

" Attention Please... " A loud and booming voice said over a large room with phew men and woman sitting on a mat, legs tucked underneath a long table that reach out to the dozen people.

" The coming of age ceremony is going to happen in roughly 2 months, so advise you tell your men and woman so they may get there children to train for it..." The same man said

" But Lord Jikan, why is the coming of age ceremony taking place so soon! it should be in 5 months the children will not be able to to pass with the short amount of time allocated! "

" I have thought about this, many times Randamu, as you know the possibility of war is rapidly increasing by the day and the more man power we have the better... " Said Jikan

" How are children meant to fight in the war! none of my men will accept that and the other sub-commanders probably won't as well! " Randamu replied slightly agitated, as the other men and woman nodded and backed up Randamu

" It's not about the offence, it's about defence. Our clan has very sacred items and sacred eyes that is of value of others, we already have had multiple letters of other clans reporting of men spying on our clans men. We must make sure the next generation of our clan live on. "

Randamu passed for a phew seconds listening to his statement and agreed to it but just as he was about to open his mouth Lord Jikan continued

" You may be wondering, how we will get our children to pass the ceremony, we will rigorously train them every day using all of our clans advanced techniques to speed up their training and increase their ability. "

Randamu could not think of anything wrong about that and anything to rebuttal it so he put his fist together and lifted his thumbs so they where touching each other and raised them in that position to his forward facing Jikan which was a sign of respect and agreement. It could also mean thank you and was called Fukaikeii.

" The meeting is now adjourned... " Lord Jikan said and the men and woman left the room


" Huff!...Huff!...Huff! " A young boy who who was 12 years old had his hands behind his back at the chest area tied still with bandages. His Shins where tied together with restrains but he was using all his strength to keep them apart. He was jumping up and down and in the middle of when he was jumping would close the gap between his legs but not to where they where touching and then when going down increased the gap back to what it was. There where red drawings on the ground that where the shape of his feet. He was training for the coming of age ceremony in which he thought was in 5 months.

An old man was watching him and when he landed hit him with a cane

" Your feet were not in the exact right place! where trying to improve your footwork, you can't have bad footwork for the coming of age ceremony! Every time you miss I'll hit you with the cane! " Said the old man

The young boy winced slightly in pain when the cane hit him but he didn't slow his pace and continued jumping up and down for half an hour accumulating 150 hits and landing in the space 60 times.

" Gramps..your training is really tuff...can't we- "

" No Nisshoku we can not take any brakes, you must have great control over your footwork and have fantastic ability in every ability. Your 10 minutes are almost over, I suggest you move a round for a little bit to keep your body warm you don't want to start getting sore and this training be much worse for you.. "

The tired Nisshoku gulped down a litre of water and started moving around doing stretches and small jogs til the 10 minutes passed.

" Alright, your 10 minutes is over, where going to the lake "


Nisshoku stripped into his underwear and put on heavy weights entered the large lake that was many times higher than the human adult height. He shivered slightly at the coldness and began to sink into the water in till he reached the bottom on the lake. He practised holding his breath and so he could hold it for an hour. The water at the bottom of the lack was a lot thicker and dense making it a lot harder to walk in and move around. He began to try and run but it was very difficult and could only do a running animation at a walking speed and began doing so for 20 minutes and his speed slowly increased. He then started to practise the motions for a kenjutsu technique called the 12 slashes technique and with the increased resistance in the water made his technique more refined and have more power and speed to it.

He done this for about 30 minutes leaving only 50 minutes and began to swim upwards as it took longer to reach to the top because of the weights until he felt something coming at a rapid speed. He looked to his left and saw a giant fish with incredibly sharp teeth coming to eat him. He tried to swim faster to the top but to no avail and the fish was coming closer and closer to him and then he thought his only option was to attack it. He looked at the fish dead in the eye and got into a fighting stance while sinking slowly because of the weights. He would have taken them off but they where ridiculously expensive and so useful that he didn't. The fish zoomed to him and Nisshoku didn't flinch and waited till the fish wash was right in front of him. The fish opened its mouth as it was about to gnash down onto his head and thats when he used his weights to his advantage and sunk down to his back and saw the bottom of this fish.

When learning the 12 lashes technique 50% of it was learning about the anatomy of the human body but you also learned about animals anatomy as if you changed the technique slightly you could inflict a lot of damage to the human body using the the tweaked knowledge of an animals body.

And Nisshoku already knew where the fishes vital points where and with all the strength he could muster with the weights hit 3 vital points, stopping the blood flow to a 3 vital organs weakening the giant fish tremendously and in pain just looked at the human and swam away, a lot slower in pain.

Nisshoku looked relived but then felt something in his neck he'd been under water for a little over 1 hour and couldn't hold his breath for much long and tried his hardest to swim up, he had to leave the weights...he quickly dropped off all the weights and started to float up and started swimming extremely fast and when he started to reach around the surface area started to feeling nauseous and things started to look blurry and his speed rapidly decreased and with a last burst of strength he made it to the top and took in the air feeling like vomiting but just ignored it and took heavy gasps of air and started to swim his way to the ground.

" What the hell gramps! you know I could only breath for 1 hour! why didn't you come get me, I could have been drowning! I could have been dead! " Nisshoku complained

" Heh, if you can't defeat a simple fish you deserved to drown... " Said the old man playfully

" It was a giant fish!! it had scissor teeth- WAIT! HOW THE HECK DO YOU KNOW I WAS FIGHTING A FISH!? "

" I sent the fish there " said the old man nonchalantly.

Nisshoku was about to explode in anger and until his Gramps spoke again

" Its getting late and I'm tired from all this training, you know how tiring it is watching you?! honestly could sleep on this floor right now... " Said the old man while yawning


" Nisshoku complain later, i'm hungry and your mother is going to prepare supper don't want to be late for that.

Nisshoku just sighed and smiled defeatedly and walked to his home with his grandad

Hey, this is my first book I hope you like, please say what you think about it I have a lot of plans for it and leave some advice and what you dislike and like in the comments!