
Chapter 74 Beating Up Du Xiongfei_1

The security guard glanced at Ye Long, clearly dissatisfied with his attitude. Who did he think he was, acting all arrogant here without realizing where he was?

The security guards here were not like those in ordinary places—simply put, they were thugs hired by the Du Family Clan, only nominally security guards!

As such, this guard was brimming with ruffian swagger, arrogantly confident and disdainful of anyone else.

"Damn it, where did this little punk come from, daring to make a scene here? Are you blind? Can't you see where you are?" the guard said angrily, glaring at Ye Long.

"To hell with your damn mother!" Ye Long, very displeased with the pretentious guard, threw a punch right at the guard's face.

This poor guard, having taken a punch from Ye Long, fell backwards to the ground and then that was it—after hitting the floor, he was out cold!

"Bro, just drive straight in!" Ye Long, too lazy to ask further, directly said to Tang Ming.