
Training Begins.

Tendo put his palms together, crossed his legs, and focused on meditating as a blurry golden image appeared in his mind. Even though it wasn't fully formed, from its current features, Tendo could see that it was a statue with a multitude of large hands behind it.

He had remembered the jutsu from seeing it in the series but even when it was used by a master, Chiriku, it wasn't that impressive.

In fact, it was surprisingly weak considering all the training one had to do to achieve it.

'But, I feel like I can make it stronger than what was depicted. I read that its strength was completely dependent on the power of its user and since it was never stated to have an upper limit...this could be one of my first major offensive weapons in combat.'

After coming to this conclusion, Tendo shifted a bit of his focus to another major issue. The absorption of natural energy and the adverse effects it would have on his mind/body.

Since he couldn't completely stop his body from absorbing the energy on its own, regulating the intake would be the next best choice. That would make it much easier to control in the long run.

'Natural energy combined with the passive effects of overclocking buffs some my already accelerated bodily processes quite a bit. Especially regeneration. The poison from before almost destroyed my immune system and now it's already nearly healed. This is better than I predicted.'

It had only been five seconds since Tendo started meditating. Every thought that just occurred to him had happened within that time frame.

Unbeknownst to him, the fact that he was able to see the blurred image of that statue at all when he just started meditating was because of his accelerated mental capacity. Most monks couldn't even see the blurred image after five years of meditation.

The past owner of Tendo's body was included in that group of 'most monks'. They could only keep meditating and hope that they would be able to progress in the training.

[3 hours later]

The training grounds were immensely quiet as every monk there focused completely on their training. The Elder monks who had managed to see the full image of the statue meditated in front while everyone else meditated to the back.

'So that's how it looks.'

The statue had been fully formed in Tendo's mind. The statue depicted a calm, peaceful golden woman sitting cross-legged on a flower with her palms together. Her eyes were closed as the multitude of arms behind her stood still as if they were ready to attack at any time.

'Kannon is the name of this statue. I read in a book once that Guanyin was her name in Chinese. Interesting...'

As Tendo focused upon the statue, his entire being started to be at peace. He could feel the chakra of those around him as if they were small fireflies fluttering about on a moonless night. The larger the light the person emitted, the stronger their chakra was.

He could feel the movements of everything in a small radius around him. Whether it be the subtle steps of an ant or the quiet movements of a leaf in the wind, everything was visible to him.

Tendo hadn't yet figured this out but the mere fact that his chakra was in contact with natural energy at all times caused it to be much stronger than usual. Now that the 'Gift Of The Sages' chakra had made contact with natural energy, it was making it into something completely and utterly terrifying.

But Tendo was still far from completing this monster of technique. He had much more training to do before he even came close.

"Alright, that's enough meditation! Time for physical training!"

Master Chiriku's voice sounded across the training field, signaling the end of the first part of daily training. It had just begun. After all, this was a place that trained ninja monks. They were shinobi first, monks second.{A/N: In layman terms, shit ain't sweet in the fire temple.}

Seeing all the monks rise in unison, Master Chiriku continued, saying, "Before we begin, all of you open your palms and use 'Gift Of The Sages'. It's time for me to check your progress.'

Tendo looked around and saw all the monks opening their palms. Nothing appeared for most of them which meant that they couldn't even visualize the statue yet. A small golden ball of chakra appeared on the palms of those who saw the blurred version and an outline of the statue appeared on those who were even further in their training.

When it was Tendo's turn, he opened his palms, and a small completely detailed statue appeared. Even the elder monks could only form some of the features on the statue. What Tendo did, especially at his age was completely unprecedented.

Chiriku's eyes opened wide as he saw the statue in Tendo's palms. He put his palms over Tendo's to get a feel for the chakra only to be left in even more shock.

'It's so small but the detail is basically complete. What comprehension! I wonder if he can keep this up? His mindset is what I need to confirm.'

Chiriku cleared his throat and said calmly, " Great work, Tendo. As a reward, you can rest for the remainder of the day or train by yourself. Keep it up "

The rest of the students were envious of his reward but they were happy for him. Tendo was widely known as the weakest one in the class. Even though this event came out of nowhere, his fellow monks weren't angry at him. They only felt more determined to catch up.

Tendo bowed and accepted his reward with no problem. This was a good opportunity to start his own kind of training with no distractions. He said goodbye to Sora who was watching him in awe and headed back to his house, completely focused on the training to come.

About 10 minutes later, Tendo could be seen lifting two sandbags out of a storeroom next to his house. He walked toward a small bunch of trees and tied the sandbags onto it with a sturdy rope. This was the beginning of his training in the kaiwan style, also known as the 'Mysterious Arm Style.'

It was an assassination art that placed high emphasis on partial training, kata training, research of meridians, and acupuncture points. However, the most extreme part of the Kaiwan Style is the hand conditioning users undergo. They would be required to condition their hands by stabbing things like sandbags, bamboo poles, stone, and even steel.

The training would be performed every day without rest even if the user's hands were broken or shredded. But, the training doesn't stop at hands or feet; every joint in the body is trained over a ridiculously long period to ensure maximum penetrating power. {A/N: No, he's not gonna be stabbing his dick into a sandbag to give it 'maximum penetrating power'. I know someone was thinking about it so I answered your question.}

Tendo took off his monk robes and threw them to the side as he wrapped some white bandages around his arms. Looking down at his body, Tendo almost felt embarrassed at the pitiful state of bones it was in. Especially since the past owner was a ninja monk.

His stamina, strength, speed, and durability were all below average at best. At worst, they weren't even worth mentioning before Tendo took the body over.

'Phew. It's finally time to begin hand conditioning. I'll also use the Raishin style Chi molding to ease my mind so that I don't suddenly go crazy from the natural energy intake or the immense pain. I'll eventually train in that style as my body grows stronger. Hmm, how long should I do this for? Maybe a year? Yes, a year should be fine. After that, I can start my plans.'

Tendo stood in front of the sandbag and formed his hands into a nukite position. He took a deep breath and used Chi-molding to calm his mind before stabbing the sandbag with all his strength.{A/N: Nukite is the Knife hand form and the most known part of karate.}


Tendo could feel his weak fingers bending backward but no sign of pain appeared on his face. Even though there was no sign of damage on the sandbag, he wasn't discouraged. He knew what he could achieve with his gifts so he continued stabbing the bag with no intentions of giving up in his mind.

[1 year later.]

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