

"You can do magic, you really can" Law stated in shock at what he just witnessed.Scarlet began to turn away from law as though she had lost interest in him.As she moved towards the crowd of people they immediately made a path for her,as to not get on her bad side or agitate her in any way or fashion."Thats enough for today," he heared a man say in a soothing voice. Law turned to see the man who just spoke,and what he saw

was a man no taller than him with a average body size, gray hair, brown eyes and a tane skin tone. behind him was what could only be discribed as a monster, it was a giant lion with a eagles head and wings. Law then turned again to get a better look at the people around him,and to his surprise every single one of them had a strange beast, from gaint snakes, eagles, dragons, and centaurs.The amount of strange creatures fascinated Law, he could not understand his situation but he knew that he was somewhere special. As Law began to see how amazing the world around him was he heared someone in the crowd ask "so what is he supposed to be?" Law looked confused. "Yeah its just a person and i dont feel any mana from him at all" another voice chimed in, puzzled by these questions Law nervously looked around and caught a glimps of what he was standing on. it looked to be what Law assumed a magic circle would look like. It was a big circle with layers of triangles inside of it, "Wait they called me a summon a moment ago, dont tell me that this is what brought me here" this was a big question for Law but not his biggest, Law began to think to himself " assuming that all these other beasts were summoned here like me that brings the question, why is everyone summoning beast but i was summoned here as well." Scarlet turned to the people talking amd stared them down with a vicious look as to intimidate them, and it worked, everyone stood quit until a boy stepped forward and laughed at Scarlet. He was a sly looking fellow with short blonde hair and blue eyes, as he stepped forward towards Scarlet he began to taunt her. "You were amazing last year how could you make such i blonder, no a laughing stock out of yourself," he seemed really confident and proud. " You just cant help but make mistakes can you Miss Scarlet," As he spoke the crowd of people began to step away from the boy, some even going as far to leave the area all together. The teacher stood still and didnt move a inch, he seemed to really want to observe this conflict and how it ended. Law wanting to follow the crowd and started to back away, "dont move another step you hear me kid" the teacher who seemed really layed back spoke in such a demanding tone it took law by surprise. The teacher then began to speak, "this would be the perfect time for you to understand how a persons magic is determined." The teacher though speaking to Law never took his eyes of of the two students who were seemingly budding heads.

"magic" The man began to speak " magic is obtained not through training or strict beliefs, but is obtained through a persons character or personalitie, the moment one becomes self aware of the kind of traits or personality types they have, they begin to develop mana which in simple terms is one's spirit energy." Though law did not understand everything pefectly he did understand the concept but very slightly.

"Scarlet is a hot head, she's impatient, easily agitated, and more or less has a bad temper, that is what gives her the power of fire." The man took a breath after his rant about Scarlets bad temper, and then soon began to explain the boy. "His name is Charles as you can tell he's energetic, confident, violent, and straight forward, he has the power to control lightning." Law began to understand what the man was talking about, how any trait, be it through storys or facts about the elements reflect in some peoples personalities."In case you were wondering what i am I'll tell you, im usually calm and collected but with one little push" as he spoke, Charles had formed a fist in his right hand and inside of it looked like a arrow made out of lighting, it seemed that he planned to smite Scarlet. Charles voice could be heared from miles away "ZEUS.. SMITE THIS SINNER!" as Charles threw the lighting at Scarlet a wall made of water appeared in the middle of the two of them,causing the lighting to strike the water creating an explosion. Law turned to see that the man was not next to him any longer, the man was now in between the two students and at that moment he finished his sentence from earlier. "I am usually very calm, but one little push and im angry, my power is water."

To laws surprise he understood what that meant just slightly, he understood that as the seas are relatively calm, that with a big enough disturbance it can cause a wave of mass destruction.

"Now the two of you that's enough you hear me" The teacher said aggressively. Charles stood straight and declared that it was his fault and that it wouldn't happen again. Charles began to walk towards Law and said in his ear "i hope you dont turn out like her last summon" Law was not paying much attention to his words though, what he was focused on was Scarlet after her life was just threatened she didnt even flinch, "is she just that strong that see thinks she could handle him alone" in fact she didnt move a muscle,but turned her head towards law. she gave him that same vicouse look she gave the crowd and said to Law " you won't end up like my last summon.....I'll make sure of that."