a tale of a young but powerful girl finding love that is dangerous for her and her kingdom that could cause them all to change when tradition and hostility have been all her and her people new.
as I swam away from the Carnage that was the surface land. I could not believe at how the tepoo ( they called them selves human) acted as if we were trophies for them to have and keep to look at. we were once all friends and family and couples but now cause of that Foreigner that showed up years ago I was now being ran out of my homeland Along with the others of my kind. tatineenee is what we are called, but the tepoo could not say it well so they referred to us as mermaids/mermen, merfolk. the friends and family we had once thought would not harm us turned on us faster then a flip of a tail at the mention that our hides and flash where able to give immortality and our babies were sold at a high price. that Foreigner told stories to the kids and the tale of riches and horror that our kind bring that went on for three hundred years as his children continued the lies and made new ones. we tatineenee are a trusting people so we weren't expecting to actually be ran from our home with fire and axes to the ocean where we tend to live mostly.we go to land for the three day breather that was required for us not to drown then we would go back to the sea. As I swam I thought of all the things that lend to this the papoo ( bad human) who did this is the start of it all!!! there is no changing the past though and although I could see and remember all of how this began. the other elder tatiee ( short for tatineenee) couldn't cause while I was over thousands years old and not even old for my type of tatiee. the other races could only live a measly 100 to 200 years tops. since their wasn't really any of my kind around no one believed me when I said I was as old as I say I am. we as a species don't really know what our children are going to be we tend not to judge by race.