
The Strongest Mage In A Ruined World

Dying after suffering from an illness without a cure, Adrian a sickly 17-year-old high schooler was pitied by the gods after they saw his life that was mostly devoid of happiness. Granting him a chance to reincarnate with his memories and their blessings, Adrian was reborn as the seventh prince of the Ragnar Kingdom with the hopes of doing things he couldn't do in his past life. But fate was sly. Forced to fight against his half-siblings after he was deemed a threat to the future Kings. But that was the least of Adrian's worries as a mysterious Organization had already locked its sights on him after finding out he was the key to their goal —plunge the world into eternal darkness thereby birthing chaos. With his life hanging by a thread after he was born, Adrian was left with two choices; solo his hardships in the Castle and die, or join the mysterious Organization and live. As for his answer, it was none. Cause who said he had to accept his fate?! Why leave your life in fate's hands?! If there is no third option why not make one?! Choosing to defy his fate despite the odds stacked against him, Adrian gradually shapes his destiny in a world where the strong rule and the line between good and evil is non-existent.

Sapa_X · Fantasie
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27 Chs

The Tower of gods

Adrian sighed as he watched people get off whatever they were currently on, he had his hands snuggly tucked in his robe's pocket and eyes moving through the bodies of those that were leaving.

He and other souls that were chosen by the gods were made to wait for reasons unknown to them. And honestly, it was starting to annoy some of them as they could be seen tapping their feet on the floor with frowns on their faces.

'I hope we leave here soon.' Barely able to control the excitement he felt after he thought about his reincarnation, Adrian closed his eyes while trying to remain calm.

Even though he didn't know where they were going, Adrian knew that someone of the white-haired man's caliber wouldn't go as low as to harm them. That's why only excitement filled him.

"Tch..." Glaring at Adrian from the corner of his eye, Dra's hatred for Adrian had already increased by a thousandfold.

Slowly raising his head after feeling a spiteful glare directed at him, Adrian stared at Dra for some time before having a smile bloom on his face.

Adrian's eyes were squinted as he mouthed. "I can still make you suffer some more."

"Hmph..." Only able to stare into Adrian's eyes for a few seconds before getting cold feet, Dra turned his head to the side with an aura of anger radiating from him.

'Despite being a Purple rank soul, he can make me afraid of him.' Dra said to himself feeling ashamed that he was afraid of someone ranked lower than himself in terms of existence.

Looking at Dra for a while, Adrian thought. 'Hope that bastard won't take it too far?'

It's not that he was afraid of Dra or anything he was just a little bit worried that Dra might do some shit that will affect his reincarnation.

'Na, I doubt he would.' Adrian said to himself taking his eyes off Dra before he stopped thinking about the latter messing with his reincarnation.

'Just a few more minutes and my second life is gonna begin.' Adrian thought as he closed his eyes.

Making sure that all other souls had left along with their guides, the man with the long white beard and hair looked graceful as he gradually approached them.

His white robes seemed to shine as he walked through the hall, his long white hair and beard fluttered gracefully in an unknown wind, and his body radiated a regal aura. In short, his current look would make some ignorant mortals call him a god.

With a weirdly shaped smile plastered on Adrian's face, he scratched the back of his head after he saw the man approach them.

Reminded of some certain movies he had watched when he saw the man's clothes flutter, Adrian asked himself. 'Where the hell did the wind come from?'

The man walked in front of them before turning to look at Adrian who was staring at him.

Emitting an oppressive aura, the man calmly said. "The name is Agius, ninth Charon under the service of the gods."

Barely controlling their urge to bow to Agius, the bodies of all that were gathered slightly trembled as they were barely able to breathe.

'This guy is a monster.'

'I'd get one shot if I dared to fight him.'

'This is the power of those under the gods.'

Even veterans who had spent their time threading between life and death all felt their legs become weak as they tried to resist the pressure.

The truth is none of them would have been able to stand if Agius had used the full power of his aura. This was the difference between someone at the peak and those who were still mortals.

"Let's go," Agius said turning his back to the group.

With the pressure they felt vanishing akin to thin air after Agius had turned his back to them, the group of souls was finally able to regain control of their bodies.

"Huff... Huff... That was terrifying." Adrian gasped for air wiping the side of his lips.


As they walked out of whatever they were on, the group's eyes were greeted by the sight of a rainbow-colored bridge that extended beyond the horizon.

Its surface was as thin as a sheet of paper and was reminiscent of a flowing stream, in it seemed to be billions of stars that shined akin to torches in the night sky, and as it moved it created tiny orbs of light ranging from gold, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple that floated around it.

Staring at the magical wonder underneath their feet, the group who were amazed were left with their mouths agape when they decided to look around.

A magnificent yet plain ship floated behind them. Its size was about five times that of a blue whale and it was made from beautiful yellow clouds. But that wasn't the only thing that left them shocked as not too far away from them, hundreds of other beautiful yellow ships littered the purple sky.

"Let's go," Agius said before folding his hands behind his back.

As if hearing his words, the bridge shook lightly before its colors gradually mixed into a beautiful white light.

Forced to close their eyes after the bridge became extremely bright, their bodies seemed to merge with the light.

With the bridge returning to how it initially looked, the group had appeared more than a thousand kilometers away from where they formerly were.

Having their eyes fall on a magnificent cylindrical silver building, the group was left with mouths agape and eyes wide as they admired its jaw-dropping beauty.

The building was covered from top to bottom with ancient runes that continuously pulsated in a divine glow —emitting a divine aura with each beat, the cracks that ran along its surface told how long it had withstood the tests of time, and its beautiful silver sheen complemented the starry night sky around them. In short, it was an architectural beauty with no match.

"What're you waiting for go in." 

Pulled out of their surprise by a hoarse yet regal voice, the group turned their heads to look behind them.

"This is as far as I go," Agius said with his face showing a mix of various emotions the more he walked away from the Tower. He remembered that the first time he came here was when his life changed.

Looking at the man for a few seconds, Adrian turned his head to once again stare at the magnificent Tower.

Unceremoniously walking towards one of the many entrances that littered the Tower's base, Adrian smiled as he anticipated the things his future held.

When he stepped into the Tower, his face had excitement which soon turned to shock then disappointment, and finally annoyance.

How things were on its inside were in stark contrast to what it looked outside, that was the reason for his rapid change in emotions.

Sighing as he saw beautiful people who were dressed up like mercenaries pull some people towards rooms or a weird-looking altar, Adrian thought that he had accidentally wandered into some sort of inn.

"Hey, kid you haven't taken your letter." A short black-haired average-looking man tapped Adrian's shoulder with a tired smile on his face.

The black-haired man stretched his right hand which was holding a white envelope towards Adrian.

"It'll take you to the god who picked you." Yawning as he talked, the man patted Adrian's shoulder before saying good luck.

Adrian gave the man a nod before watching as the letter gracefully floated into the air —leading him to the person who'll change his fate.