
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime und Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 199

Chapter 199: Self-Strategy, Lucy for Free!


Loya returned to the capital on the bone dragon.

From the desert area to Crocas, the whole process only took a few minutes.

If you count the waiting time for going and searching, it is about two or three hours. It wasn't long, but a lot happened in the process.

For example, the Albarez Empire, which has been silent for a long time, has acted again.

After August's appearance, the so-called Holy Ten and the King of Heaven were unable to stop the attack of the Sorcerer King, and Ishgar's side retreated steadily.

However, none of this has anything to do with Loya.

Anyway, to a certain extent, due to the pressure, the Magic Council naturally took out Fez to solve the battle. The most critical research at present is about the Eclipse Gate.

However, before again, Loya has one more thing that "Nine Four Seven" needs to deal with.

That's where Lucy comes in.

On the main road outside the capital, a business traveler kept approaching the city gate.

"Lord Jude, Miss Lucy, you are about to arrive at the gate of the Royal Capital.

When they were about to arrive, the accompanying guards immediately walked into the large magic four-wheel drive to report.

The carriage is a luxurious room with all kinds of facilities. There are two people sitting on the left and right sides. After entering, the guards ring one of them to report.

"It's finally here."

It was Jude who spoke.

With Loya's permission, he went back without stopping, and then hurried back.

The rush along the way is undoubtedly a torment for him who is just an ordinary person, but the good thing is that everything will come to an end.

"Hey, aren't we going to Magnolia, why are we coming to Crocas?

On the contrary, sitting opposite Jiu De, a beautiful blonde girl heard the guard's message, and her face was slightly different when she was excited.

This is a girl of about fifteen or sixteen years old, with long blond hair hanging down slowly, smooth slanted bangs, and an extremely delicate face.

The girl is none other than Lucy Heartfilia.

According to her memory, Fairy Tail should be in Magnolia, how could it come to Crocas.

"all the same."

Jude said slowly.

"But this time, let's go to meet Lord Loya first."

"Lord Loya? Is that the rumored Shura? Fairy Tail's strongest magician! No, Fiore's strongest magician!"

"Father, why didn't you tell me earlier, I knew I was better dressed.

Hear the word Loya.

Lucy's beautiful eyes sent out intangible surprises and anticipation.

In her hand is also a poster of the most master mage, with a full body photo of Loya engraved on it.

Combined with Lucy's reaction, it is not difficult to see that this little princess of the Heartfilia Chamber of Commerce is a fan of Loya, and she is also a brainless fan among fans.

In addition, the relationship with his father is not as rigid as in the original.

It all started three years ago.

As a newly emerging business guild three years ago, the Heartfilia Chamber of Commerce took a ride on Loya, and its status and wealth have grown by leaps and bounds.

After three years of development, it has become the largest business association in the west.

After becoming bigger and stronger, Jiu De did not lose his mind. He knew that he obtained everything through Loya's status and influence, and Jiu De became more and more dedicated to assisting Loya.

Jude was not too disgusted with her daughter Lucy's dream of becoming a magician, and even agreed directly when Lucy offered to join Fairy Tail.

This made all this deviated from the original trajectory. According to normal circumstances, Lucy should have left home because he did not want to be bound by his father, and joined Fairy Tail.

In the current situation, Lucy has the support of his father, and the relationship between father and daughter is not as rigid as imagined.

Even because of his father's close relationship with Loya.

Lucy has always heard from his father Jiu De, and his heart can't help but arouse some curiosity.

Taking advantage of his identity, Lucy went to look up information about Loya.

Powerful, handsome, and respected by his father.

Lucy instantly became a little fan girl.

Whenever there are posters or photobooks about Loya appearing, Lucy will buy them.

Of course,

This is just one of the reasons. At first, Lucy was still rational, just holding the idea of worship.

Lucy was also there when Loya helped the Heartfilia Chamber of Commerce last time.

At that time, she was trapped in the inner city like her father. Facing the siege of tens of thousands of troops, she had just learned magic and had not seen such a scene for a long time.

At that time, Lucy only felt that the sky was falling, and his heart was completely shrouded in darkness, when he thought he was going to die.

Loya has appeared!

It shouldn't be the legendary demon that appeared.

Like a god, it tore through the darkness and saved her life.

From that moment on, the worship changed qualitatively.

To ask Lucy why he knew that Limo was Loya, the reason was very simple.

At that time, Lucy was also present when Jude called Loya for help in a panic, and Lucy would peek at his father's files out of curiosity at ordinary times.

So I learned that Loya was secretly hunting demons.

Adding the two together, it is not difficult to guess that the devil is Loya.

From that moment on,

Lucy's heart is deeply imprinted with a figure, imprinted with a "Loya man."

Loya's figure appeared in his mind all the time.


After getting out of trouble, Lucy is eager to meet Loya, hoping to see his hero up close.

However, she also knew that the situation was chaotic and that it would be dangerous to leave without permission.

Then he asked his father, Jude, to bring my tail, who joined the fairy.

Jiu De is also trying to find a way to tie his relationship with Loya closer, so he readily agreed to Lucy.

Although it is said to be beneficial to his daughter's suspicion, this is also Lucy's dream idea. Even if he doesn't agree now, Lucy might sneak out in the end.

Rather than that, it is better to push the boat with the current.

Furthermore, such things as marriage have long been commonplace in the business world.

As long as his daughter can have a little concern with Loya, even if it is a little relationship, Jiu De believes that with Loya's character, he will never abandon his daughter.

This has long been proven by the last clearance.

Closer to home,

After hearing that Loya was in the capital, Lucy couldn't wait to meet his idol.

This is Lucy who has completed his self-guided strategy for three years.

It can be said that there is no difference between white and white.