
1 - A Miracle

Deep within the mountains of Japan a miracle occurred.

What is this miracle? Webster's dictionary has defined a miracle as 'an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs'. If that is the standard definition of a miracle, then what has occurred just now in a small cabin deep within the mountain's of Japan is indeed a miracle.

What occurred inside this cabin is something that has happened 385 000 times a day.

A new life has come into this world.

The woman giving birth to this child has created a miracle. The child itself and her own actions this day.

What is truly amazing about this woman is that the moment that her child was leaving from inside her; using only her muscles, she gently guided her child out of her.

The estimated amount of time the contraction started to birth is around 1 minute 20 seconds.

Truly a miracle maker!

With no assistance from anyone and anything, she single-handedly gave birth using only her expert control of her muscles.

If one were to look at this woman this day, all they would say is "The way her blood-red hair moved about in the air and the way her face contorted, it was one of a smiling demon."

The woman herself did not know what she looked like that day, but within her mind all she could think of was the child that she had created through impossible means. The years she spent thinking of having a child, and years spent finding the right father was not for naught.

As she grabbed her newly born child with force that would kill any other baby but hers, she cleaned up the mess she and her child just made with an eloquence only known to extremely traditional japanese women. The dignity and perfected movement of these actions were all done instinctually. She did not care for cleaning up, but her upbringing kicked in all the while she was in deep thought.

All that was on her mind was what to name this child. She did not think of the sex all at during pregnancy. It did not matter whether the child was a boy or a girl, she was going to raise them the same way. But the child required a name, that much she can do for them.

Her rumination was interrupted by the cries of the child. She gave a slight hesitant glance to it and walked over so that she may see its face after being cleaned.

A small tuft of blond hair sat on its head. An anguished face, seeking warmth. And a body that is already so strong. All she can give is a demonic grin as she picked up the child into her arms.

"I know a perfect name"

And thus the red haired japanese woman named her son Jin.



So, now that things are starting, it would be probably best to explain some things about the world this takes place in as it would be confusing without it and to explain it within the story itself would be dumb due to the reasons as to why I'm doing this info dump in the first place.

Good? Ok!

The core of the world will be built from Grappler Baki.

That means that these events are central and every other anime or manga I add on to it cannot break the lore of Baki.

Which is annoying to figure out in the first place as in Baki, TIME IS THE AUTHOR'S PLAYTHING.

I'm not joking.

Hanma Yujiro had Baki when he was 19. FACT.

Hanma Yujiro is 37 when Grappler Baki starts. FACT

The year the manga takes place is around 2008 because Obama becomes president when Baki is still 17. FACT (i'm not joking, it happens in Son of Ogre, part 3 of Baki series)

The year after Baki Son of Ogre, which canonically takes place in 2008. Trump is elected president. FACT (see where i'm going with this)

Hanma Yujiro was born in 195X. FACT (Comes from Son of Ogre)

As stated in Baki part 2, Hanma Yujiro met Muhammad Ali in 1976 while looking as if he was in his late teens. This works with Yujiro's birth date, but not with the whole '2008' thing.

There are other things that will destroy my giga-brain in this Baki timeline but here's the main thing

Our MC, Jin, will be around 22-24 for the main content covering the manga's that I've chosen.

Which brings me to them:

Kengan Ashura which is not that hard to implement thankfully.

The other is the annoying one.

History's Mightiest Disciple Kenichi.

One thing that is nice is that Kenichi has a power ranking system (look up on kenichi fandom wiki 'grandmaster'). So I'm going to implement this ranking system. Details will be released at another date. Probably after Vol 1 of what I have planned.

The shit thing is that Kenichi has the KI power. Kengan and Baki do not, so I've chosen not to implement them as an actual power, but more as an identifier of what kind of fighter each character is. The whole 50% Dou Ki and 50% Sei Ki will still be a thing and will be explained during the story.

Will I implement other anime or manga into?

Maybe. Depends on what I'm adding. I've thought of stuff like certain fighting game series like Tekken but adding too much will make things a mess for me to figure out.

Here's the thing, I don't want supernatural forces such as magic, ki, or anything else like that in this so that's gonna limit the selection.

Another is that this is a story based on a fighting manga Baki, with a definite 2 other fighting manga added. There's a theme here buddy.

Lastly, we gotta talk about when I'm gonna end this.

Right now when I'm writing this,

Kenichi is done. Very helpful

Baki had it's sorta-climax in Son of Ogre and it's sequel, Baki Dou, just finished its first major arc. That enough content for a bit.

Kengan Ashura is done. VERY NICE! Kengan Omega is currently in its 13v13 arc. NOT NICE.

This means from what I have available, there will be some uncertainties for parts of the story (I'm talking about you, Kengan Omega!) and lore for these. Because the first arc of Baki Dou (Part 4) is 197 chapters long.

I do not know how long it will take me to get to that point or even if I will get there. But do note this, if I ever do reach that point, the story will stop. I do not want to make things up to progress this story past the main material I have.

Final note

Updates will be infrequent. I can make 2, maybe even 3 chapters in a day. Or it might take be 2 weeks to make a chapter

If anyone has a series that fits into what I'm looking for, tell me. Otherwise I'm gonna go on ahead.

For those who skipped to the end, have fun being confused about somethings.



It will help

Have fun.

NobleFGcreators' thoughts
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