
Chapter 14 Despised by Others_1

"Heh, look if I dare!" Ye Long said, and without another word, he stepped directly onto Fathead Snake's arm.


A crisp sound of breaking bones followed, and immediately Fathead Snake let out a miserable howl of pain!


Another clear sound of breaking bones, and Ye Long stomped again, breaking Fathead Snake's thigh!

Just like that, not a soul dared to touch a hair on Fathead Snake, yet Ye Long effortlessly wasted one of his arms and a leg with just two stomps!

This guy actually dared to doubt whether or not I would do it?

This is the outcome!

Everyone around, upon witnessing this scene, involuntarily gasped in shock, their gazes somewhat blank!

Clearly, no one had expected that Fathead Snake, a notorious boss in Ninghai City who dominated one side, would have an arm and a leg wasted by the unknown and unsung Ye Long!

Keep in mind, this is Fathead Snake, the Boss!

Who is this guy?

Just a nameless nobody!

However, from this moment on, Ye Long's fame would probably spread throughout Ninghai's underworld, becoming the hottest topic of discussion!

Fathead Snake lay on the ground, his facial expression twitching, the break in his arm and leg numbing his body completely!

"Mind your words in the future, otherwise, brother will cut off your tongue, alright, now scram, I don't want to see you again!" Ye Long said, dusting off his hands.

Quickly, the underlings of Fathead Snake lifted him up and hurriedly left the place!

The previously tense atmosphere in the hall suddenly relaxed quite a bit!

"Hehe, young brother, nice skills!" Ghost Qi said, approaching Ye Long with a smile to greet him.

But Ye Long ignored Ghost Qi. In his eyes, there were only two types of people: beauties and enemies. Hence, to him Ghost Qi was nothing at all; Ye Long was that arrogant!

"Mei, I've avenged you!" Ye Long said, sauntering over with a teasing smile.

Mei nodded politely in response, "Thank you!"

"Hey, no need to be so formal. I always said that no matter how many come, I'd fight them all. You believe me now, right?" Ye Long asked, eyeing Mei's mature and charming figure. He couldn't help but admit, Mei was really beautiful, with that kind of attractiveness that grew on you with more looks.

Mei laughed, amused by the way Ye Long spoke, "I believe you, I really do!"

Now, Mei had no choice but to believe him. Fathead Snake, with all his big reputation, had been wasted by Ye Long, what was there not to believe?

"Ye Long, right? Hello, I'm Ghost Qi!" Ghost Qi tried to approach Ye Long again to greet him.

Ghost Qi still wanted to get familiar with Ye Long; after all, knowing someone as skilled as Ye Long could prove to be very useful to him!

Ye Long glanced at Ghost Qi, nodded, but did not shake hands. Since Ghost Qi wasn't a beauty, Ye Long naturally had no interest.

This left Ghost Qi feeling rather awkward, but since it was Ye Long who had disposed of Fathead Snake, inadvertently doing Ghost Qi a favor, he wasn't upset.

Now, with all of Ye Long's attention on Mei, he stared at her and said, "Mei, now can I stay and work at KTV?"

"This…" Mei pondered for a moment, thinking that Ye Long was quite a character and that KTV could use someone with good skills like his. Since Fathead Snake had already been offended to death, it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep him here.

"I can keep you here, but I don't have any special positions available, you can only work as a waiter!" Mei said after her deliberations.

Pleased by Mei's agreement, Ye Long waved his hand somewhat happily, "Position doesn't make much of a difference; as long as I have something to eat, that's fine!"

"Alright then, you can start working tomorrow. Start from being a waiter, and if there's a chance, I'll give you a promotion!" Mei told Ye Long.

"Alrighty!" Ye Long nodded with a cheeky grin, his first step as a bodyguard successfully completed, getting himself a job at the KTV.

Ye Long's skills had genuinely impressed Ghost Qi, who had been looking for an opportunity to strike up a conversation all this time, but was continuously ignored. Finally, seeing the conversation was over, Ghost Qi quickly seized the moment!

"Brother Ye, you've got nice moves. I was wondering if you might be interested…"

"Not interested, I've got stuff to do, I'm out!" Ye Long cut Ghost Qi off before he could finish his sentence, then waved his hand and left the place.

Ghost Qi watched Ye Long's retreating figure, his embarrassment evident.

"Seventh Brother, this kid is too arrogant and looks down on everyone. How about I send a couple of brothers to teach him a lesson?" the bodyguard beside Ghost Qi said.

Ghost Qi glared at the bodyguard, "Are you blind or something? Didn't you see how he just moved? Do you really think you can teach him a lesson?"

Hearing this, the bodyguard felt ashamed and lowered his head; let alone two people, even twenty might not be enough to handle Ye Long!

After leaving Guimei KTV, Ye Long was in a rather good mood, having finally made his way into the KTV!

Thinking of Mei's enchanting figure, Ye Long got a bit excited; it had been a long time since he saw a woman with such a great figure!

The prospect of seeing such a gorgeous boss lady every day filled Ye Long with bliss.

Now that he had taken care of his job and had some money, the next thing for Ye Long to do was to spend it!

Money is meant to be spent, and with work starting tomorrow, Ye Long decided to buy a couple of decent clothes to spruce himself up and then pay his rent!

First off, Ye Long headed to a large shopping mall!

However, with his current attire, he did seem quite out of place in such a upscale place!

Ye Long looked like a young worker from the countryside, a purebred migrant worker!

But to Ye Long, his own outfit wasn't a cause for concern; he walked into the clothing section of the mall unbothered.

In the clothing section, salesgirls around twenty years old kept busily greeting customers walking by, but when Ye Long walked past the store, not a single one greeted him!

The sales staff have become good at picking out who has money and who doesn't at a glance!

And to them, Ye Long obviously looked like a migrant worker, not worth their time!

As such, some of the salesgirls couldn't help but give Ye Long looks of disdain as he passed by.

A migrant worker, dressed in clothes cheap enough to be sold on street stalls, had the audacity to shop for high-end brand clothes in a large mall?

Of course, Ye Long was completely oblivious to the salesgirls' looks, as he didn't even think in that direction.

He approached a shop, and a young woman in her twenties curled her lip unwillingly and came over.


The salesgirl's tone was perfunctory; obviously, if it had been a customer in a suit and leather shoes, wearing a branded watch and shoes, she would have excitedly rushed over!

But from a single glance at Ye Long's outfit—head-to-toe street stall goods, perhaps worth about a hundred yuan—how could he be expected to shop here?

Ye Long ignored the salesgirl and started browsing around the shop.

"That one looks good, bring it down for me to try on!" Ye Long pointed at a black T-shirt hanging on the wall and said.

The salesgirl showed no intention of getting it down and instead said, "Sir, that T-shirt is Armani, very expensive, it costs twelve hundred!"

Ye Long was no fool and clearly understood what the salesgirl meant; she was obviously looking down on him!

Of course, Ye Long didn't care; a normal person would definitely get angry, thinking that her attitude was clearly contemptuous, and would probably storm off in a huff!

But Ye Long just smiled and said, "Whether it's 'Armani' or whatever, can't I just try it on?"

Trying on clothes is a perfectly normal part of buying them, and this girl is just a sales assistant—obviously, she has no right to refuse.

Normally, after hearing such a comment, people like him would just leave; of course, they didn't care about a customer with no money!

But this time, the salesgirl miscalculated; Ye Long didn't leave but stubbornly wanted to try on the clothes!

With the customer insisting on a fitting, naturally, the salesgirl couldn't refuse, as doing so could lead to a complaint and a deduction from her wage.

"Fine, you can!" said the salesgirl, with a look of disdain and a contemptuous glance.

"What are you waiting for, then? Bring the clothes down," Ye Long said to the salesgirl.

Reluctantly, the salesgirl took down the clothes and handed them to Ye Long, saying, "Be careful, don't get it dirty!"

Ye Long reached out and just as he took the clothes, he let go, and the salesgirl's clothes fell onto the ground.

"Heh, I'm not in the mood anymore, not trying it on now, bye!" Ye Long grinned, hands in pockets, whistling as he left the shop because across the way, there was another shop just like it.

"A migrant worker, clearly only suited for stall goods, still dares to come here to shop!" the salesgirl scornfully watched Ye Long leave and then angrily put the clothes back on the rack.