
The Story About Me and the Girl Who Asked Me Out ver.2

So basically this is the story about our Mc, Matsuki Satoro and this girl Kira Miyoko. Kira asked him to go out with her, but , Matsuki hates the opposite gender. Matsuki accept her confession due to his own selfish and unreasonable reasons and that reason is, he wants to get his revenge on all girls. While Matsuki plans to use her as a stepping stone along the way for his goal, something went incredibly wrong. What could have possibly happened along the way? Will he be able to execute his plan or will someone get in his way? Find out by reading "The Story About Me and the girl who asked me out" [Note from the Author] This is the second version of the story I once wrote as a pantser, now I wrote it with plot, although I don't know if it is better or not, hope you find it enjoyable read despite my lackings Cover is mine

sm_yesa · realistisch
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36 Chs

Chapter 3: Holding Hands

[End of class]

"Matsuki... Uhm..." A voice interrupted me from packing my things in my bag, there I see Kira in front of me standing as brightly well mannered girl like a princess, but instead of being happy being approached by such a person, it was different, I feel shit. "Would you... like to go home together?"

"Huh? Taken aback by her sudden suggestion, made my body to react to involuntary stood up from my seat..

"Huh?" I uttered, "Sorry, but I don't think.." before I could finished she opened her mouth and talked softly.

"I-I mean... W-we're dating now, so... uhmm... that's..." Her voice trailed off as she leaned her head against my chest.

This.. she's doing this again? Is this some kind of her skill or something?... But sorry for you, I won't be agreeing with your logic.

I instinctively back away but she tried to get close. Trying to set some distance is not easy, huh.

This girl she's really getting aggressive. Sighed. Another task for her is to go home with me? I don't have time to play around today, I have work.'

"Sorry, I have work today," I said indifferently, pushing her away from me.

But what's worse? Her request didn't stop.

"Then, j-just hold my hand," she outstretched her hand in front of me, her voice a bit trembling. I looked at her hand, noticing the slight quiver.

I sighed, Is this girl forcing herself to do this?

"No." I said, directly going for her forehead and flick it

"Ah!.." she caress her forehead, "W-why?" she stammered.

"Why?, Well, let me ask you something then, why would I need to hold your hand?"

Well.. It's just..A sign that we're going out."

"Huh?... What kind of reasoning is that? And more importantly,You're hands are dirty."


Of course not, you idiot!

She looked at her hand in wonder, and suddenly, she rummage her bag in search of something, I saw her found a sprayer that looks like some sanitizer and used it. after that, she wiped her hand using her handkerchief...

"Here, it's all clean now, hehehe" She happily said and outstretched her hand, asking me to hold it.

What the hell did she just do?...

Isn't she supposed to be a dignified princess? she look like an idiot right now.

I sighed, realizing that I was running out of time and would likely be late for work.

"Kira, sorry but I really have no time right now, I need to work,"

Unlike a princess like you I have some work to do and need to do it to survive. Can't you understand that?"

"S-sorry.." she lowered her head in shame.

"And don't ever ask me hold your hand again, remember that! I'll hold your hand when I want to, Don't order me to do it...."

"....And don't you know that holding hands is lewd?"

"L-lewd?" she stammered, clearly caught off guard by my comment.

"Why are you even asking me to hold your hand in the first place?"

"W-well...We've been dating now for almost two days but..but.." She lowered her head and hold her hands together; she also hid her face as if she was embarrassed or something.

"..We haven't done it..h-holding hands!" She stammered.

"No way! That's lewd!" I unintentionally yelled to make her resolve waver.

She's asking me again something, it's probably one of her task too. Let's see... How do I get out of here?.. Is holding hands something so precious? I don't think so, but...

"Kira, I think you're underestimating the holding hands!" I firmly placed my hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes with utmost sincerity, as I continued, "Holding hands is much more lewd than intercourse! If you just look at it just normally, you're not gonna feel it, but holding hands is also a way for two person to become one, there's more to it than meets the eye!"

I confidently said, stating it as if it were an indisputable fact, but of course it is not, I had just made it up on the spot. the words felt awkward and cringe-worthy, but I had to say something to escape this situation.

I won't let her have her ways with me and I don't want to hold her hands, now is not the right time for that.

"R-really?" Kira stammered, her expression shifting to a mix of surprise and curiosity. She paused for a moment, deep in thought, and then continued, "I didn't know... So it is something more to be treasured, then. L-let's do i--"

"So now that you know, we shouldn't just do it right away, got it." I smiled and swiftly turned, making my way out of the classroom. I could hear Kira saying something behind me, but I didn't catch the words.


To avoid any potential scolding. I immediately rushed to my workplace, Luckily, I arrived on time and the manager greeted me with a smile, instructing me to change into my uniform and get to work.

I've been working at this bar for almost nine months, serving and pouring drinks for customers who seek companionship while they drink. I took up this job as a way to meet women and get used to them...Yeah that's my plan to begin with but... All of the customers here who drink are all men. I sighed inwardly as I see the usual old men customer.

Wiping a mirror-like glasses on, I carefully placed the glasses back on the shelf after I already finished wiping it.

I didn't expect Kira to be flustered by my words, but I guess my plan worked, right? After all, I managed to get away and didn't let her have her ways. Although, I can't help but wonder if Kira is not as smart and elegant as everyone always talks about. She's more like an idiot, she accept what I said and believe it...

"Matsuki, you've been grinning for a long time since you got here. Did something good happen?" a Childlike voice came from behind me. I turned to see Toka standing there.

"Not really," I replied indifferently.

"Oh, really? But I've been seeing you grinning there while wiping those glasses, is it that fun?"

"Get away from me!" I glared at her.

"Hehehe, you're always no fun."

"Do your thing on the customer not on me?"

"You're cold as ever. Then I'll head over there. The customer is calling me," Toka said cheerfully.

"..." Watching as she made her way to the customers and poured their drinks. She's in high spirit as always.

Toka is a junior in this work; she's a cheerful tiny girl, that always like to mess around and apparently she's the only girl who I get to interact here and as you can see I don't wanna get involved with someone like her who mess around everytime, she's kind of annoying sometimes too. I'm just trying to endure working with her.

"Pour me some!"

The usual old lady customer came towards the counter, " Ugh!" I remembered there's another woman besides Toka but... she's too old for me to think of her because she's at least in her 50s that's being left behind by her hair. she's such a bothersome as always.

"I'll be coming there, ma'am." I responded, trying to maintain a polite manner despite finding her quite bothersome.


She really can be quite bothersome from time to time, but it's all part of the job, so I headed to her, Ready to fulfill her request.


"Phew" that was exhausting, I'm glad it's finally over.

I leaned against the wall to catch my breath.

"Good work, you two!" said the manager, giving us a pat on the back. "We managed to serve the customers just like usual. Keep up the good work." *sigh* "If it weren't for you two, I wouldn't be able to keep this business running."

Our manager, Pedro Dalisay, a middle-aged man who appears to be around thirty-five, though he keeps his actual age a secret. Despite his age, he is pretty bulky and Strong.

I think he's been running this bar for a long time, and it seemed to be losing its fame before we came along. But ever since we started working here, there has been a noticeable increase in customers. Probably the reason why he always expresses his gratitude to us whenever we finish our shift.

"No worries, hehehe..." Toka cheerfully smiled, and as for me, I just bowed my head as a way of respect and gratitude. If it weren't for this job, I may not have been able to fill my wants.

"Then, we'll be going now. Thank you for today!" We both said, expressing our gratitude to the manager as we changed into our regular clothes..

I was about to cross the road when Toka suddenly tugged on my sleeves.

"Hmm..?" I glanced at her, slightly puzzled. Girls always seem to grab onto my sleeves. I couldn't help but worry about them getting torn off one day. The thought alone was enough to send shivers down my spine.

"Matsuki, uhm... You see... I need some help." She bit her lip nervously. "You see, I feel like someone's been stalking me. The way to home is really dark and scary, so... Could you please walk me home?"

I was taken aback, not only by what I had heard but also by the noticeable change in her manner of speaking. Her hands were trembling, and she was stuttering, which was unusual for her.

"A stalker, huh?" I mused, placing my hand on my chin as I contemplated the situation.

Her plea for help was heartfelt, and I could see the fear in her eyes. She reached out and held my hands tightly, her hand pulsing with anxiety. I couldn't ignore her distress but her request is a bit..

"Please! You're the only one I can ask," she pleaded, her eyes welling up with tears and her face taking on a pleading expression that resembled that of a distressed child.

I sighed, feeling my resolve weaken in the face of her vulnerable plea.

Hey, don't make that face! If you do that, I won't be able to refuse. Sighed, Why does she have to look like a child?

"Sigh, she must be really scared, it's unlikely for her to do this... I sighed once more, followed by, "Okay, I'll walk you home. Just keep 5 meters distance from me as I guide you home."

"Huh? But that's" she pulled my hand, "If you're going to walk me home, do it properly and hold my hands"

"Tsk! I think that would be unnecessary, so could you please put your hands away from me?"

I told her, but she held my hand tightly as if she didn't hear me and started walking and leading the way to her home.

I sighed and have no choice but to bear with it. After a few minutes, we reached an alley, and she said it was the only way to her home. With no other options, we continued walking through it.

Just as she had described, the alley was engulfed in darkness, with twisted trees, gnarled branches, and withered grass. I could feel Toka's hand trembling in mine, a clear indication of her fear.

I looked around from time to time to see if a stalker is around, but I didn't saw anyone following us.


finally exiting the alley, a convenience store came to view, and Toka is still silent hiding behind me. Sensing her unease, I decided to pause our steps and face her directly.

"Hey," I look into her eye,

"Why?" She asked.

"We're almost at your house now. Look, we've arrived at the convenience store, so it's not dark anymore."


"So could you please let go of me now?""

"No! I am still feeling uneasy, so at least let me hold your hand, it's fine even if it's sweaty."

"Well, sorry for a sweaty hand.." I got infuriated and held her hand tightly.

"Ah! Let's go into the convenience store. I'll treat you to some snacks," she said excitedly, pulling my hand as we walked towards the convenience store.

When we finally reached the entrance of the convenience store, the door coincidentally swung open, revealing a girl on the other side. Out of courtesy, we stepped back to let her exit before us.

A familiar girl stood on the other side, it was Kira, dressed casually in comfortable attire suitable for a late-night convenience store visit. She wore a simple long-sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans, projecting a relaxed and approachable vibe. Despite the unexpected encounter, Kira seemed curious and slightly surprised as she noticed me.

"Matsuki?" Her eyes widened in surprise as she locked eyes with me. It seemed that she was just as taken aback by our unexpected encounter as I was.


"You know each other, Matsuki?" Toka broke the silence and asked curiously.

"Oh, right. I do know her," I replied, running my hand through my hair and letting out a light laugh.

"Matsuki..." I felt a shiver run down my spine as Kira's presence seemed to exude a mysterious and almost devilish aura. Her intense gaze focused on my hand, where Toka's fingers were intertwined with mine.

"Who is she, Matsuki?" Kira asked with a smile, her tone filled with heaviness and a hint of something else.

"Oh, I'm Toka, Matsuki's coworker," Toka replied with a dazzling smile, tightening her grip on my hand. "And you?" she asked, directing her question to Kira.

"Me?" Kira taken aback by the reverse question, she tightened holding her hands,"

"I-im... I'm Matsuki's gir...gi..." Kira , trying to introduce herself."She's my class rep in school," I quickly interjected, cutting Kira off before she could finish her sentence. I blinked at Kira, giving her a subtle cue to play along with my statement. I didn't want Toka to get involved or think that Kira and I were dating for real. It was clear to me that Kira had her own motives for being with me, and I doubted it was because she genuinely loved me or anything like that.

"Huh?..." Kira seemed taken aback by my interruption.

I don't want the conversation to scale any further so I said: "Then, we'll be going now, it's pretty late now, so see you tomorrow..."

I said, letting go of Toka's hand and turning to walk away inside the store. However, I felt a familiar tug on my sleeve once again.

"Sigh," I turned and saw Kira with teary eyes. Surprised by her sudden outburst, I couldn't help but wonder why she was crying.

"I-uhmm..I-I..I am Matsuki's girlfriend!" she exclaimed loudly, forcefully pulled me away from Toka and clung onto my shoulder, her voice filled with anger. "Don't steal Matsuki from me!" she yelled, making her proclamation loud enough for everyone around us to hear.
