
The Super Lazy System

Effort brings great results. A man and an ambition. Mateus strives for a bright future, and amidst it, he still dreams of a fantastical life. One day, he is rewarded by a system that doesn't quite match his personality. Will he find new ambitions after gaining the Super Lazy System? Follow Mateus on his journey through a world forged by laziness. ----------------------- My first time writing, so don't expect too much, be kind. English is not my primary language, so please understand that I'm making an effort. Wish fulfillment. Writing to try to improve my English and my writing. Update schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Rafa_s · Anime und Comics
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38 Chs

School Days 1

Another day has passed. Mateus rises on yet another day and is getting ready for whatever comes his way today.

This time, without narrating his expectations, as they haven't worked out well in the past. But narrating or not won't change the destiny of our dear protagonist.

With total laziness, Mateus hesitates to get up – after all, who would want to leave their warm bed to face reality?

Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, Mateus gets up, and thanks to that, we'll have a story to tell.

Repeating something that will gradually become a routine, Mateus gets ready and prepares breakfast for himself.

Now truly awake, Mateus is ready to face the day and shine.

Or it was supposed to be like that. But what happens is that the day so far has unfolded without many extraordinary things, actually, nothing has happened at all.

So, Mateus decides to go eat shortcake again because it was very good. He heads to the store, buys some shortcakes, and returns to his apartment. Incredibly, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Although this is the kind of day Mateus enjoys, where nothing much happens, and he can be lazy, he can't help but find it strange. Even so, he won't complain because he has a new dilemma in life

"Let it happen naturally."

So, without further ado, Mateus goes for his shortcake and devours it quickly.

With not much else to do, Mateus simply lies down on the couch lazily and waits for time to pass.

And so, the night unfolds in what was an extremely peaceful day. Then, Mateus prepares to make a good dinner for tonight.

At least he would if he were in the mood, but as he isn't, he decides to order delivery instead.

After eating and satisfying himself, Mateus decides to sleep. This will be a peaceful sleep; after all, the whole day was quite calm. Mateus reflects on these things before falling quickly into the world of dreams, resting well.

— — —

In the middle of the night, Mateus wakes up and jumps out of his bed quickly.

"Whoosh!" As Mateus leaps, a blade, something akin to a sword, flies toward where he was sleeping.

"What the hell. Can't I even sleep in peace anymore!?" Mateus exclaims angrily. He only managed to dodge because of his super senses that woke him up and allowed him to react swiftly.

Looking around and identifying the culprit, who seems to be a demon based on the energy emitted, Mateus is determined about what to do. Clearly give them a taste of their own medicine. He's not in the mood for a prolonged confrontation, so what he does is acceptable, at least in his own opinion.

'I should be able to do this.' Using his exceptional energy control, Mateus believes that employing the power of destruction will be more than enough to deal with an assassin. Looking at the assassin, Mateus says

"Goodbye." Launching a ball of destructive power in its strongest form, the assassin quickly turns to ashes.

"I should have interrogated him, but it would be too much trouble. I'll deal with whatever comes next." Feeling a bit of regret for not making the best choice, Mateus thinks,

"Forget it; it's better to sleep than dwell on things like this." With that said, Mateus goes back to sleep as if nothing had happened.

— — —

"Wake up, princess." With a rather strange alarm, Mateus's day begins early. Today will be a busy day for our protagonist as classes are starting.

So, he starts getting ready, beginning by making a snack to take to school.

[The cooking skill has reached mastery level 5. Now your culinary skills can be compared to professional chefs.] With what he has cooked in the past few days, he finds it fair to reach this mastery level in the skill.

Packing his food, Mateus finishes preparing his meal.

Although it's not common in this country, Mateus decides to take an early shower to wake up and stay alert.

After a wonderful shower, Mateus puts on his uniform and gets ready.

Before leaving, he has a cup of coffee because, according to Mateus, a day can only be productive with coffee.

Now truly ready, Mateus heads towards his new school.

It's a bit of a long walk, but for Mateus, it's a good way to maintain his physical well-being. Walking, enjoying the pleasant weather, Mateus, for the first time in the last few days, has the energy to do something, as the school he's attending is a place with unique individuals.

It's the end of August, and the weather is considerably warm, but for Mateus, it's good weather considering where he comes from.

As he walks, he also sees other people in the uniform of his school, especially a handsome young man with blond hair, dark blue eyes, and long eyelashes. A notable feature is the large bags under his eyes, probably caused by sleep deprivation. Along with his uniform, he wears an accessory similar to a golden chain around his neck. He seems to be a hardworking guy.

Mateus sees the young man passing by him, apparently in a hurry. Not caring much, Mateus simply observes.

After a few more minutes of walking, Mateus reaches the entrance of his school.

Shuchi'in Academy. A large school with good facilities and a noble atmosphere. This is a private school, exclusive to nobles and the wealthy. Mateus feels that he can be well-received here, even though there's a culture of pure and impure students in this school.

The pure ones are those who have always studied in this school, and the impure ones are those who transferred later to this school. Clearly belonging to the second group, Mateus doesn't fear much, except for the potential rejection from his classmates.

But he's overthinking; he hasn't even met the people at this school yet and is already jumping to conclusions. So he decides to go with the flow and see how it goes.

Since it's the beginning of another semester, and the academic year is already underway, there are no events like entrance or welcome ceremonies.

Mateus is a junior and was assigned to attend classes in 2-B. (I'm sorry if this part is wrong. It's really difficult to understand how another school system works. For better understanding, this is the same class as Miyuki Shirogane and Chika Fujiwara.)

Even though Mateus already knows where his classes will be, he still needs to talk to his homeroom teacher in the teachers' room. Arriving at the teachers' room and looking for the one responsible for his class, Mateus finds him and talks to him about the classes. The teacher tells him to go together to the classroom for the introduction and also asks him to wait until the class starts.

After waiting for a few minutes, Mateus is called by his teacher, and together, they head to the classroom. Upon arriving, the teacher asks him to wait outside for a minute.

Entering the classroom, the teacher tells the class,

"Today, we have a new transfer student."

When these words came out of the homeroom teacher's mouth, some students had different reactions. Some felt surprise, others joy, and others even felt anger. Ignoring these reactions, the teacher just calls Mateus into the room.

"You can enter and also introduce yourself to the class." The teacher calls him, asking him to introduce himself.

"Certainly. Hello, my name is Mateus Santos, and I'm transferring from Brazil to this school for personal reasons. Putting that aside, I hope we get along from now on." Completing his statement, Mateus gives a nice smile and then slightly bows his head to show respect.

After introducing himself, Mateus heads to his seat, which coincidentally or not, is a seat at the back near the window. Feeling lucky to sit in the legendary protagonist's chair, Mateus wonders to himself,

'Could it be that somewhere, I am a protagonist?'

'Maybe I'm crazy.' Thinking this way, Mateus mocks himself for having such thoughts.

After these thoughts, Mateus starts paying attention to the classes and can't help but admit,

'This is a drag.' Even though it's necessary, studying isn't a very appealing thing.

While expressing his dissatisfaction mentally, the Savior descended once again.

[For having such a thorn in the shoe, the host deserves a way to make life easier. You've gained: Academic Knowledge.]

I won't even bother with the explanation; just the name is enough to understand what it's about.

'I'll have to be a little shameless.' Mateus admits to himself because he will adopt the façade of a dedicated student aiming for the top when, in reality, he is a lazy person with a very generous system. But no problem, right? In his situation, many would do the same.

Time comes and goes, and lunch break arrives. Little does our protagonist know that his day will still have a lot of excitement ahead.

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