilian nobody! I am someone from a family with a high pedigree and cheats that I got before reincarnating, I am not like you, a nobody from the forgotten masses of background characters!... Because of her...I am seen as an idiot or slow....In other words I am seen as a joke!... Argh! I am a goddamn genius and I demand to be feared or respected!)

This girl knowing all attitude, sometimes really gets to me!

Does she think I am a moron?

Well...I am one of the worst students at the orphanage right now...but that was mainly because I just did not feel like studying or apply myself to learning a new language.

I'd rather just enjoy this time of my life...and live a slow and quiet life free of everything...but now I am unsure how much more free time I will have in the future. I am genuinely scared by what I found out today.

Sadly time waits for no one.

We had to resume our shopping.

That Naruto incident only put a dent on our current route but we still had to complete the task that was given on to us.

As we are about to leave to the next shop, I stopped to look towards the huge faces of the Hokages far away.

There were 4 very distinct faces plastered on that wall of stone...needless to say I was not too pleased by my current predicament even though somewhere in my heart I knew it all along that it wasn't true that I'd leave a life free of worries.

(D*mn! This just confirms it, I really need to get out of here! I can't become canon fodder for crazy Uchihas and interdimensional aliens!)

Somewhere within my heart...perhaps I wasn't even truly aware at the time but a spark of determination lit up in a barren soil of laziness.

Something inside me had changed.

Because for the first time in my life I've felt an urge to do whatever I could to gain more power, enough power to try to escape the cold embrace of death once more.

chapter end

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