
Late Nights

My emotions were everywhere. On one hand, my need to be with Godric was still strong. And on the other hand, I know we could never be together. But my heart couldn’t take seeing him with another.

When we pulled up to the cabin, I exited the car alone. When the rest of the group exited, I heard Mason say, “We’re going to take a walk. It’s too nice of a night to waste inside.”

He and Audrey made their way toward a wooded trail.

I walked inside the house with Evander hot on my heels.

He snatched my arm turning me to face him, just before I made it to my room. “I’m not going to ask you again. What is wrong with you?”

I sulked for a moment before answering. Crossing my arms across my chest. “I’m just tired of not getting what I want in life.”

“And what do you want?”

“For once, I would like the person I like, to just be into me. I want to be with someone loyal to only me.”