

A boy named alexander dies after publishing his fifth story due to a meteor shower. The being he meets says he's amused by the stories the boy wrote and will let him have five wishes with minor restrictions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- the cover is not mine. I do not own Marvel or its affiliated companies. the powers he uses are something I made up after listening to some stories like naruto or avatar. not expecting good feedback but please try to not say too many cusses because that might make kids learn those word.

Dominic_Zibuda · Filme
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4 Chs

CHP.2 M.c.u

<431 B.C.E Greece>

After waking up I take a look around my surroundings I see a lot of mountains and a city of some sort. While I walk to the city to see what time it is and where I am How about I look around the environment to find any monuments or something. Nope, nothing out of the ordinary just trees, stones, and the occasional animal now I'm halfway to the city I could run or fast walk but I like the environment. now I'm in the city and it's celebrating something too bad I can't understand. I see a few soldiers here and there oh and whenever someone sees my horns they get really scared. Then they start to shout and I can understand why they're scared I mean I look like a demon or the Greek equivalent.

< 5 years after the fall of Sparta.>

well, today was nice I learned I could hibernate or sleep. So until It is 300 years before canon is I'm not going into hibernation.

So I'm going to be doing basic things like trying to find some gods or goddesses, Make a base of operations, making Weaponry or animals that are symbolic to me, and then hibernate or try to make a few more powers or items that can be useful. I think the most basic item I can use could be a katana because you know swords are awesome. I'm going to make a new metal that is like never before seen. Because well the most basic metal that everyone has right now was iron or bronze and that's not going to cut it for me. maybe something like Uru can be useful wait a minute can I make Infinity Stones or something like those just to keep powers in them like having an absolute make infinity stone would be very very overpowered.

Well, for now, I will go to the Vikings because I want to know if I could live there, no offense Greece but I don't think you'll cut it.

Hmmm, I think after going to meet all the Norse Gods I will make a city like Wakanda for fun. (A/N. so I think there might be a few misconceptions about the mc's powers so I will go into detail about them ok first is the all elemental eyes what they do is give you the power to make and manipulate all elements and sub-elements. Next is A.M it allowed you to make any power/item/bloodline/anything so the idea of making infinity stones is on the table. Now A.C you can copy the traits of everything if you can think of it like copy the trait of helicopters to make you fly. last is the ability that's like quirks, quirks are very inefficient powers because they all have drawbacks except all for one)