
Chapter 15 Customer Attitude_1

Ye Long came to the store across the street, grinning. A young girl around the age of twenty welcomed him, bowed with a smile, and said, "Welcome!"

"Hmm, not bad, this is what I call service!" Ye Long nodded in satisfaction.

"Sir, what kind of clothing would you like to purchase?" the salesperson asked courteously.

Ye Long pointed at the piece of clothing in the store across from them and then said, "See that piece of clothing? I want that one, an exact copy!"

Meanwhile, another salesperson from across the street stood at the door with her arms crossed and sneered, "With that poor appearance, he still wants to buy clothing worth twelve hundred, even if it's discounted, he can't afford it!"

Casting a glance at Ye Long, the salesperson also doubted that he could afford such expensive clothing, but, adhering to the principle that the customer is god, she smiled and nodded, "All right, sir, please wait a moment!"

"No need to wait, just wrap it up for me!" Ye Long said, waving his hand.

The salesperson was momentarily stunned, thinking she heard wrong, and asked in disbelief, "Just wrap it up?"

"Did you not understand?" Ye Long asked with a smile.

"I understand, I understand, I'll wrap it up for you right now!" the salesperson hurriedly replied, recovering from her surprise.

The female salesperson from across the street was also taken aback when she saw this!

She had wanted to stand there and enjoy the spectacle, but she had not expected Ye Long to be so generous. He hadn't even haggled over the price before buying!

This was a twelve hundred-dollar piece of clothing. Could this guy afford it?

And he didn't even blink!

"Sir, your clothing is wrapped up, and I've prepared your bill. You can pay over there!" the salesperson said happily. It was a big sale, and since they worked on a commission based on the price, she would earn a hundred and twenty from this twelve hundred-dollar sale.

"No rush, find me a good pair of shoes, too, the better the better!" Ye Long added.

"Sir, please come and have a look. Our shoes are all over here!" the salesperson said cheerfully.

"No need, I trust your judgement. Just pick a pair for me!" Ye Tian waved his hand and said.

"Sir, is that alright?"

"Nothing is wrong with it. I wear size 43. Just pick a good pair and wrap them up!" Ye Long said.

"Alright, sir, I'll choose the best pair of leather shoes we have for you!" the salesperson said, smiling.

It didn't take long for the salesperson to select a pair of shoes. Ye Long took a look, then pulled out a stack of money from his bag and placed it on the counter, "Here's the money!"

"Sir, we handle transactions over there. The total is two thousand three hundred, but we're giving you a discount, two thousand will do," the salesperson said.

"You just take care of the payment, and hand me my items," Ye Long said, and then, carrying his purchases, left the store.

The salesperson looked at the money on the desk, somewhat stunned. This small stack was definitely more than two thousand. Immediately, she picked it up and counted it—about two thousand six hundred. This...

The salesperson from the other store, watching Ye Long walk away, was dumbfounded. This guy, dressed like a construction worker, turned out to be so wealthy and decisive, even more so than some rich guys!

Could it be that the current generation of wealthy and handsome men liked to dress like construction workers?

This salesperson was now filled with regret. Selling merchandise worth over two thousand dollars would have earned her a commission of two to three hundred. Those two to three hundred dollars just slipped through her fingers!

After leaving the mall, Ye Long went to a barber's and got a sharp crew cut, then shaved his beard!

The freshly groomed Ye Long looked clean-cut and like a new man!

Once everything was taken care of, Ye Long took a taxi straight back to Mingtian Community.

After entering his apartment, Ye Long quickly took off his clothes and ran into the bathroom.

It had to be said that the day was indeed too hot, and a body covered in sweat found a shower to be a very comfortable thing!

"Ding-dong, ding-dong!"

Ye Long had just taken a quick shower when the doorbell rang outside!

"Hold on, I'll be right there!" Ye Long called out from the bathroom and then came to the door in a pair of boxer shorts, casually pushing the door open.

As the door opened, Ye Long saw a beautiful woman standing at the entrance!

"Uh..." Ye Long was momentarily taken aback by the beauty at the doorstep.

The woman was dressed in a sleek black business suit, her cheeks lightly made up, her slim figure complemented by her beautiful black hair done up neatly at the back of her head, giving her a clean and tidy look!

"Could this be...someone selling insurance?"

This was Ye Long's first impression upon seeing the woman.

After all, the woman's attire did indeed resemble that of an insurance salesperson!

However, the woman at the door turned red and quickly looked away when she saw Ye Long bare-chested.

Though Ye Long was wearing big boxer shorts down to his knees, the lack of a top made the woman at the door feel somewhat embarrassed!

"You...who are you?" Ye Long asked the woman in front of him, a bit curious.

"Hello, my name is Lin Zihan, I spoke to you on the phone when renting out the place but had to have my mom meet you due to some last-minute issues. I'm really sorry about that. I just got back, so I came over to check and also to apologize!" Lin Zihan said with an apologetic bow.

"You are Lin Zihan?" Ye Long's eyes widened, his look becoming somewhat eager—indeed, she was a beauty, and an elegantly graceful one at that.

"Yes, that's me, I'm glad to meet you!" Lin Zihan smiled, showing off her sweet dimples, and then stretched out her hand.

Ye Long couldn't refuse a handshake from such a beautiful woman; he quickly grasped Lin Zihan's tender, cool hand. "Pleased to meet you. Looks like you'll be my landlady from now on!"

Lin Zihan smiled, "Not at all!"

"Come on in and have a seat!" Ye Long, of course, couldn't leave a beauty like her out in the cold, so he invited her inside.

Lin Zihan nodded and walked into the house.

"Take a seat, I'll pour you a glass of water!" Ye Long said, then started looking for water, but he was somewhat embarrassed; after all, he had just moved in and wasn't familiar with where things were just yet.

"Uh... sorry, can you tell me where I can get some water?" Ye Long asked awkwardly, leaning in.

"Over there!" Lin Zihan said with a smile, pointing.

Ye Long poured a glass of water for Lin Zihan and awkwardly placed it on the table, "You'll have to excuse me, I've just moved in and haven't gotten used to the place yet!"

Lin Zihan smiled sweetly, showing her dimples, "No worries, you'll get used to it eventually!"

"Oh right, I haven't paid the rent yet. Now that I have some money, here's the rent—three thousand!" Ye Long said, handing over a portion of the cash to Lin Zihan.

Lin Zihan, holding the money, said, "The rent doesn't need to be so much!"

"Your mom said that since it's newly renovated, I should add a hundred yuan. I think this place is quite nice, definitely worth six hundred!" Ye Long replied with a smile.

"No, we agreed on a certain amount and that's what it should be. Here, take back five hundred!" Lin Zihan insisted, handing over five hundred yuan to Ye Long.

"Don't worry about it, your mom and I already settled on the amount," Ye Long wasn't concerned about five hundred yuan. Having such a beautiful landlady, he wouldn't mind even if it cost him five thousand more.

"Mr. Ye, this isn't right. I can't take more money from you than we agreed," Lin Zihan protested.

Ye Long felt a bit helpless—it was the first time he'd encountered a landlord like this: offering more rent and the landlord refusing to accept!

While the two of them were politely declining each other's offer, suddenly there was a commotion of things being thrown and loud arguing from upstairs—evident signs of domestic disturbance!

Upon hearing the noise, Lin Zihan's brows furrowed, and she quickly stood up, "Not good, he's come to trouble my mom again!"